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Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man volmgt_acquire

Volume Management Library Functions volmgt_acquire(3VOLMGT)


volmgt_acquire - reserve removable media device


cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lvolmgt [ library ... ]



int volmgt_acquire(char *dev, char *id, int ovr, char **err, pid_t *pidp);


This function is obsolete. The management of removable media by the Volume Management feature, including vold, has been replaced by software that supports the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL). Programmatic support for HAL is through the HAL APIs, which are documented on the HAL web site. See hal(5). The return value of this function is undefined.

The volmgt_acquire() routine reserves the removable media

device specified as dev. volmgt_acquire() operates in two

different modes, depending on whether or not volume manage-

ment is running.

If volume management is running, volmgt_acquire() attempts

to reserve the removable media device specified as dev. Specify dev as either a symbolic device name (for example, floppy0) or a physical device pathname (for example,


If volume management is not running, volmgt_acquire()

requires callers to specify a physical device pathname for dev. Specifying dev as a symbolic device name is not

acceptable. In this mode, volmgt_acquire() relies entirely

on the major and minor numbers of the device to determine whether or not the device is reserved.

If dev is free, volmgt_acquire() updates the internal dev-

ice reservation database with the caller's process id (pid) and the specified id string. If dev is reserved by another process, the reservation

attempt fails and volmgt_acquire():

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 8 Mar 2007 1

Volume Management Library Functions volmgt_acquire(3VOLMGT)

o sets errno to EBUSY o fills the caller's id value in the array pointed to by err o fills in the pid to which the pointer pidp points

with the pid of the process which holds the reser-

vation, if the supplied pidp is non-zero

If the override ovr is non-zero, the call overrides the

device reservation.


The return from this function is undefined.


The volmgt_acquire() routine fails if one or more of the

following are true:

EINVAL One of the specified arguments is invalid or miss-

ing. EBUSY dev is already reserved by another process (and

ovr was not set to a non-zero value)


Example 1 Using volmgt_acquire()

In the following example, volume management is running and the first floppy drive is reserved, accessed and released.


char *errp;

if (!volmgt_acquire("floppy0", "FileMgr", 0, NULL,

&errp, NULL)) { /* handle error case */ ... }

/* floppy acquired - now access it */

if (!volmgt_release("floppy0")) {

/* handle error case */ ... }

Example 2 Using volmgt_acquire() To Override A Lock On

Another Process

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 8 Mar 2007 2

Volume Management Library Functions volmgt_acquire(3VOLMGT)

The following example shows how callers can override a lock

on another process using volmgt_acquire().

char *errp, buf[20]; int override = 0;

pid_t pid;

if (!volmgt_acquire("floppy0", "FileMgr", 0, &errp,

&pid)) { if (errno == EBUSY) {

(void) printf("override %s (pid=%ld)?\n",

errp, pid); { (void) fgets(buf, 20, stdin); if (buf[0] == 'y') { override++; } } else { /* handle other errors */ ... } } if (override) {

if (!volmgt_acquire("floppy0", "FileMgr", 1,

&errp, NULL)) { /* really give up this time! */ ... } }


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| MT-Level | MT-Safe |


| Interface Stability | Obsolete |



free(3C), malloc(3C), volmgt_release(3VOLMGT), attri-

butes(5), hal(5) NOTES

When returning a string through err, volmgt_acquire() allo-

cates a memory area using malloc(3C). Use free(3C) to

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 8 Mar 2007 3

Volume Management Library Functions volmgt_acquire(3VOLMGT)

release the memory area when no longer needed. The ovr argument is intended to allow callers to override

the current device reservation. It is assumed that the cal-

ling application has determined that the current reservation

can safely be cleared. See EXAMPLES.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 8 Mar 2007 4

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