Windows PowerShell command on Get-command xdg-mime

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man xdg-mime

User Commands XDG-MIME(1)


xdg-mime - command line tool for querying information about

file type handling and adding descriptions for new file types


xdg-mime query {filetype default} ...

xdg-mime default application mimetype(s)

xdg-mime install [--mode mode] [--novendor] mimetypes-file

xdg-mime uninstall [--mode mode] mimetypes-file

xdg-mime {--help --manual --version}


The xdg-mime program can be used to query information about

file types and to add descriptions for new file types. COMMANDS query Returns information related to file types. The query option is for use inside a desktop session

only. It is not recommended to use xdg-mime query as

root. The following queries are supported: query filetype FILE: Returns the file type of FILE in the form of a MIME type. query default mimetype: Returns the default application that the desktop environment uses for opening files of type mimetype. The default application is identified by its *.desktop file. default Ask the desktop environment to make application the default application for opening files of type mimetype. An application can be made the default for several file types by specifying multiple mimetypes. application is the desktop file id of the application

and has the form vendor-name.desktop application must

already be installed in the desktop menu before it can be made the default handler. The aplication's desktop file must list support for all the MIME types that it wishes to be the default handler for. Requests to make an application a default handler may

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User Commands XDG-MIME(1)

be subject to system policy or approval by the

end-user. xdg-mime query can be used to verify whether

an application is the actual default handler for a specific file type. The default option is for use inside a desktop session

only. It is not recommended to use xdg-mime default as

root. install Adds the file type descriptions provided in

mimetypes-file to the desktop environment.

mimetypes-file must be a XML file that follows the Shared MIME-info Database specification

and that has a mime-info element as its document root.

For each new file type one or more icons with name

major-minor must be installed with the

xdg-icon-resource command in the mimetypes context. For

example the application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text filetype requires an icon by the name of

application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.text to be

installed. uninstall Removes the file type descriptions provided in

mimetypes-file and previously added with xdg-mime

install from the desktop environment. mimetypes-file

must be a XML file that follows the

Shared MIME-info Database specification and that has a

mime-info element as its document root.


--mode mode

mode can be user or system. In user mode the file is (un)installed for the current user only. In system mode the file is (un)installed for all users on the system. Usually only root is allowed to install in system mode. The default is to use system mode when called by root

and to use user mode when called by a non-root user.


Normally, xdg-mime checks to ensure that the

mimetypes-file to be installed has a proper vendor

prefix. This option can be used to disable that check.

A vendor prefix consists of alpha characters ([a-zA-Z])

and is terminated with a dash ("-"). Companies and

organizations are encouraged to use a word or phrase, preferably the organizations name, for which they hold a trademark as their vendor prefix. The purpose of the vendor prefix is to prevent name conflicts.

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User Commands XDG-MIME(1)


Show command synopsis.


Show this manualpage.


Show the xdg-utils version information.


xdg-mime honours the following environment variables:


Setting this environment variable to a non-zero

numerical value makes xdg-mime do more verbose

reporting on stderr. Setting a higher value increases the verbosity.


This environment variable can be used by the user or administrator to override the installation mode. Valid values are user and system. EXIT CODES

An exit code of 0 indicates success while a non-zero exit

code indicates failure. The following failure codes can be returned: 1 Error in command line syntax. 2 One of the files passed on the command line did not exist. 3 A required tool could not be found. 4 The action failed. 5 No permission to read one of the files passed on the command line.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

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User Commands XDG-MIME(1)




| Availability | SUNWxdg-utils |


| Interface stability | Uncommitted |



xdg-icon-resource(1), xdg-desktop-menu(1)


xdg-mime query filetype /tmp/foobar.png

Prints the MIME type of the file /tmp/foobar.png, in this case image/png

xdg-mime query default image/png

Prints the .desktop filename of the application which is registered to open PNG files.

xdg-mime install shinythings-shiny.xml

Adds a file type description for "shiny"-files.

"shinythings-" is used as the vendor prefix. The file type

description could look as folows.


Shiny new file type

An icon for this new file type must also be installed, for example with:

xdg-icon-resource install --context mimetypes --size 64 shiny-file-icon.png text-x-shiny

AUTHOR Kevin Krammer, Jeremy White.

xdg-utils 1.0 Last change: 06/24/2007 4

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