Windows PowerShell command on Get-command uscsi

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man uscsi

Ioctl Requests uscsi(7I)


uscsi - user SCSI command interface



ioctl(int fildes, int request, struct uscsi_cmd *cmd);


The uscsi command is very powerful and somewhat dangerous;

therefore it has some permission restrictions. See WARNINGS for more details. Drivers supporting this ioctl(2) provide a general interface

allowing user-level applications to cause individual SCSI

commands to be directed to a particular SCSI or ATAPI device

under control of that driver. The uscsi command is supported

by the sd driver for SCSI disks and ATAPI CD-ROM drives, and

by the st driver for SCSI tape drives. uscsi may also be

supported by other device drivers; see the specific device driver manual page for complete information. Applications must not assume that all Solaris disk device

drivers support the uscsi ioctl command. The SCSI command

may include a data transfer to or from that device, if

appropriate for that command. Upon completion of the com-

mand, the user application can determine how many bytes were transferred and the status returned by the device. Also, optionally, if the command returns a Check Condition status, the driver will automatically issue a Request Sense command and return the sense data along with the original status.

See the USCSI_RQENABLE flag below for this Request Sense

processing. The uscsi_cmd structure is defined in

and includes the following members:

int uscsi_flags; /* read, write, etc. see below */

short uscsi_status; /* resulting status */

short uscsi_timeout; /* Command Timeout */

caddr_t uscsi_cdb /* CDB to send to target */

caddr_t uscsi_bufaddr; /* i/o source/destination */

size_t uscsi_buflen; /* size of i/o to take place*/

size_t uscsi_resid; /* resid from i/o operation */

uchar_t uscsi_cdblen; /* # of valid CDB bytes */

uchar_t uscsi_rqlen; /* size of uscsi_rqbuf */

uchar_t uscsi_rqstatus; /* status of request sense cmd */

uchar_t uscsi_rqresid; /* resid of request sense cmd */

caddr_t uscsi_rqbuf; /* request sense buffer */

void *uscsi_reserved_5; /* Reserved for future use */

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Ioctl Requests uscsi(7I)

The fields of the uscsi_cmd structure have the following


uscsi_flags The I/O direction and other details of

how to carry out the SCSI command. Pos-

sible values are described below.

uscsi_status The SCSI status byte returned by the

device is returned in this field.

uscsi_timeout Time in seconds to allow for completion

of the command.

uscsi_cdb A pointer to the SCSI CDB (command

descriptor block) to be transferred to the device in command phase.

uscsi_bufaddr The user buffer containing the data to

be read from or written to the device.

uscsi_buflen The length of uscsi_bufaddr.

uscsi_resid If a data transfer terminates without

transferring the entire requested amount, the remainder, or residue, is returned in this field.

uscsi_cdblen The length of the SCSI CDB to be

transferred to the device in command phase.

uscsi_rqlen The length of uscsi_rqbuf, the

application's Request Sense buffer.

uscsi_rqstatus The SCSI status byte returned for the

Request Sense command executed automati-

cally by the driver in response to a Check Condition status return.

uscsi_rqresid The residue, or untransferred data

length, of the Request Sense data transfer (the number of bytes, less than

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Ioctl Requests uscsi(7I)

or equal to uscsi_rqlen, which were not

filled with sense data).

uscsi_rqbuf Points to a buffer in application

address space to which the results of an automatic Request Sense command are written.

uscsi_reserved_5 Reserved for future use.

The uscsi_flags field defines the following:

USCSI_WRITE /* send data to device */

USCSI_SILENT /* no error messages */

USCSI_DIAGNOSE /* fail if any error occurs */

USCSI_ISOLATE /* isolate from normal commands */

USCSI_READ /* get data from device */

USCSI_ASYNC /* set bus to asynchronous mode */

USCSI_SYNC /* return bus to sync mode if possible */

USCSI_RESET /* reset target */

USCSI_RESET_TARGET /* reset target */

USCSI_RESET_LUN /* reset logical unit */

USCSI_RESET_ALL /* reset all targets */

USCSI_RQENABLE /* enable request sense extensions */

USCSI_RENEGOT /* renegotiate wide/sync on next I/O */

The uscsi_flags bits have the following interpretation:

USCSI_WRITE Data will be written from the initia-

tor to the target.

USCSI_SILENT The driver should not print any con-

sole error messages or warnings regarding failures associated with this SCSI command.

USCSI_DIAGNOSE The driver should not attempt any

retries or other recovery mechanisms

if this SCSI command terminates abnor-

mally in any way.

USCSI_ISOLATE This SCSI command should not be exe-

cuted with other commands.

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Ioctl Requests uscsi(7I)

USCSI_READ Data will be read from the target to

the initiator.

USCSI_ASYNC Set the SCSI bus to asynchronous mode

before running this command.

USCSI_SYNC Set the SCSI bus to synchronous mode

before running this command.

USCSI_RESET Send a SCSI bus device reset message

to this target.

USCSI_RESET_TARGET Same as USCSI_RESET. Use this flag to


maintained only for compatibility with old applications).

USCSI_RESET_LUN Send a SCSI logical unit reset message

to this target.



USCSI_RESET_LUN are mutually exclusive

options and issuing them in any simul-

taneous combination will result in

implementation-dependent behavior

When a USCSI reset request is combined

with other SCSI commands, the follow-

ing semantics take effect: If the USCSI RESET flag is specified, the other fields (other than

uscsi_flags) in the uscsi_cmd are

ignored. The uscsi_cdblen must be set

to zero.

USCSI_RQENABLE Enable Request Sense extensions. If

the user application is prepared to receive sense data, this bit must be

set, the fields uscsi_rqbuf and

uscsi_rqbuflen must be non-zero, and

the uscsi_rqbuf must point to memory

writable by the application.

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Ioctl Requests uscsi(7I)

USCSI_RENEGOT Tells USCSI to renegotiate wide mode

and synchronous transfer speed before

the transmitted SCSI command is exe-

cuted. This flag in effects tells the target driver to pass the


SCSI packet before passing the command to an adapter driver for transport.

See the scsi_pkt(9S) flag


information. IOCTLS

The ioctl supported by drivers providing the uscsi interface


USCSICMD The argument is a pointer to a uscsi_cmd struc-

ture. The SCSI device addressed by that driver is selected, and given the SCSI command

addressed by uscsi_cdb. If this command requires

a data phase, the uscsi_buflen and uscsi_bufaddr

fields must be set appropriately; if data phase

occurs, the uscsi_resid is returned as the

number of bytes not transferred. The status of the command, as returned by the device, is

returned in the uscsi_status field. If the com-

mand terminates with Check Condition status, and Request Sense is enabled, the sense data itself

is returned in uscsi_rqbuf. The uscsi_rqresid

provides the residue of the Request Sense data transfer.


EINVAL A parameter has an incorrect, or unsupported, value.

EIO An error occurred during the execution of the com-


EPERM A process without root credentials tried to exe-

cute the USCSICMD ioctl.

EFAULT The uscsi_cmd itself, the uscsi_cdb, the

uscsi_buf, or the uscsi_rqbuf point to an invalid


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Ioctl Requests uscsi(7I)


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Availability | system/header |


| Interface Stability | Committed |



ioctl(2), attributes(5), sd(7D), st(7D)

ANSI Small Computer System Interface-2 (SCSI-2)


The uscsi command is very powerful, but somewhat dangerous,

and so its use is restricted to processes running as root, regardless of the file permissions on the device node. The device driver code expects to own the device state, and

uscsi commands can change the state of the device and con-

fuse the device driver. It is best to use uscsi commands

only with no side effects, and avoid commands such as Mode Select, as they may cause damage to data stored on the drive or system panics. Also, as the commands are not checked in any way by the device driver, any block may be overwritten, and the block numbers are absolute block numbers on the drive regardless of which slice number is used to send the command.

The uscsi interface is not recommended for very large data

transfers (typically more than 16MB). If the requested transfer size exceeds the maximum transfer size of the DMA engine, it will not be broken up into multiple transfers and DMA errors may result.

The USCSICMD ioctl associates a struct uscsi_cmd with a dev-

ice by using an open file descriptor to the device. Other

APIs might provide the same struct uscsi_cmd programming

interface, but perform device association in some other manner.

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