Windows PowerShell command on Get-command yacc

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man yacc

User Commands yacc(1)


yacc - yet another compiler-compiler


yacc [-dltVv] [-b file_prefix] [-Q [y | n]]

[-P parser] [-p sym_prefix] file


The yacc command converts a context-free grammar into a set

of tables for a simple automaton that executes an LALR(1) parsing algorithm. The grammar can be ambiguous. Specified precedence rules are used to break ambiguities. The output file,, must be compiled by the C compiler to produce a function yyparse(). This program must be loaded with the lexical analyzer program, yylex(), as well as

main() and yyerror(), an error handling routine. These rou-

tines must be supplied by the user. The lex(1) command is

useful for creating lexical analyzers usable by yacc.

OPTIONS The following options are supported:

-b file_prefix Uses file_prefix instead of y as the pre-

fix for all output files. The code file, the header file (created

when -d is specified), and the description

file y.output (created when -v is speci-

fied), is changed to,, and file_prefix.output,


-d Generates the file with the

#define statements that associate the yacc

user-assigned "token codes" with the

user-declared "token names". This associa-

tion allows source files other than to access the token codes.

-l Specifies that the code produced in does not contain any #line con-

structs. This option should only be used after the grammar and the associated actions are fully debugged.

-p sym_prefix Uses sym_prefix instead of yy as the pre-

fix for all external names produced by

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User Commands yacc(1)

yacc. The names affected include the func-

tions yyparse(), yylex() and yyerror(),

and the variables yylval, yychar and yyde-

bug. (In the remainder of this section, the six symbols cited are referenced using their default names only as a notational convenience.) Local names can also be

affected by the -p option. However, the -p

option does not affect #define symbols

generated by yacc.

-P parser Allows you to specify the parser of your

choice instead of

/usr/share/lib/ccs/yaccpar. For example,

you can specify:

example% yacc -P ~/myparser parser.y

-Q[y|n] The -Qy option puts the version stamping

information in This allows you to

know what version of yacc built the file.

The -Qn option (the default) writes no

version information.

-t Compiles runtime debugging code by

default. Runtime debugging code is always generated in under conditional compilation control. By default, this code is not included when is compiled.

Whether or not the -t option is used, the

runtime debugging code is under the con-

trol of YYDEBUG , a preprocessor symbol.

If YYDEBUG has a non-zero value, then the

debugging code is included. If its value is 0, then the code is not included. The

size and execution time of a program pro-

duced without the runtime debugging code is smaller and slightly faster.

-v Prepares the file y.output, which contains

a description of the parsing tables and a

report on conflicts generated by ambigui-

ties in the grammar.

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User Commands yacc(1)

-V Prints on the standard error output the

version information for yacc.

OPERANDS The following operand is required: file A path name of a file containing instructions for which a parser is to be created.


Example 1 Accessing the yacc Library

Access to the yacc library is obtained with library search

operands to cc. To use the yacc library main:

example% cc -ly

Both the lex library and the yacc library contain main. To

access the yacc main:

example% cc lex.yy.c -ly -ll

This ensures that the yacc library is searched first, so

that its main is used.

The historical yacc libraries have contained two simple

functions that are normally coded by the application pro-

grammer. These library functions are similar to the follow-

ing code:


int main(void) { extern int yyparse();

setlocale(LC_ALL, "");

/* If the following parser is one created by lex, the

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User Commands yacc(1)

application must be careful to ensure that LC_CTYPE

and LC_COLLATE are set to the POSIX locale. */

(void) yyparse(); return (0); }


int yyerror(const char *msg) {

(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg);

return (0); } ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES See environ(5) for descriptions of the following environment

variables that affect the execution of yacc: LANG, LC_ALL,


yacc can handle characters from EUC primary and supplemen-

tary codesets as one-token symbols. EUC codes can only be

single character quoted terminal symbols. yacc expects

yylex() to return a wide character (wchar_t) value for these

one-token symbols.

EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion. >0 An error occurred. FILES y.output state transitions of the generated parser source code of the generated parser header file for the generated parser

yacc.acts temporary file

yacc.debug temporary file

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User Commands yacc(1)

yacc.tmp temporary file

yaccpar parser prototype for C programs


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Availability | developer/object-file |


| Interface Stability | Committed |


| Standard | See standards(5). |



lex(1), attributes(5), environ(5), standards(5) DIAGNOSTICS

The number of reduce-reduce and shift-reduce conflicts is

reported on the standard error output. A more detailed report is found in the y.output file. Similarly, if some rules are not reachable from the start symbol, this instance is also reported. NOTES

Because file names are fixed, at most one yacc process can

be active in a given directory at a given time.

Users are encouraged to avoid using $ as part of any iden-

tifier name.

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