Chapter 2 Basic UNIX and Linux Commands

In this chapter you will learn about the following Linux Ubuntu commands that are listed in the table below. When you click on each command, you will be provided with three sections:

  1. The 'whatis' section which describes what this command does.

  2. The 'man' section which shows the manual pages for command.

  3. The 'Example' section which provides you with some of the examples.

Select any command to start learning

banner cal cat clear date echo head hostname host id
info paste ps pwd uname less ls man mkdir more
pg ping dig nslookup atrm atq sort touch w who

Our YouTube Videos On Chapter 2

Chapter-2 Video one
My book "The Direct Path To Linux Ubuntu"
dedicated to my beloved late brother

Dr. Amanullah Lutfy (R.I.P)

Chapter 2
Linux Tutorial (Linux Basics in One Video)
Chapter-2 Linux Basics In Farsi (Dari)
Learn Linux Basics In Farsi (Dari)

Chapter 2
Basic UNIX and Linux Commands
Learn Linux Ubuntu With 50+ Examples
Chapter-2 Video two
Chapter2-P2 UNIX/LINUX Basic Commands
(cal cat clear date echo
head hostname host id info paste)
Chapter-2 Video three
Chapter2-P3 UNIX/LINUX Basic Commands
(echo head hostname host
id info paste ps pwd uname less)
Chapter-2 Video four
Chapter2-P4 UNIX/LINUX Basic Commands
(cat od chmod chown find clear
date ntpq grep sudo su -)
Chapter-2 Video five
Chapter2-P5 UNIX/LINUX Basic Commands
(date pwd pwdx ntpq ls stat
mkdir, echo head tail piping)
Chapter-2 Video six
Chapter2-P6 UNIX/LINUX Basic Commands
(man info paste Algorithm
Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi)
Chapter-2 Video seven

Chapter2-P7 UNIX/LINUX Basic Commands
(awk while read grep ps cd
pwd uname ls man -k paste)
Chapter-2 Video eight
Chapter2-P8 UNIX/LINUX Basic Commands
(systemd mkdir ls more pg
ping services nslookup dig)
Chapter-2 Video nine
Chapter2-P9 UNIX/LINUX Basic Commands:
(dig resolve.conf nslookup atrm
atq sort touch stat w who
Chapter-2 Video nine
How to use the UNIX/Linux 'cal' command?
Tutorial on top & htop (How To: What is top & htop)
Linux Tutorial
(How To: What is cat & zcat )

To better understand each command, you can also check some of the related documentation provided to you on the left side of this page under the "Refrences" section by clicking on each of the hypertext. For instance, you can read the Linux Ubuntu documentation which is in both in "HTML, and PDF" format by clicking on the Official Ubuntu Documentation, or read the UNIX and Linux manual pages for different flavors of UNIX and Linux at by clicking at UNIX and Linux Manual Pages. or see my latest update of LINUX ( Red Hat, Rocky, Ubuntu Manual Pages in PDF Format and Windows Help, Windows PowerShell Commands and Cmdlets in PDF format ) by clicking at LINUX and Windows Technical Docs in PDF Format

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