Standards, Environments, and Macros wbem(5)
wbem - Web-Based Enterprise Management
Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) is a set of manage-
ment and Internet-related technologies intended to unify the
management of enterprise computing environments. Developed by the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF), WBEM enables organizations to deliver an integrated set ofstandards-based management tools that support and promote
World Wide Web technology. The DMTF has developed a set of standards that make up WBEM. This set of standards includes: Common Information Model (CIM)CIM is an object-oriented data model that describes the
overall management of information in an enterprise network environment. CIM consists of a CIM specification and a CIM schema:CIM Specification Consists of the language and methodol-
ogy that describes management data. CIM Schema Provides actual model descriptions ofsystems, applications, large area net-
works, and devices. The CIM Schema enables applications from different developers on different platforms to describe management data in a standard format. As a result, a variety of management applications can share this information. CIM Operations Over HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP) 1.1 is a transport mechanism that maps CIM operations to HTTP to allow implementations of CIM to interoperate in an open, standardized manner. CIM Operations Over HTTP 1.1 uses eXtensible Markup Language (XML), which is a markup language that represents management information in textual form. In addition to the XML representation, CIM information is also represented textually by the managed object format (MOF). These MOF representations are typically stored as text files that developers compile into a CIM Object Manager.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 11 Nov 2005 1
Standards, Environments, and Macros wbem(5)
WBEM Tools and ServicesTools and services that enable developers to create and Ser-
vices management applications and instrumentation that manage heterogeneous computer environments include: o Solaris WBEM Services o Solaris WBEM Software Development Kit (SDK) Solaris WBEM ServicesThese services consist of a set of value-added Services com-
ponents. These services make it easier for developers to create management applications that run in the Solaris operating environment. They also make the Solaris operating environment easier to manage. Solaris WBEM Services consists of:o CIM Object Manager, CIM Repository, and MOF Com-
piler o CIM and Solaris Schema, which is an extensionschema of CIM. CIM and Solaris Schema is a collec-
tion of CIM classes that describe managed elements in the Solaris operating environment. These classes are available from the CIM Object Manager at start up.o Solaris Providers, which are programs that communi-
cate information between the Solaris operating environment and the CIM Object Manager (providersget and set dynamic information about managed ele-
ments, acting as an intermediary between the CIM Object Manager and the managed elements). Solaris software providers have been developed for a variety of areas: users, roles, file systems, andnetwork configuration, for example. A remote pro-
vider is also available to distribute agents away from the CIM Object Manager when required. Because of the incremental development capabilities of theWBEM instrumentation framework, developers can pro-
gressively and consistently add more providers for additional Solaris software services. o SNMP Adapter for WBEM, which enables Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) management applications to access system management information that is provided by Solaris WBEM Services. Used with the Solstice Enterprise Agent (SEA) Master Agent snmpdx(1M), the SNMP Adapter for WBEM maps SNMP requests into equivalent WBEM Common Information Model (CIM) properties or instances.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 11 Nov 2005 2
Standards, Environments, and Macros wbem(5)
The SNMP Adapter for WBEM also remaps the response from the CIM Object Manager into an SNMP response, which is returned to the management application. A mapping file contains the corresponding Object Identifier (OID), class name, property name, and Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) type for each object. Developers can create their own mapping files. o SNMP Provider, which enables WBEM services to deliver SNMP information. Solaris WBEM SDK The Solaris WBEM SDK is a set of application programming interfaces (APIs) that contain the components necessary towrite management applications. These applications communi-
cate with WBEM-enabled management devices by using XML and
HTTP communication standards. Solaris WBEM applications request information or services from the Common Information Model (CIM) Object Manager through the WBEM APIs. These APIs represent CIM objects as Java classes. The APIs are used to describe managed objectsand to retrieve information about managed objects in a sys-
tem environment. The advantage of modeling managed resources by using CIM is that those objects can be shared across anysystem that is CIM-compliant.
For more information on the Solaris WBEM SDK, see theSolaris WBEM Developer's Guide. The Solaris WBEM API docu-
mentation is available in Javadoc format with the Solaris OSinstallation at /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/doc/index.html.
Compatibility of Solaris WBEM Services with Existing Protocols Adapters and converters enable Solaris WBEM Services ofSolaris to work compatibly with existing protocols by map-
ping WBEM information to these protocols. One such protocol is Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).Legacy management applications can administer WBEM-enabled
software in the Solaris operating environment. Developers can write agents or providers that convert information from these protocols to WBEM, and they can write adapters that convert WBEM information into these protocols.ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-
butes:SunOS 5.11 Last change: 11 Nov 2005 3
Standards, Environments, and Macros wbem(5)
| ____________________________|_____________________________|_
| Availability | SPARC and x86 || ____________________________|_____________________________|_
| Architecture | SUNWwbapi, SUNWwbco,| | | SUNWwbco, SUNWwbdev,| | | SUNWwbdoc, SUNWwbpro ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
| CSI | Enabled ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
appletviewer(1), cimworkshop(1M), init.wbem(1M),
mofcomp(1M), mofreg(1M), snmpdx(1M), wbemadmin(1M),
wbemconfig(1M), wbemlogviewer(1M), attributes(5)
SunOS 5.11 Last change: 11 Nov 2005 4