$ whatis gcore

gcore - get core images of running processes


# hostname


# ps -ef | grep -i mysql

mysql 5904 1 0 14:38:46 ? 0:03 /usr/mysql/5.0/bin/mysqld --user=mysql --datadir=/var/mysql/5.0/data --pid-file

# gcore -p 5904

gcore: core dumped


# ls -l core

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 57721841 2011-10-04 15:53 core

# file core

core: ELF 32-bit LSB core file 80386 Version 1, from 'mysqld'

# mdb core

Loading modules: [ libc.so.1 ld.so.1 ]

> ::status

debugging core file of mysqld (32-bit) from MySolaris

file: /usr/mysql/5.0/bin/mysqld

initial argv: /usr/mysql/5.0/bin/mysqld --user=mysql --datadir=/var/mysql/5.0/data --pid-file

threading model: native threads

status: process core file generated with gcore(1)

> $c

libc_hwcap1.so.1`__pollsys+0x15(8047a60, 2, 0, 0)

libc_hwcap1.so.1`pselect+0x199(e, 8047c30, 0, 0, 0, 0)

libc_hwcap1.so.1`select+0x78(e, 8047c30, 0, 0, 0, 3)


main+0x10b5(4, 8047db8, 8047dcc, 81864cd)

_start+0x7d(4, 8047e64, 8047e7e, 8047e8b, 8047ea9, 0)

> $r

%cs = 0x0043 %eax = 0x000000b7

%ds = 0x004b %ebx = 0xfeb80000

%ss = 0x004b %ecx = 0x08047a0c

%es = 0x004b %edx = 0xfeb02455 libc_hwcap1.so.1`__pollsys+0x15

%fs = 0x0000 %esi = 0xfec92a40

%gs = 0x01c3 %edi = 0x00000000

%eip = 0xfeb02455 libc_hwcap1.so.1`__pollsys+0x15

%ebp = 0x08047a48

%kesp = 0x00000000

%eflags = 0x00000286

id=0 vip=0 vif=0 ac=0 vm=0 rf=0 nt=0 iopl=0x0


%esp = 0x08047a0c

%trapno = 0xe

%err = 0x4

> ::files

1 mysqld

2 crti.s

3 CCrti.s

4 crt1.o

5 crt1.s

6 fsr.s

7 values-Xa.c

8 sql_lex.cc

9 sql_handler.cc

10 item.cc

11 item_sum.cc

12 item_buff.cc

13 item_func.cc

14 item_cmpfunc.cc

15 item_strfunc.cc

16 item_timefunc.cc

17 thr_malloc.cc

18 item_create.cc

19 item_subselect.cc

20 item_row.cc

21 item_geofunc.cc

22 field.cc

23 strfunc.cc

24 key.cc

25 sql_class.cc

26 sql_list.cc

27 net_serv.cc

28 protocol.cc

>> More [, , q, n, c, a] ?

29 sql_state.c

30 lock.cc

31 my_lock.c

32 sql_string.cc

33 sql_manager.cc

34 sql_map.cc

35 mysqld.cc

36 password.c

37 hash_filo.cc

38 hostname.cc

39 set_var.cc

40 sql_parse.cc

41 sql_yacc.cc

42 sql_base.cc

43 table.cc

44 sql_select.cc

45 sql_insert.cc

46 sql_prepare.cc

47 sql_error.cc

48 sql_locale.cc

49 sql_profile.cc

50 sql_update.cc

51 sql_delete.cc

52 uniques.cc

53 sql_do.cc

54 procedure.cc

55 item_uniq.cc

56 sql_test.cc

It will continue on and on until either all the files are listed or I quit from this command.

196 os0sync.c

>> More [, , q, n, c, a] ? q


Please click on " man gcore " to see the Manual Page for this command.

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