$ whatis zfs and zpool

In this section you are learning various example of zfs and zpool commands and their related arguments.


# hostname


# zfs list

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool 6.94G 32.9G 96K /rpool rpool/ROOT 5.05G 32.9G 31K legacy rpool/ROOT/solaris 5.05G 32.9G 4.74G / rpool/ROOT/solaris-1 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpj1Ny2J rpool/ROOT/solaris-10 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpidFnpl rpool/ROOT/solaris-11 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpf4zlZ3 rpool/ROOT/solaris-12 186K 32.9G 4.09G /tmp/tmp2Jpzc4 rpool/ROOT/solaris-2 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpeY9bJw rpool/ROOT/solaris-3 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpPHezjx rpool/ROOT/solaris-4 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmphjns0M rpool/ROOT/solaris-5 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpQAjzSW rpool/ROOT/solaris-6 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmp8JJac3 rpool/ROOT/solaris-7 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmp1r3nLp rpool/ROOT/solaris-8 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpD_hWS1 rpool/ROOT/solaris-9 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmppNs300 rpool/dump 511M 32.9G 511M - rpool/export 259M 32.9G 32K /export rpool/export/home 259M 32.9G 32K /export/home rpool/export/home/wahid 259M 32.9G 259M /export/home/wahid rpool/swap 1.14G 33.9G 127M -

# zpool list


# zfs list -t snapshot

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool@10-28-20111010am 0 - 96K - rpool@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 96K - rpool@Friday 0 - 96K - rpool/ROOT@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 31K - rpool/ROOT@Friday 0 - 31K - rpool/ROOT/solaris@install 30.7M - 3.34G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:29:39 137K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:29:46 136K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:31:20 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:32:28 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:33:13 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:33:41 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:36:51 136K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:36:57 136K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:38:47 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:39:38 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:45:01 176K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:50:34 498K - 4.09G - rpool/dump@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 511M - rpool/dump@Friday 0 - 511M - rpool/export@10-28-2011-1012 0 - 32K - rpool/export@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 32K - rpool/export@Friday 0 - 32K - rpool/swap@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 127M - rpool/swap@Friday 0 - 127M -

# zfs get all rpool

NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE rpool type filesystem - rpool creation Sun Feb 13 1:12 2011 - rpool used 6.94G - rpool available 32.9G - rpool referenced 96K - rpool compressratio 1.00x - rpool mounted yes - rpool quota none default rpool reservation none default rpool recordsize 128K default rpool mountpoint /rpool default rpool sharenfs off default rpool checksum on default rpool compression off default rpool atime on default rpool devices on default rpool exec on default rpool setuid on default rpool readonly off default rpool zoned off default rpool snapdir hidden default rpool aclinherit restricted default rpool canmount on default rpool xattr on default rpool copies 1 default rpool version 5 - rpool utf8only off - rpool normalization none - rpool casesensitivity sensitive - rpool vscan off default rpool nbmand off default rpool sharesmb off default rpool refquota none default rpool refreservation none default rpool primarycache all default rpool secondarycache all default rpool usedbysnapshots 0 - rpool usedbydataset 96K - rpool usedbychildren 6.94G - rpool usedbyrefreservation 0 - rpool logbias latency default rpool dedup off default rpool mlslabel none default rpool sync standard default rpool encryption off - rpool keysource none default rpool keystatus none - rpool rekeydate - default rpool rstchown on default rpool org.opensolaris.caiman:install ready local

# zfs get mounted rpool

NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE rpool mounted yes -

# zfs get mountpoint rpool

NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE rpool mountpoint /rpool default

# df -h

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on rpool/ROOT/solaris 38G 4.8G 33G 13% / swap 946M 432K 945M 1% /etc/svc/volatile /usr/lib/libc/ 38G 4.8G 33G 13% /lib/ swap 945M 52K 945M 1% /tmp swap 945M 76K 945M 1% /var/run rpool/export 33G 32K 33G 1% /export rpool/export/home 33G 32K 33G 1% /export/home rpool/export/home/wahid 34G 259M 33G 1% /export/home/wahid rpool 33G 96K 33G 1% /rpool /export/home/wahid 34G 259M 33G 1% /home/wahid

# format

Searching for disks...done AVAILABLE DISK SELECTIONS: 0. c7t0d0 /pci@0,0/pci8086,2829@d/disk@0,0 Specify disk (enter its number): 0 selecting c7t0d0 [disk formatted] /dev/dsk/c7t0d0s0 is part of active ZFS pool rpool. Please see zpool(1M). FORMAT MENU: disk - select a disk type - select (define) a disk type partition - select (define) a partition table current - describe the current disk format - format and analyze the disk fdisk - run the fdisk program repair - repair a defective sector label - write label to the disk analyze - surface analysis defect - defect list management backup - search for backup labels verify - read and display labels save - save new disk/partition definitions inquiry - show vendor, product and revision volname - set 8-character volume name ! - execute , then return quit format> p PARTITION MENU: 0 - change `0' partition 1 - change `1' partition 2 - change `2' partition 3 - change `3' partition 4 - change `4' partition 5 - change `5' partition 6 - change `6' partition 7 - change `7' partition select - select a predefined table modify - modify a predefined partition table name - name the current table print - display the current table label - write partition map and label to the disk ! - execute , then return quit partition> p Current partition table (original): Total disk cylinders available: 5290 + 2 (reserved cylinders) Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks 0 root wm 1 - 5289 40.52GB (5289/0/0) 84967785 1 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0 2 backup wu 0 - 5289 40.52GB (5290/0/0) 84983850 3 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0 4 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0 5 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0 6 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0 7 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0 8 boot wu 0 - 0 7.84MB (1/0/0) 16065 9 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0 partition> quit FORMAT MENU: disk - select a disk type - select (define) a disk type partition - select (define) a partition table current - describe the current disk format - format and analyze the disk fdisk - run the fdisk program repair - repair a defective sector label - write label to the disk analyze - surface analysis defect - defect list management backup - search for backup labels verify - read and display labels save - save new disk/partition definitions inquiry - show vendor, product and revision volname - set 8-character volume name ! - execute , then return quit format> quit

# prtvtoc /dev/dsk/c7t0d0

prtvtoc: /dev/dsk/c7t0d0: No such file or directory

# prtvtoc /dev/dsk/c7t0d00s2

* /dev/dsk/c7t0d0s2 partition map * * Dimensions: * 512 bytes/sector * 63 sectors/track * 255 tracks/cylinder * 16065 sectors/cylinder * 5292 cylinders * 5290 accessible cylinders * * Flags: * 1: unmountable * 10: read-only * * Unallocated space: * First Sector Last * Sector Count Sector * 0 16065 16064 * * First Sector Last * Partition Tag Flags Sector Count Sector Mount Directory 0 2 00 16065 84967785 84983849 2 5 01 0 84983850 84983849 8 1 01 0 16065 16064

# zpool list


# zfs list rpool/myfs1

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool/myfs1 31K 32.9G 31K /rpool/myfs1

# zfs get all rpool/myfs1

NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE rpool/myfs1 type filesystem - rpool/myfs1 creation Sun Oct 30 20:21 2011 - rpool/myfs1 used 31K - rpool/myfs1 available 32.9G - rpool/myfs1 referenced 31K - rpool/myfs1 compressratio 1.00x - rpool/myfs1 mounted yes - rpool/myfs1 quota none default rpool/myfs1 reservation none default rpool/myfs1 recordsize 128K default rpool/myfs1 mountpoint /rpool/myfs1 default rpool/myfs1 sharenfs off default rpool/myfs1 checksum on default rpool/myfs1 compression off default rpool/myfs1 atime on default rpool/myfs1 devices on default rpool/myfs1 exec on default rpool/myfs1 setuid on default rpool/myfs1 readonly off default rpool/myfs1 zoned off default rpool/myfs1 snapdir hidden default rpool/myfs1 aclinherit restricted default rpool/myfs1 canmount on default rpool/myfs1 xattr on default rpool/myfs1 copies 1 default rpool/myfs1 version 5 - rpool/myfs1 utf8only off - rpool/myfs1 normalization none - rpool/myfs1 casesensitivity sensitive - rpool/myfs1 vscan off default rpool/myfs1 nbmand off default rpool/myfs1 sharesmb off default rpool/myfs1 refquota none default rpool/myfs1 refreservation none default rpool/myfs1 primarycache all default rpool/myfs1 secondarycache all default rpool/myfs1 usedbysnapshots 0 - rpool/myfs1 usedbydataset 31K - rpool/myfs1 usedbychildren 0 - rpool/myfs1 usedbyrefreservation 0 - rpool/myfs1 logbias latency default rpool/myfs1 dedup off default rpool/myfs1 mlslabel none default rpool/myfs1 sync standard default rpool/myfs1 encryption off - rpool/myfs1 keysource none default rpool/myfs1 keystatus none - rpool/myfs1 rekeydate - default rpool/myfs1 rstchown on default rpool/myfs1 org.opensolaris.caiman:install ready inherited from rpool

# zfs list rpool/myfs1

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool/myfs1 31K 32.9G 31K /rpool/myfs1

# zfs get mountpoint rpool/myfs1

NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE rpool/myfs1 mountpoint /rpool/myfs1 default

# zfs get mounted rpool/myfs1

NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE rpool/myfs1 mounted yes -

# cd /rpool/myfs1

# pwd


# ls -la

total 3 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 2 2011-10-30 20:21 . drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 5 2011-10-30 20:21 ..

# pwd


# mkfile 10m tenmegfile

# ls -l

total 8451 -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 20:25 tenmegfile

# du -sh tenmegfile

11M tenmegfile

# file *

tenmegfile: English text

# du -sh *

11M tenmegfile

# ls -la

total 10246 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 3 2011-10-30 20:25 . drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 5 2011-10-30 20:21 .. -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 20:25 tenmegfile

# touch this

# ls -l this

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2011-10-30 20:26 this

# rm this

# ls -la

total 10246 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 3 2011-10-30 20:26 . drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 5 2011-10-30 20:21 .. -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 20:25 tenmegfile

# mkfile 5m fivemegfile

# ls -l

total 10243 -rw------T 1 root root 5242880 2011-10-30 20:26 fivemegfile -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 20:25 tenmegfile

# du -sh *

512 fivemegfile 11M tenmegfile

# ls -la

total 15368 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4 2011-10-30 20:26 . drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 5 2011-10-30 20:21 .. -rw------T 1 root root 5242880 2011-10-30 20:26 fivemegfile -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 20:25 tenmegfile

# du -sh *

5.1M fivemegfile 11M tenmegfile

# pwd


# zfs list rpool/myfs1

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool/myfs1 15.0M 32.9G 15.0M /rpool/myfs1

# pwd


# zfs snapshot rpool/myfs1@Sunday

# zfs list -t snapshot rpool/myfs1

cannot open 'rpool/myfs1': operation not applicable to datasets of this type

# zfs list -t snapshot rpool/myfs1@Sunday

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool/myfs1@Sunday 0 - 15.0M -

# zfs list -t snapshot rpool/myfs1@Sunday

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool@10-28-20111010am 0 - 96K - rpool@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 96K - rpool@Friday 0 - 96K - rpool/ROOT@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 31K - rpool/ROOT@Friday 0 - 31K - rpool/ROOT/solaris@install 30.7M - 3.34G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:29:39 137K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:29:46 136K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:31:20 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:32:28 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:33:13 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:33:41 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:36:51 136K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:36:57 136K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:38:47 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:39:38 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:45:01 176K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:50:34 498K - 4.09G - rpool/dump@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 511M - rpool/dump@Friday 0 - 511M - rpool/export@10-28-2011-1012 0 - 32K - rpool/export@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 32K - rpool/export@Friday 0 - 32K - rpool/myfs1@Sunday 0 - 15.0M - rpool/swap@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 127M - rpool/swap@Friday 0 - 127M -

# zfs list -t snapshot rpool/myfs1@Sunday

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool/myfs1@Sunday 0 - 15.0M -

# zfs list -t snapshot rpool/myfs1@Sunday

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool/myfs1@Sunday 0 - 15.0M -

# pwd


# ls -la

total 15368 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4 2011-10-30 20:26 . drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 5 2011-10-30 20:21 .. -rw------T 1 root root 5242880 2011-10-30 20:26 fivemegfile -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 20:25 tenmegfile

# zfs list -t snapshot

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool@10-28-20111010am 0 - 96K - rpool@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 96K - rpool@Friday 0 - 96K - rpool/ROOT@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 31K - rpool/ROOT@Friday 0 - 31K - rpool/ROOT/solaris@install 30.7M - 3.34G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:29:39 137K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:29:46 136K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:31:20 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:32:28 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:33:13 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:33:41 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:36:51 136K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:36:57 136K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:38:47 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:39:38 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:45:01 176K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:50:34 498K - 4.09G - rpool/dump@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 511M - rpool/dump@Friday 0 - 511M - rpool/export@10-28-2011-1012 0 - 32K - rpool/export@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 32K - rpool/export@Friday 0 - 32K - rpool/myfs1@Sunday 0 - 15.0M - rpool/swap@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 127M - rpool/swap@Friday 0 - 127M -

# zfs destroy rpool/myfs1@Sunday

# zfs list -t snapshot

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool@10-28-20111010am 0 - 96K - rpool@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 96K - rpool@Friday 0 - 96K - rpool/ROOT@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 31K - rpool/ROOT@Friday 0 - 31K - rpool/ROOT/solaris@install 30.7M - 3.34G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:29:39 137K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:29:46 136K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:31:20 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:32:28 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:33:13 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:33:41 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:36:51 136K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:36:57 136K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:38:47 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:39:38 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:45:01 176K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:50:34 498K - 4.09G - rpool/dump@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 511M - rpool/dump@Friday 0 - 511M - rpool/export@10-28-2011-1012 0 - 32K - rpool/export@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 32K - rpool/export@Friday 0 - 32K - rpool/swap@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 127M - rpool/swap@Friday 0 - 127M -

# zfs list

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool 6.96G 32.9G 97K /rpool rpool/ROOT 5.05G 32.9G 31K legacy rpool/ROOT/solaris 5.05G 32.9G 4.74G / rpool/ROOT/solaris-1 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpj1Ny2J rpool/ROOT/solaris-10 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpidFnpl rpool/ROOT/solaris-11 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpf4zlZ3 rpool/ROOT/solaris-12 186K 32.9G 4.09G /tmp/tmp2Jpzc4 rpool/ROOT/solaris-2 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpeY9bJw rpool/ROOT/solaris-3 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpPHezjx rpool/ROOT/solaris-4 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmphjns0M rpool/ROOT/solaris-5 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpQAjzSW rpool/ROOT/solaris-6 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmp8JJac3 rpool/ROOT/solaris-7 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmp1r3nLp rpool/ROOT/solaris-8 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpD_hWS1 rpool/ROOT/solaris-9 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmppNs300 rpool/dump 511M 32.9G 511M - rpool/export 259M 32.9G 32K /export rpool/export/home 259M 32.9G 32K /export/home rpool/export/home/wahid 259M 32.9G 259M /export/home/wahid rpool/myfs1 15.0M 32.9G 15.0M /rpool/myfs1 rpool/swap 1.14G 33.9G 127M -

# zfs list rpoo/l/myfs1

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool/myfs1 15.0M 32.9G 15.0M /rpool/myfs1

# zpool list rpool


# zfs get all rpool/myfs1

NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE rpool/myfs1 type filesystem - rpool/myfs1 creation Sun Oct 30 20:21 2011 - rpool/myfs1 used 15.0M - rpool/myfs1 available 32.9G - rpool/myfs1 referenced 15.0M - rpool/myfs1 compressratio 1.00x - rpool/myfs1 mounted yes - rpool/myfs1 quota none default rpool/myfs1 reservation none default rpool/myfs1 recordsize 128K default rpool/myfs1 mountpoint /rpool/myfs1 default rpool/myfs1 sharenfs off default rpool/myfs1 checksum on default rpool/myfs1 compression off default rpool/myfs1 atime on default rpool/myfs1 devices on default rpool/myfs1 exec on default rpool/myfs1 setuid on default rpool/myfs1 readonly off default rpool/myfs1 zoned off default rpool/myfs1 snapdir hidden default rpool/myfs1 aclinherit restricted default rpool/myfs1 canmount on default rpool/myfs1 xattr on default rpool/myfs1 copies 1 default rpool/myfs1 version 5 - rpool/myfs1 utf8only off - rpool/myfs1 normalization none - rpool/myfs1 casesensitivity sensitive - rpool/myfs1 vscan off default rpool/myfs1 nbmand off default rpool/myfs1 sharesmb off default rpool/myfs1 refquota none default rpool/myfs1 refreservation none default rpool/myfs1 primarycache all default rpool/myfs1 secondarycache all default rpool/myfs1 usedbysnapshots 0 - rpool/myfs1 usedbydataset 15.0M - rpool/myfs1 usedbychildren 0 - rpool/myfs1 usedbyrefreservation 0 - rpool/myfs1 logbias latency default rpool/myfs1 dedup off default rpool/myfs1 mlslabel none default rpool/myfs1 sync standard default rpool/myfs1 encryption off - rpool/myfs1 keysource none default rpool/myfs1 keystatus none - rpool/myfs1 rekeydate - default rpool/myfs1 rstchown on default rpool/myfs1 org.opensolaris.caiman:install ready inherited from rpool

# df -h

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on rpool/ROOT/solaris 38G 4.8G 33G 13% / swap 921M 432K 921M 1% /etc/svc/volatile /usr/lib/libc/ 38G 4.8G 33G 13% /lib/ swap 921M 52K 921M 1% /tmp swap 921M 76K 921M 1% /var/run rpool/export 33G 32K 33G 1% /export rpool/export/home 33G 32K 33G 1% /export/home rpool/export/home/wahid 34G 259M 33G 1% /export/home/wahid rpool 33G 97K 33G 1% /rpool /export/home/wahid 34G 259M 33G 1% /home/wahid rpool/myfs1 33G 16M 33G 1% /rpool/myfs1

# zfs get quota /rrpool/myfs1

NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE rpool/myfs1 quota none default

# zfs set quota=50m /rpoool/myfs1

cannot open '/rpool/myfs1': invalid dataset name

# zfs set quota=50m /rpool/myfs1

# zfs get quota rpool/myfs1

NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE rpool/myfs1 quota 50M local

# zfs set quota=60m /rpool/myfs1

# zfs get quota /rpool/myfs1

NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE rpool/myfs1 quota 60M local

# zfs set quota=200m rpool/myfs1

NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE rpool/myfs1 quota 40M local

# zfs get quota rpool/myfs1

NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE rpool/myfs1 quota 200M local

# zfs set reservation=50m rpool/myfs1/wahid

# zfs get reservation rpool/myfs1

NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE rpool/myfs1 reservation 50M local

# zfs get all /rpool/myfs1

NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE rpool/myfs1 type filesystem - rpool/myfs1 creation Sun Oct 30 20:21 2011 - rpool/myfs1 used 15.0M - rpool/myfs1 available 185M - rpool/myfs1 referenced 15.0M - rpool/myfs1 compressratio 1.00x - rpool/myfs1 mounted yes - rpool/myfs1 quota 200M local rpool/myfs1 reservation 50M local rpool/myfs1 recordsize 128K default rpool/myfs1 mountpoint /rpool/myfs1 default rpool/myfs1 sharenfs off default rpool/myfs1 checksum on default rpool/myfs1 compression off default rpool/myfs1 atime on default rpool/myfs1 devices on default rpool/myfs1 exec on default rpool/myfs1 setuid on default rpool/myfs1 readonly off default rpool/myfs1 zoned off default rpool/myfs1 snapdir hidden default rpool/myfs1 aclinherit restricted default rpool/myfs1 canmount on default rpool/myfs1 xattr on default rpool/myfs1 copies 1 default rpool/myfs1 version 5 - rpool/myfs1 utf8only off - rpool/myfs1 normalization none - rpool/myfs1 casesensitivity sensitive - rpool/myfs1 vscan off default rpool/myfs1 nbmand off default rpool/myfs1 sharesmb off default rpool/myfs1 refquota none default rpool/myfs1 refreservation none default rpool/myfs1 primarycache all default rpool/myfs1 secondarycache all default rpool/myfs1 usedbysnapshots 0 - rpool/myfs1 usedbydataset 15.0M - rpool/myfs1 usedbychildren 0 - rpool/myfs1 usedbyrefreservation 0 - rpool/myfs1 logbias latency default rpool/myfs1 dedup off default rpool/myfs1 mlslabel none default rpool/myfs1 sync standard default rpool/myfs1 encryption off - rpool/myfs1 keysource none default rpool/myfs1 keystatus none - rpool/myfs1 rekeydate - default rpool/myfs1 rstchown on default rpool/myfs1 org.opensolaris.caiman:install ready inherited from rpool

# zfs list -t snapshot rpool/myfs1@Sunday

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool/myfs1@Sunday 0 - 15.0M -

# zfs list -t | grep -i sunday

rpool/myfs1@Sunday 0 - 15.0M - #zfs list -t snapshot rpool/myfs1@Sunday NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool/myfs1@Sunday 0 - 15.0M -

# zfs clone rpool/myfs1@Sunday rpool/myfs2

# df -h | grep myfs

rpool/myfs1 200M 16M 185M 8% /rpool/myfs1 rpool/myfs2 33G 16M 33G 1% /rpool/myfs2

# diff /rpool/myfs1 /rpool/myfs2

# echo $?


# zfs get rpool/myfs1

bad property list: invalid property 'rpool/myfs1' usage: get [-rHp] [-d max] [-o "all" | field[,...]] [-s source[,...]] <"all" | property[,...]> [filesystem|volume|snapshot] ... The following properties are supported: PROPERTY EDIT INHERIT VALUES available NO NO compressratio NO NO <1.00x or higher if compressed> creation NO NO defer_destroy NO NO yes | no keystatus NO NO undefined | unavailable | available mounted NO NO yes | no origin NO NO referenced NO NO rekeydate NO NO type NO NO filesystem | volume | snapshot used NO NO usedbychildren NO NO usedbydataset NO NO usedbyrefreservation NO NO usedbysnapshots NO NO userrefs NO NO aclinherit YES YES discard | noallow | restricted | passthrough | passthrough-x atime YES YES on | off canmount YES NO on | off | noauto casesensitivity NO YES sensitive | insensitive | mixed checksum YES YES on | off | fletcher2 | fletcher4 | sha256 compression YES YES on | off | lzjb | gzip | gzip-[1-9] | zle copies YES YES 1 | 2 | 3 dedup YES YES on | off | verify | sha256[,verify] devices YES YES on | off encryption NO YES on | off | aes-128-ccm | aes-192-ccm | aes-256-ccm | aes-128-gcm | aes-192-gcm | aes-256-gcm exec YES YES on | off keysource YES YES raw | hex | passphrase,prompt | file:// logbias YES YES latency | throughput mlslabel YES YES mountpoint YES YES | legacy | none nbmand YES YES on | off normalization NO YES none | formC | formD | formKC | formKD primarycache YES YES all | none | metadata quota YES NO | none readonly YES YES on | off recordsize YES YES 512 to 128k, power of 2 refquota YES NO | none refreservation YES NO | none reservation YES NO | none rstchown YES YES on | off secondarycache YES YES all | none | metadata setuid YES YES on | off sharenfs YES YES on | off | share(1M) options sharesmb YES YES on | off | sharemgr(1M) options snapdir YES YES hidden | visible sync YES YES standard | always | disabled utf8only NO YES on | off version YES NO 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | current volblocksize NO YES 512 to 128k, power of 2 volsize YES NO vscan YES YES on | off xattr YES YES on | off zoned YES YES on | off userused@... NO NO groupused@... NO NO userquota@... YES NO | none groupquota@... YES NO | none Sizes are specified in bytes with standard units such as K, M, G, etc. User-defined properties can be specified by using a name containing a colon (:). The {user|group}{used|quota}@ properties must be appended with a user or group specifier of one of these forms: POSIX name (eg: "matt") POSIX id (eg: "126829") SMB name@domain (eg: "matt@sun") SMB SID (eg: "S-1-234-567-89")

# zfs get all rpool/myfs1

NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE rpool/myfs1 type filesystem - rpool/myfs1 creation Sun Oct 30 20:21 2011 - rpool/myfs1 used 15.0M - rpool/myfs1 available 185M - rpool/myfs1 referenced 15.0M - rpool/myfs1 compressratio 1.00x - rpool/myfs1 mounted yes - rpool/myfs1 quota 200M local rpool/myfs1 reservation 50M local rpool/myfs1 recordsize 128K default rpool/myfs1 mountpoint /rpool/myfs1 default rpool/myfs1 sharenfs off default rpool/myfs1 checksum on default rpool/myfs1 compression off default rpool/myfs1 atime on default rpool/myfs1 devices on default rpool/myfs1 exec on default rpool/myfs1 setuid on default rpool/myfs1 readonly off default rpool/myfs1 zoned off default rpool/myfs1 snapdir hidden default rpool/myfs1 aclinherit restricted default rpool/myfs1 canmount on default rpool/myfs1 xattr on default rpool/myfs1 copies 1 default rpool/myfs1 version 5 - rpool/myfs1 utf8only off - rpool/myfs1 normalization none - rpool/myfs1 casesensitivity sensitive - rpool/myfs1 vscan off default rpool/myfs1 nbmand off default rpool/myfs1 sharesmb off default rpool/myfs1 refquota none default rpool/myfs1 refreservation none default rpool/myfs1 primarycache all default rpool/myfs1 secondarycache all default rpool/myfs1 usedbysnapshots 0 - rpool/myfs1 usedbydataset 15.0M - rpool/myfs1 usedbychildren 0 - rpool/myfs1 usedbyrefreservation 0 - rpool/myfs1 logbias latency default rpool/myfs1 dedup off default rpool/myfs1 mlslabel none default rpool/myfs1 sync standard default rpool/myfs1 encryption off - rpool/myfs1 keysource none default rpool/myfs1 keystatus none - rpool/myfs1 rekeydate - default rpool/myfs1 rstchown on default rpool/myfs1 org.opensolaris.caiman:install ready inherited from rpool

# zfs get all rpool/myfs12

NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE rpool/myfs2 type filesystem - rpool/myfs2 creation Sun Oct 30 20:45 2011 - rpool/myfs2 used 19K - rpool/myfs2 available 32.9G - rpool/myfs2 referenced 15.0M - rpool/myfs2 compressratio 1.00x - rpool/myfs2 mounted yes - rpool/myfs2 origin rpool/myfs1@Sunday - rpool/myfs2 quota none default rpool/myfs2 reservation none default rpool/myfs2 recordsize 128K default rpool/myfs2 mountpoint /rpool/myfs2 default rpool/myfs2 sharenfs off default rpool/myfs2 checksum on default rpool/myfs2 compression off default rpool/myfs2 atime on default rpool/myfs2 devices on default rpool/myfs2 exec on default rpool/myfs2 setuid on default rpool/myfs2 readonly off default rpool/myfs2 zoned off default rpool/myfs2 snapdir hidden default rpool/myfs2 aclinherit restricted default rpool/myfs2 canmount on default rpool/myfs2 xattr on default rpool/myfs2 copies 1 default rpool/myfs2 version 5 - rpool/myfs2 utf8only off - rpool/myfs2 normalization none - rpool/myfs2 casesensitivity sensitive - rpool/myfs2 vscan off default rpool/myfs2 nbmand off default rpool/myfs2 sharesmb off default rpool/myfs2 refquota none default rpool/myfs2 refreservation none default rpool/myfs2 primarycache all default rpool/myfs2 secondarycache all default rpool/myfs2 usedbysnapshots 0 - rpool/myfs2 usedbydataset 19K - rpool/myfs2 usedbychildren 0 - rpool/myfs2 usedbyrefreservation 0 - rpool/myfs2 logbias latency default rpool/myfs2 dedup off default rpool/myfs2 mlslabel none default rpool/myfs2 sync standard default rpool/myfs2 encryption off - rpool/myfs2 keysource none default rpool/myfs2 keystatus none - rpool/myfs2 rekeydate - default rpool/myfs2 rstchown on default rpool/myfs2 org.opensolaris.caiman:install ready inherited from rpool

# zfs get mount rpool/myfs2

NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE rpool/myfs2 mounted yes - #zfs get mounted rpool/myfs1 NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE rpool/myfs1 mounted yes -

# zfs get mountpoint rpool/myfs2

NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE rpool/myfs2 mountpoint /rpool/myfs2 default

# zfs get quota rpool/myfs1

NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE rpool/myfs1 quota 200M local

# zfs get quota rpool/myfs2

NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE rpool/myfs2 quota none default #zfs set get quota rpool/myfs2 NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE rpool/myfs2 quota 50G local

# zfs get quota rpool/myfs1

NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE rpool/myfs1 quota 200M local

# zfs destroy rpool/myfs2

# zfs list rpool/myfs2

cannot open 'rpool/myfs2': dataset does not exist #zfs list rpool/myfs2 cannot open 'rpool/myfs2': dataset does not exist

# zfs list -t snapshot rpool/myfs1

cannot open 'rpool/myfs1': operation not applicable to datasets of this type

# zfs list -t snapshot

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool@10-28-20111010am 0 - 96K - rpool@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 96K - rpool@Friday 0 - 96K - rpool/ROOT@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 31K - rpool/ROOT@Friday 0 - 31K - rpool/ROOT/solaris@install 30.7M - 3.34G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:29:39 137K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:29:46 136K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:31:20 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:32:28 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:33:13 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:33:41 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:36:51 136K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:36:57 136K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:38:47 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:39:38 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:45:01 176K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:50:34 498K - 4.09G - rpool/dump@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 511M - rpool/dump@Friday 0 - 511M - rpool/export@10-28-2011-1012 0 - 32K - rpool/export@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 32K - rpool/export@Friday 0 - 32K - rpool/myfs1@Sunday 0 - 15.0M - rpool/swap@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 127M - rpool/swap@Friday 0 - 127M -

# zfs list -t snapshot rpool/myfs1@Sunday

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool/myfs1@Sunday 0 - 15.0M -

# pwd


# zfs clone rpool/myfs1@Sunday rpool/myfs1-clone

# zfs list rpool/myfs1

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool/myfs1 15.0M 185M 15.0M /rpool/myfs1

# zfs list rpool/myfs1=-clone

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool/myfs1-clone 1K 32.9G 15.0M /rpool/myfs1-clone

# df -h

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on rpool/ROOT/solaris 38G 4.8G 33G 13% / swap 904M 432K 903M 1% /etc/svc/volatile /usr/lib/libc/ 38G 4.8G 33G 13% /lib/ swap 903M 52K 903M 1% /tmp swap 904M 76K 903M 1% /var/run rpool/export 33G 32K 33G 1% /export rpool/export/home 33G 32K 33G 1% /export/home rpool/export/home/wahid 34G 259M 33G 1% /export/home/wahid rpool 33G 98K 33G 1% /rpool /export/home/wahid 34G 259M 33G 1% /home/wahid rpool/myfs1 200M 16M 185M 8% /rpool/myfs1 rpool/myfs1-clone 33G 16M 33G 1% /rpool/myfs1-clone

# diff /rpool/myfs1 /rpool/myfs1-clone

# zfs rename /rpool/myfs1-clone rpool/myfs2

# df -h | grep myfs

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on rpool/myfs1 200M 16M 185M 8% /rpool/myfs1 rpool/myfs2 33G 16M 33G 1% /rpool/myfs2

# zfs get all rpool/myfs2

NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE rpool/myfs2 type filesystem - rpool/myfs2 creation Sun Oct 30 20:52 2011 - rpool/myfs2 used 19K - rpool/myfs2 available 32.9G - rpool/myfs2 referenced 15.0M - rpool/myfs2 compressratio 1.00x - rpool/myfs2 mounted yes - rpool/myfs2 origin rpool/myfs1@Sunday - rpool/myfs2 quota none default rpool/myfs2 reservation none default rpool/myfs2 recordsize 128K default rpool/myfs2 mountpoint /rpool/myfs2 default rpool/myfs2 sharenfs off default rpool/myfs2 checksum on default rpool/myfs2 compression off default rpool/myfs2 atime on default rpool/myfs2 devices on default rpool/myfs2 exec on default rpool/myfs2 setuid on default rpool/myfs2 readonly off default rpool/myfs2 zoned off default rpool/myfs2 snapdir hidden default rpool/myfs2 aclinherit restricted default rpool/myfs2 canmount on default rpool/myfs2 xattr on default rpool/myfs2 copies 1 default rpool/myfs2 version 5 - rpool/myfs2 utf8only off - rpool/myfs2 normalization none - rpool/myfs2 casesensitivity sensitive - rpool/myfs2 vscan off default rpool/myfs2 nbmand off default rpool/myfs2 sharesmb off default rpool/myfs2 refquota none default rpool/myfs2 refreservation none default rpool/myfs2 primarycache all default rpool/myfs2 secondarycache all default rpool/myfs2 usedbysnapshots 0 - rpool/myfs2 usedbydataset 19K - rpool/myfs2 usedbychildren 0 - rpool/myfs2 usedbyrefreservation 0 - rpool/myfs2 logbias latency default rpool/myfs2 dedup off default rpool/myfs2 mlslabel none default rpool/myfs2 sync standard default rpool/myfs2 encryption off - rpool/myfs2 keysource none default rpool/myfs2 keystatus none - rpool/myfs2 rekeydate - default rpool/myfs2 rstchown on default rpool/myfs2 org.opensolaris.caiman:install ready inherited from rpool

# ls -la

total 5047 drwx------ 4 root root 12 2011-10-04 13:21 . drwxr-xr-x 24 root staff 26 2011-10-24 09:41 .. -rw------- 1 root root 7433 2011-10-30 02:22 .bash_history -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 280 2010-11-05 08:02 .bashrc drwx------ 2 root root 2 2011-10-26 21:30 .gconf -rw------- 1 root root 55 2011-10-28 10:53 .lesshst -rw------- 1 root root 8121 2011-10-04 13:21 .mysql_history -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 530 2010-11-05 08:02 .profile -rw------- 1 root root 12630 2011-09-07 04:29 .sh_history drwx------ 2 root root 3 2011-02-18 20:51 .ssh -rw------- 1 root root 4579747 2011-09-11 10:00 core -rw------- 1 root root 522054 2011-10-30 20:00 dead.letter

# df -h

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on rpool/ROOT/solaris 38G 4.8G 33G 13% / swap 904M 432K 903M 1% /etc/svc/volatile /usr/lib/libc/ 38G 4.8G 33G 13% /lib/ swap 903M 52K 903M 1% /tmp swap 903M 76K 903M 1% /var/run rpool/export 33G 32K 33G 1% /export rpool/export/home 33G 32K 33G 1% /export/home rpool/export/home/wahid 34G 259M 33G 1% /export/home/wahid rpool 33G 98K 33G 1% /rpool /export/home/wahid 34G 259M 33G 1% /home/wahid rpool/myfs1 200M 16M 185M 8% /rpool/myfs1 rpool/myfs2 33G 16M 33G 1% /rpool/myfs2

# zfs list rpool/myfs1 rpool/myfs2

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool/myfs1 15.0M 185M 15.0M /rpool/myfs1 rpool/myfs2 19K 32.9G 15.0M /rpool/myfs2

# zfs destroy rpool/myfs1

cannot destroy 'rpool/myfs1': filesystem has children use '-r' to destroy the following datasets: rpool/myfs1@Sunday

# zfs destroy rpool/myfs2

# pwd


# zfs list -t snapshot rpool/myfs1@Sunday

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool/myfs1@Sunday 0 - 15.0M -

# pwd


# cd /rpool/myfs1

# ls -l

total 15365 -rw------T 1 root root 5242880 2011-10-30 20:26 fivemegfile -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 20:25 tenmegfile

# touch this-is-a-new-file

# pwd


# ls -la

total 15369 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 5 2011-10-30 20:55 . drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 5 2011-10-30 20:55 .. -rw------T 1 root root 5242880 2011-10-30 20:26 fivemegfile -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 20:25 tenmegfile -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2011-10-30 20:55 this-is-a-new-file

# ls -l > newfiles.txt

# ls -l

total 15366 -rw------T 1 root root 5242880 2011-10-30 20:26 fivemegfile -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 262 2011-10-30 20:56 newfile.txt -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 20:25 tenmegfile -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2011-10-30 20:55 this-is-a-new-file

# pwd


# cat newfile.txt

total 15366 -rw------T 1 root root 5242880 2011-10-30 20:26 fivemegfile -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2011-10-30 20:56 newfile.txt -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 20:25 tenmegfile -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2011-10-30 20:55 this-is-a-new-file


# pwd


# mkfile 2m twomegfile

# ls -l

total 15367 -rw------T 1 root root 5242880 2011-10-30 20:26 fivemegfile -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 262 2011-10-30 20:56 newfile.txt -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 20:25 tenmegfile -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2011-10-30 20:55 this-is-a-new-file -rw------T 1 root root 2097152 2011-10-30 20:56 twomegfile

# pwd


# cd

# pwd


# zfs list rpool/myfs1

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool/myfs1 17.1M 183M 17.0M /rpool/myfs1

# zfs rollback rpool/myfs1@Sunday

# pwd


# df -h

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on rpool/ROOT/solaris 38G 4.8G 33G 13% / swap 904M 432K 903M 1% /etc/svc/volatile /usr/lib/libc/ 38G 4.8G 33G 13% /lib/ swap 903M 52K 903M 1% /tmp swap 903M 76K 903M 1% /var/run rpool/export 33G 32K 33G 1% /export rpool/export/home 33G 32K 33G 1% /export/home rpool/export/home/wahid 34G 259M 33G 1% /export/home/wahid rpool 33G 97K 33G 1% /rpool /export/home/wahid 34G 259M 33G 1% /home/wahid rpool/myfs1 200M 16M 185M 8% /rpool/myfs1

# cd /rpool/myfs1

# ls -l

total 15365 -rw------T 1 root root 5242880 2011-10-30 20:26 fivemegfile -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 20:25 tenmegfile

# pwd


# echo "I just rollbacked to oringal"

I just rolledback to oringal

# zfs list

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool 6.99G 32.9G 97K /rpool rpool/ROOT 5.05G 32.9G 31K legacy rpool/ROOT/solaris 5.05G 32.9G 4.74G / rpool/ROOT/solaris-1 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpj1Ny2J rpool/ROOT/solaris-10 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpidFnpl rpool/ROOT/solaris-11 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpf4zlZ3 rpool/ROOT/solaris-12 186K 32.9G 4.09G /tmp/tmp2Jpzc4 rpool/ROOT/solaris-2 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpeY9bJw rpool/ROOT/solaris-3 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpPHezjx rpool/ROOT/solaris-4 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmphjns0M rpool/ROOT/solaris-5 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpQAjzSW rpool/ROOT/solaris-6 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmp8JJac3 rpool/ROOT/solaris-7 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmp1r3nLp rpool/ROOT/solaris-8 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpD_hWS1 rpool/ROOT/solaris-9 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmppNs300 rpool/dump 511M 32.9G 511M - rpool/export 259M 32.9G 32K /export rpool/export/home 259M 32.9G 32K /export/home rpool/export/home/wahid 259M 32.9G 259M /export/home/wahid rpool/myfs1 15.0M 185M 15.0M /rpool/myfs1 rpool/swap 1.14G 33.9G 127M -

# zfs ?

unrecognized command 's' usage: zfs command args ... where 'command' is one of the following: create [-p] [-o property=value] ... create [-ps] [-b blocksize] [-o property=value] ... -V destroy [-rRf] destroy [-rRd] snapshot [-r] [-o property=value] ... rollback [-rRf] clone [-p] [-K] [-o property=value] ... promote rename rename -p rename -r list [-rH][-d max] [-o property[,...]] [-t type[,...]] [-s property] ... [-S property] ... [filesystem|volume|snapshot] ... set [-r] ... get [-rHp] [-d max] [-o "all" | field[,...]] [-s source[,...]] <"all" | property[,...]> [filesystem|volume|snapshot] ... inherit [-rS] ... upgrade [-v] upgrade [-r] [-V version] <-a | filesystem ...> userspace [-hniHp] [-o field[,...]] [-sS field] ... [-t type[,...]] groupspace [-hniHpU] [-o field[,...]] [-sS field] ... [-t type[,...]] mount mount [-vO] [-o opts] <-a | filesystem> unmount [-f] <-a | filesystem|mountpoint> share <-a | filesystem> unshare <-a | filesystem|mountpoint> send [-RDpb] [-[iI] snapshot] receive [-vnFu] [[-o property=value] | [-x property]] ... receive [-vnFu] [[-o property=value] | [-x property]] ... [-d | -e] allow allow [-ldug] <"everyone"|user|group>[,...] [,...] allow [-ld] -e [,...] allow -c [,...] allow -s @setname [,...] unallow [-rldug] <"everyone"|user|group>[,...] [[,...]] unallow [-rld] -e [[,...]] unallow [-r] -c [[,...]] unallow [-r] -s @setname [[,...]] hold [-r] ... holds [-r] ... release [-r] ... diff [-FHt] [snapshot|filesystem] key -l <-a | [-r] filesystem|volume> key -u [-f] <-a | [-r] filesystem|volume> key -c [ -o ] <-a | [-r] filesystem|volume> key -K <-a | [-r] filesystem|volume> Each dataset is of the form: pool/[dataset/]*dataset[@name] For the property list, run: zfs set|get For the delegated permission list, run: zfs allow|unallow

# pwd


# zfs list

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool 6.99G 32.9G 97K /rpool rpool/ROOT 5.05G 32.9G 31K legacy rpool/ROOT/solaris 5.05G 32.9G 4.74G / rpool/ROOT/solaris-1 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpj1Ny2J rpool/ROOT/solaris-10 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpidFnpl rpool/ROOT/solaris-11 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpf4zlZ3 rpool/ROOT/solaris-12 186K 32.9G 4.09G /tmp/tmp2Jpzc4 rpool/ROOT/solaris-2 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpeY9bJw rpool/ROOT/solaris-3 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpPHezjx rpool/ROOT/solaris-4 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmphjns0M rpool/ROOT/solaris-5 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpQAjzSW rpool/ROOT/solaris-6 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmp8JJac3 rpool/ROOT/solaris-7 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmp1r3nLp rpool/ROOT/solaris-8 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpD_hWS1 rpool/ROOT/solaris-9 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmppNs300 rpool/dump 511M 32.9G 511M - rpool/export 259M 32.9G 32K /export rpool/export/home 259M 32.9G 32K /export/home rpool/export/home/wahid 259M 32.9G 259M /export/home/wahid rpool/myfs1 15.0M 185M 15.0M /rpool/myfs1 rpool/swap 1.14G 33.9G 127M -

# zfs list -t snapshot

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool@10-28-20111010am 0 - 96K - rpool@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 96K - rpool@Friday 0 - 96K - rpool/ROOT@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 31K - rpool/ROOT@Friday 0 - 31K - rpool/ROOT/solaris@install 30.7M - 3.34G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:29:39 137K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:29:46 136K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:31:20 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:32:28 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:33:13 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:33:41 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:36:51 136K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:36:57 136K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:38:47 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:39:38 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:45:01 176K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:50:34 498K - 4.09G - rpool/dump@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 511M - rpool/dump@Friday 0 - 511M - rpool/export@10-28-2011-1012 0 - 32K - rpool/export@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 32K - rpool/export@Friday 0 - 32K - rpool/myfs1@Sunday 1K - 15.0M - rpool/swap@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 127M - rpool/swap@Friday 0 - 127M -

# zfs list -t

missing argument for 't' option usage: list [-rH][-d max] [-o property[,...]] [-t type[,...]] [-s property] ... [-S property] ... [filesystem|volume|snapshot] ... The following properties are supported: PROPERTY EDIT INHERIT VALUES available NO NO compressratio NO NO <1.00x or higher if compressed> creation NO NO defer_destroy NO NO yes | no keystatus NO NO undefined | unavailable | available mounted NO NO yes | no origin NO NO referenced NO NO rekeydate NO NO type NO NO filesystem | volume | snapshot used NO NO usedbychildren NO NO usedbydataset NO NO usedbyrefreservation NO NO usedbysnapshots NO NO userrefs NO NO aclinherit YES YES discard | noallow | restricted | passthrough | passthrough-x atime YES YES on | off canmount YES NO on | off | noauto casesensitivity NO YES sensitive | insensitive | mixed checksum YES YES on | off | fletcher2 | fletcher4 | sha256 compression YES YES on | off | lzjb | gzip | gzip-[1-9] | zle copies YES YES 1 | 2 | 3 dedup YES YES on | off | verify | sha256[,verify] devices YES YES on | off encryption NO YES on | off | aes-128-ccm | aes-192-ccm | aes-256-ccm | aes-128-gcm | aes-192-gcm | aes-256-gcm exec YES YES on | off keysource YES YES raw | hex | passphrase,prompt | file:// logbias YES YES latency | throughput mlslabel YES YES mountpoint YES YES | legacy | none nbmand YES YES on | off normalization NO YES none | formC | formD | formKC | formKD primarycache YES YES all | none | metadata quota YES NO | none readonly YES YES on | off recordsize YES YES 512 to 128k, power of 2 refquota YES NO | none refreservation YES NO | none reservation YES NO | none rstchown YES YES on | off secondarycache YES YES all | none | metadata setuid YES YES on | off sharenfs YES YES on | off | share(1M) options sharesmb YES YES on | off | sharemgr(1M) options snapdir YES YES hidden | visible sync YES YES standard | always | disabled utf8only NO YES on | off version YES NO 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | current volblocksize NO YES 512 to 128k, power of 2 volsize YES NO vscan YES YES on | off xattr YES YES on | off zoned YES YES on | off userused@... NO NO groupused@... NO NO userquota@... YES NO | none groupquota@... YES NO | none Sizes are specified in bytes with standard units such as K, M, G, etc. User-defined properties can be specified by using a name containing a colon (:). The {user|group}{used|quota}@ properties must be appended with a user or group specifier of one of these forms: POSIX name (eg: "matt") POSIX id (eg: "126829") SMB name@domain (eg: "matt@sun") SMB SID (eg: "S-1-234-567-89")

# zfs list

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool 6.99G 32.9G 97K /rpool rpool/ROOT 5.05G 32.9G 31K legacy rpool/ROOT/solaris 5.05G 32.9G 4.74G / rpool/ROOT/solaris-1 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpj1Ny2J rpool/ROOT/solaris-10 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpidFnpl rpool/ROOT/solaris-11 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpf4zlZ3 rpool/ROOT/solaris-12 186K 32.9G 4.09G /tmp/tmp2Jpzc4 rpool/ROOT/solaris-2 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpeY9bJw rpool/ROOT/solaris-3 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpPHezjx rpool/ROOT/solaris-4 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmphjns0M rpool/ROOT/solaris-5 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpQAjzSW rpool/ROOT/solaris-6 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmp8JJac3 rpool/ROOT/solaris-7 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmp1r3nLp rpool/ROOT/solaris-8 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpD_hWS1 rpool/ROOT/solaris-9 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmppNs300 rpool/dump 511M 32.9G 511M - rpool/export 259M 32.9G 32K /export rpool/export/home 259M 32.9G 32K /export/home rpool/export/home/wahid 259M 32.9G 259M /export/home/wahid rpool/myfs1 15.0M 185M 15.0M /rpool/myfs1 rpool/swap 1.14G 33.9G 127M -

# zfs list -t | grep Friday

missing argument for 't' option usage: list [-rH][-d max] [-o property[,...]] [-t type[,...]] [-s property] ... [-S property] ... [filesystem|volume|snapshot] ... The following properties are supported: PROPERTY EDIT INHERIT VALUES available NO NO compressratio NO NO <1.00x or higher if compressed> creation NO NO defer_destroy NO NO yes | no keystatus NO NO undefined | unavailable | available mounted NO NO yes | no origin NO NO referenced NO NO rekeydate NO NO type NO NO filesystem | volume | snapshot used NO NO usedbychildren NO NO usedbydataset NO NO usedbyrefreservation NO NO usedbysnapshots NO NO userrefs NO NO aclinherit YES YES discard | noallow | restricted | passthrough | passthrough-x atime YES YES on | off canmount YES NO on | off | noauto casesensitivity NO YES sensitive | insensitive | mixed checksum YES YES on | off | fletcher2 | fletcher4 | sha256 compression YES YES on | off | lzjb | gzip | gzip-[1-9] | zle copies YES YES 1 | 2 | 3 dedup YES YES on | off | verify | sha256[,verify] devices YES YES on | off encryption NO YES on | off | aes-128-ccm | aes-192-ccm | aes-256-ccm | aes-128-gcm | aes-192-gcm | aes-256-gcm exec YES YES on | off keysource YES YES raw | hex | passphrase,prompt | file:// logbias YES YES latency | throughput mlslabel YES YES mountpoint YES YES | legacy | none nbmand YES YES on | off normalization NO YES none | formC | formD | formKC | formKD primarycache YES YES all | none | metadata quota YES NO | none readonly YES YES on | off recordsize YES YES 512 to 128k, power of 2 refquota YES NO | none refreservation YES NO | none reservation YES NO | none rstchown YES YES on | off secondarycache YES YES all | none | metadata setuid YES YES on | off sharenfs YES YES on | off | share(1M) options sharesmb YES YES on | off | sharemgr(1M) options snapdir YES YES hidden | visible sync YES YES standard | always | disabled utf8only NO YES on | off version YES NO 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | current volblocksize NO YES 512 to 128k, power of 2 volsize YES NO vscan YES YES on | off xattr YES YES on | off zoned YES YES on | off userused@... NO NO groupused@... NO NO userquota@... YES NO | none groupquota@... YES NO | none Sizes are specified in bytes with standard units such as K, M, G, etc. User-defined properties can be specified by using a name containing a colon (:). The {user|group}{used|quota}@ properties must be appended with a user or group specifier of one of these forms: POSIX name (eg: "matt") POSIX id (eg: "126829") SMB name@domain (eg: "matt@sun") SMB SID (eg: "S-1-234-567-89")

# zfs list -t | grep Friday

rpool@Friday 0 - 96K - rpool/ROOT@Friday 0 - 31K - rpool/dump@Friday 0 - 511M - rpool/export@Friday 0 - 32K - rpool/swap@Friday 0 - 127M -

# pwd


# ls -la

total 15368 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4 2011-10-30 20:26 . drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 5 2011-10-30 20:55 .. -rw------T 1 root root 5242880 2011-10-30 20:26 fivemegfile -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 20:25 tenmegfile

# cd

# pwd


# df -h

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on rpool/ROOT/solaris 38G 4.8G 33G 13% / swap 903M 432K 902M 1% /etc/svc/volatile /usr/lib/libc/ 38G 4.8G 33G 13% /lib/ swap 903M 52K 902M 1% /tmp swap 903M 76K 902M 1% /var/run rpool/export 33G 32K 33G 1% /export rpool/export/home 33G 32K 33G 1% /export/home rpool/export/home/wahid 34G 259M 33G 1% /export/home/wahid rpool 33G 97K 33G 1% /rpool /export/home/wahid 34G 259M 33G 1% /home/wahid rpool/myfs1 200M 16M 185M 8% /rpool/myfs1

# mkfile 10m /prpool/myfs1/tenmegfile

# pwd


# ls -l /rpool/myfs1/tenmegfile

-rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 21:01 /rpool/myfs1/tenmegfile

# pwd


# zfs list -t snapshot rpool/myfs1@Sunday

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool/myfs1@Sunday 10.0M - 15.0M -


bash: DATE: command not found

# date

Sunday, October 30, 2011 09:02:28 PM PDT


# zfs snapshot rpool/myfs1@Sunday902pm

# zfs snapshot rpool/myfs1@Sunday902pm

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool/myfs1@Sunday902pm 0 - 15.0M -

# zfs list -t snapshot rpool/myfs1@Sunday902pm

rpool/myfs1@Sunday 10.0M - 15.0M - rpool/myfs1@Sunday902pm 0 - 15.0M -

# pwd


# pwd


# pwd


# cd /rpool/myfs1

# ls -l

total 15365 -rw------T 1 root root 5242880 2011-10-30 20:26 fivemegfile -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 21:01 tenmegfile

# pwd


# rm fivemegfile

# ls -l

total 10243 -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 21:01 tenmegfile

# pwd


# ls -l > tmp.txt

# pwd


# ls -l

total 10243 -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 21:01 tenmegfile -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 129 2011-10-30 21:04 tmp.txt

# date

Sunday, October 30, 2011 09:04:45 PM PDT

# ls -l date >

# date

Sunday, October 30, 2011 09:04:55 PM PDT

# cat

Sunday, October 30, 2011 09:04:54 PM PDT

# pwd


# ls -l

total 15365 -rw------T 1 root root 5242880 2011-10-30 20:26 fivemegfile -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 21:01 tenmegfile

# ls -l

total 15365 -rw------T 1 root root 5242880 2011-10-30 20:26 fivemegfile -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 21:01 tenmegfile

# zfs list -t snapshot | grep -i sunday

rpool/myfs1@Sunday 10.0M - 15.0M - rpool/myfs1@Sunday902pm 1K - 15.0M -

# zfs rollback rpool/myfs1@Sunday902pm

cannot rollback to 'rpool/myfs1@Sunday': more recent snapshots exist use '-r' to force deletion of the following snapshots: rpool/myfs1@Sunday902pm

# zfs rollback rpool/myfs1@Sunday

# pwd


# ls -la

total 15368 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4 2011-10-30 20:26 . drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 5 2011-10-30 20:55 .. -rw------T 1 root root 5242880 2011-10-30 20:26 fivemegfile -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 20:25 tenmegfile

# mkfile 1m onemegfile

# ls -l

total 15366 -rw------T 1 root root 5242880 2011-10-30 20:26 fivemegfile -rw------T 1 root root 1048576 2011-10-30 21:07 onemegfile -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 20:25 tenmegfile

# date

Sunday, October 30, 2011 09:07:26 PM PDT

# zfs snapshot rpool/myfs1@907pm

# zfs list -t snapshot | grep -i myfs1

rpool/myfs1@Sunday 20K - 15.0M - rpool/myfs1@907pm 0 - 16.0M -

# pwd


# ls -la

total 16395 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 5 2011-10-30 21:07 . drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 5 2011-10-30 20:55 .. -rw------T 1 root root 5242880 2011-10-30 20:26 fivemegfile -rw------T 1 root root 1048576 2011-10-30 21:07 onemegfile -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 20:25 tenmegfile

# pwd


# ls -la

total 16395 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 5 2011-10-30 21:07 . drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 5 2011-10-30 20:55 .. -rw------T 1 root root 5242880 2011-10-30 20:26 fivemegfile -rw------T 1 root root 1048576 2011-10-30 21:07 onemegfile -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 20:25 tenmegfile

# ls -l > newfile

# ls -l

total 16392 -rw------T 1 root root 5242880 2011-10-30 20:26 fivemegfile -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 250 2011-10-30 21:08 newfile -rw------T 1 root root 1048576 2011-10-30 21:07 onemegfile -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 20:25 tenmegfile

# date > date.txt

# ls -l

total 16393 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 41 2011-10-30 21:08 date.txt -rw------T 1 root root 5242880 2011-10-30 20:26 fivemegfile -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 250 2011-10-30 21:08 newfile -rw------T 1 root root 1048576 2011-10-30 21:07 onemegfile -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 20:25 tenmegfile

# cat date.txt

Sunday, October 30, 2011 09:08:33 PM PDT

# zfs rollback rpool/myfs1@907pm

# ls -l

total 16392 -rw------T 1 root root 5242880 2011-10-30 20:26 fivemegfile -rw------T 1 root root 1048576 2011-10-30 21:07 onemegfile -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 20:25 tenmegfile

# pwd


# zfs rollback rpool/myfs1@907pm@Sunday

cannot rollback to 'rpool/myfs1@Sunday': more recent snapshots exist use '-r' to force deletion of the following snapshots: rpool/myfs1@907pm

# zfs rollback -r rpool/myfs1@Sunday

# ls -l

total 15365 -rw------T 1 root root 5242880 2011-10-30 20:26 fivemegfile -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 20:25 tenmegfile

# pwd


# zfs destropy rpool/myfs1#@Sunday

# zfs list -t snapshot

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool@10-28-20111010am 0 - 96K - rpool@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 96K - rpool@Friday 0 - 96K - rpool/ROOT@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 31K - rpool/ROOT@Friday 0 - 31K - rpool/ROOT/solaris@install 30.7M - 3.34G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:29:39 137K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:29:46 136K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:31:20 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:32:28 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:33:13 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:33:41 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:36:51 136K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:36:57 136K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:38:47 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:39:38 164K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:45:01 176K - 4.05G - rpool/ROOT/solaris@2011-09-07-08:50:34 498K - 4.09G - rpool/dump@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 511M - rpool/dump@Friday 0 - 511M - rpool/export@10-28-2011-1012 0 - 32K - rpool/export@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 32K - rpool/export@Friday 0 - 32K - rpool/swap@10-28-2011-1016am 0 - 127M - rpool/swap@Friday 0 - 127M -

# pwd


# ls -la

total 15368 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4 2011-10-30 20:26 . drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 5 2011-10-30 20:55 .. -rw------T 1 root root 5242880 2011-10-30 20:26 fivemegfile -rw------T 1 root root 10485760 2011-10-30 20:25 tenmegfile

# pwd


# cd

# pwd


# zfs destroy rpool/myfs1

# df -h

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on rpool/ROOT/solaris 38G 4.8G 33G 13% / swap 902M 432K 902M 1% /etc/svc/volatile /usr/lib/libc/ 38G 4.8G 33G 13% /lib/ swap 902M 52K 902M 1% /tmp swap 902M 76K 902M 1% /var/run rpool/export 33G 32K 33G 1% /export rpool/export/home 33G 32K 33G 1% /export/home rpool/export/home/wahid 34G 259M 33G 1% /export/home/wahid rpool 33G 97K 33G 1% /rpool /export/home/wahid 34G 259M 33G 1% /home/wahid

# zfs list

NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT rpool 6.94G 32.9G 96K /rpool rpool/ROOT 5.05G 32.9G 31K legacy rpool/ROOT/solaris 5.05G 32.9G 4.74G / rpool/ROOT/solaris-1 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpj1Ny2J rpool/ROOT/solaris-10 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpidFnpl rpool/ROOT/solaris-11 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpf4zlZ3 rpool/ROOT/solaris-12 186K 32.9G 4.09G /tmp/tmp2Jpzc4 rpool/ROOT/solaris-2 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpeY9bJw rpool/ROOT/solaris-3 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpPHezjx rpool/ROOT/solaris-4 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmphjns0M rpool/ROOT/solaris-5 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpQAjzSW rpool/ROOT/solaris-6 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmp8JJac3 rpool/ROOT/solaris-7 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmp1r3nLp rpool/ROOT/solaris-8 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmpD_hWS1 rpool/ROOT/solaris-9 182K 32.9G 4.05G /tmp/tmppNs300 rpool/dump 511M 32.9G 511M - rpool/export 259M 32.9G 32K /export rpool/export/home 259M 32.9G 32K /export/home rpool/export/home/wahid 259M 32.9G 259M /export/home/wahid rpool/swap 1.14G 33.9G 127M -

# df -h

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on rpool/ROOT/solaris 38G 4.8G 33G 13% / swap 902M 432K 902M 1% /etc/svc/volatile /usr/lib/libc/ 38G 4.8G 33G 13% /lib/ swap 902M 52K 902M 1% /tmp swap 902M 76K 902M 1% /var/run rpool/export 33G 32K 33G 1% /export rpool/export/home 33G 32K 33G 1% /export/home rpool/export/home/wahid 34G 259M 33G 1% /export/home/wahid rpool 33G 96K 33G 1% /rpool /export/home/wahid 34G 259M 33G 1% /home/wahid

Please click on " man zfs. " to see the Manual Page for this command.

Please click on " man zpool. " to see the Manual Page for this command.

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