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Chapter 7

The UNIX File Systems (Solaris UFS and ZFS Linux EXT2, EXT3, EXT4, XFS, BFS)

In this chapter you will learn about the UNIX File Systems using Solaris Express platform. Although, Solaris Operating Systems uses both Unix File Systems (UFS) and Zettabyte File Systems (ZFS), in this chapter we cover the Zettabyte File Systems (ZFS). In addition, in this chapter you will learn about the Linux File Systems such as EXT2, EXT3, EXT4, XFS, and BFS in both Ubuntu and CentOS platforms.

Some of the features and functionality that the Zettabyte File Systems (ZFS) provides are listed as:

Ease of Use:

The Zittabytes File Systems (ZFS) was build from ground up with ease of use and ease of administration in mind. While there are a lot of options and arguments to each commands. There is only two main commands which are "zfs" and "zpool".

Data Integerity:

ZFS is designed with focused on data integrity, protecting the user's data against all sorts of corruptions that previous file systems could have not protected the data.

Storage Pools:

ZFS file systems are build on top of vitual storage pools called Zpools. The Zpool is made of of virtual devices which are aggregation of block devices.

ZFS Capacity:

ZFS is a 128-bit file systems. The traditiona UNIX File Systems (UFS) is a 64 bit file systems and which means ZFS can address a lot more than the previouse file systems.

Data Snapshots and Data Clonning

ZFS provides data snapshots and data clonning which are a snopshot of the data in a particular time. This is very fast and quick way to take an image or snapshot of the data and then can be restored or rolled back when needed.

Encryption, Copy on Write Transactional, Deduplication, Dynamic Striping, RAIDZ:

ZFS also provides Data Encryption, Copy on write or Transaction, Deduplication, Dynamic Striping and RAIDZ which is not explain here and is left as a homework for the readers.

In the below table, you will learn some of the examples and usage of the related commands for zfs and zpool for the Solaris and Mac OS X platform.

The UNIX File Systems (Solaris UFS and ZFS)

zfs zpool zfs list zpool list zfs get zfs set
zpool get zpool set zfs attach zfs detach zfs create zpool create
zfs destroy zpool destroy zpool import zpool offline zfs export zfs mirror
zfs snapshot zfs clone zfs rollback zpool rename zpool diff zpool attach
zpool detach zfs add zfs share zfs unshare zfs remove zpool status

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