Windows PowerShell command on Get-command xdr_replymsg

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man xdr_replymsg

Networking Services Library Functions rpc_xdr(3NSL)


rpc_xdr, xdr_accepted_reply, xdr_authsys_parms, xdr_callhdr,

xdr_callmsg, xdr_opaque_auth, xdr_rejected_reply,

xdr_replymsg - XDR library routines for remote procedure



bool_t xdr_accepted_reply(XDR *xdrs, const struct accepted_reply *ar);

bool_t xdr_authsys_parms(XDR *xdrs, struct authsys_parms *aupp);

void xdr_callhdr(XDR *xdrs, struct rpc_msg *chdr);

bool_t xdr_callmsg(XDR *xdrs, struct rpc_msg *cmsg);

bool_t xdr_opaque_auth(XDR *xdrs, struct opaque_auth *ap);

bool_t xdr_rejected_reply(XDR *xdrs, const struct rejected_reply *rr);

bool_t xdr_replymsg(XDR *xdrs, const struct rpc_msg *rmsg);


These routines are used for describing the RPC messages in XDR language. They should normally be used by those who do not want to use the RPC package directly. These routines return TRUE if they succeed, FALSE otherwise. Routines See rpc(3NSL) for the definition of the XDR data structure.


xdr_accepted_reply() Used to translate between RPC reply

messages and their external representation. It includes the status of the RPC call in the XDR language format. In the case of success, it also includes the call results.

xdr_authsys_parms() Used for describing UNIX operating

system credentials. It includes

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 30 Dec 1996 1

Networking Services Library Functions rpc_xdr(3NSL)

machine-name, uid, gid list, etc.

xdr_callhdr() Used for describing RPC call header

messages. It encodes the static part of the call message header in the XDR language format. It includes information such as transaction ID,

RPC version number, program and ver-

sion number.

xdr_callmsg() Used for describing RPC call mes-

sages. This includes all the RPC call information such as transaction ID, RPC version number, program

number, version number, authentica-

tion information, etc. This is nor-

mally used by servers to determine information about the client RPC call.

xdr_opaque_auth() Used for describing RPC opaque

authentication information messages.

xdr_rejected_reply() Used for describing RPC reply mes-

sages. It encodes the rejected RPC message in the XDR language format. The message could be rejected either

because of version number mis-match

or because of authentication errors.

xdr_replymsg() Used for describing RPC reply mes-

sages. It translates between the RPC reply message and its external representation. This reply could be either an acceptance, rejection or NULL.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-


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Networking Services Library Functions rpc_xdr(3NSL)




| MT-Level | Safe |



rpc(3NSL), xdr(3NSL), attributes(5)

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 30 Dec 1996 3

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