Kernel Functions for Drivers usb_pipe_isoc_xfer(9F)
usb_pipe_isoc_xfer, usb_pipe_stop_isoc_polling - USB iso-
chronous transfer and polling functionsSYNOPSIS
int usb_pipe_isoc_xfer(usb_pipe_handle_t pipe_handle, usb_isoc_req_t *request,
usb_flags_t flags);
void usb_pipe_stop_isoc_polling(usb_pipe_handle_t pipe_handle, usb__flags_t flags);
Solaris DDI specific (Solaris DDI)PARAMETERS
For usb_pipe_isoc_xfer():
pipe_handle Isochronous pipe handle on which request is
made. request Pointer to isochronous transfer request.flags USB_FLAGS_SLEEP is the only flag recognized.
Wait for needed resources if unavailable.For usb_pipe_stop_isoc_polling():
pipe_handle Isochronous pipe handle on which to stop pol-
ling for input.flags USB_FLAGS_SLEEP is the only flag recognized.
Wait for polling to stop.DESCRIPTION
The usb_pipe_isoc_xfer() function requests the USBA frame-
work to perform a transfer through a USB isochronous pipe. The request is passed to the host controller driver (HCD), which performs the necessary transactions to complete the request.By their nature, isochronous transfers require several tran-
sactions for completion. Each request may contain severalSunOS 5.11 Last change: 5 Jan 2004 1
Kernel Functions for Drivers usb_pipe_isoc_xfer(9F)
packet descriptors. Descriptors correspond to subtransfersto be made in different frames. A request is deemed com-
pleted once all packets of that request have been processed.It is illegal to specify the USB_ATTRS_ONE_XFER attribute in
an isochronous request. The isochronous polling interval isalways one millisecond, the period of a full-speed frame.
All isochronous requests are asynchronous, and will notify the caller of their completion via a callback function. All isochronous requests must specify normal and exception callback handlers. Requests will wait for needed, unavailable resources whenUSB_FLAGS_SLEEP has been specified in flags. Requests made
without USB_FLAGS_SLEEP set will fail if needed resources
are not readily available. No errors seen during request processing will result in aborted transfers or exception callbacks. Such errors willinstead be logged in the packet descriptor's isoc_pkt_status
field. These errors can be examined when the completed request is returned through a normal callback.Isochronous-OUT TRANSFERS
Allocate room for data when allocating isochronous-OUT
requests via usb_alloc_isoc_req(9F), by passing a positive
value for the len argument. The data will be divided among the request transactions, each transaction representedby a packet descriptor. (See usb_isoc_request(9F). When all
of the data has been sent, regardless of any errors encoun-
tered, a normal transfer callback will be made to notify the client driver of completion. If a request is submitted while other requests are active orqueued, and the new request has its USB_ATTRS_ISOC_XFER_ASAP
attribute set, the host controller driver will queue the request to start on a frame which immediately follows the last frame of the last queued request.Isochronous-IN TRANSFERS
All isochronous-IN transfers start background polling, and
require only a single (original) request. The USBA frame-
work will allocate a new request each time polling has new data to return. Specify a zero length when callingusb_alloc_isoc_req() to allocate the original request, since
it will not be used to return data. Set theisoc_pkts_length in the request to specify how much data to
poll per interval (the length of one packet in the request).SunOS 5.11 Last change: 5 Jan 2004 2
Kernel Functions for Drivers usb_pipe_isoc_xfer(9F)
The original request passed to usb_pipe_isoc_xfer() will be
used to return status when polling termination is requested, or for error condition notification. There can be only oneisochronous-IN request submitted at a time.
CALLBACKSIsochronous transfer normal-completion callbacks cannot
block for any reason since they are called from interruptcontext. They will have USB_CB_INTR_CONTEXT set in their
callback flags to note this.Isochronous exception callbacks have the following restric-
tions for blocking:1. They can block for resources (for example to allo-
cate memory). 2. They cannot block for synchronous completion of acommand (for example usb_pipe_close(9F)) done on
the same pipe. Asynchronous commands can bestarted, when the pipe's policy pp_max_async_reqs
field is initialized to accommodate them. 3. They cannot block waiting for another callback to complete. 4. They cannot block waiting for a synchronous transfer request to complete. They can, however, make an asynchronous request (such as restartingpolling with a new isochronous-IN transfer).
Please see the section on callbacks inusb_callback_flags(9S) for more information.
All isochronous transfer exception callbacks signify that polling has stopped. Polling requests are returned with the following completion reasons:USB_CR_STOPPED_POLLING
Note: There are no exception callbacks for error conditions.The usb_pipe_stop_isoc_polling() function terminates polling
on an isochronous-IN pipe. The usb_pipe_stop_isoc_polling()
function does the following:SunOS 5.11 Last change: 5 Jan 2004 3
Kernel Functions for Drivers usb_pipe_isoc_xfer(9F)
1. Cease polling.2. Allow any requests-in-progress to complete and be
returned to the client driver through the normal callback mechanism. 3. Idle the pipe. 4. Return the original polling request to the clientdriver through an exception callback with a comple-
tion reason of USB_CR_STOPPED_POLLING.
For usb_pipe_isoc_xfer():
USB_SUCCESS Transfer was successful.
USB_INVALID_CONTEXT Called from interrupt context
with the USB_FLAGS_SLEEP flag
set.USB_INVALID_REQUEST The request has been freed or
otherwise invalidated. A set of conflicting attributes were specified. Seeusb_isoc_request(9S).
The normal and/or exception callback was NULL,USB_FLAGS_SLEEP was not set and
USB_ATTRS_ONE_XFER was not set.
An isochronous request was speci-
fied with a zeroedisoc_pkt_descr, a NULL
isoc_pkt_descr, or a NULL data
argument.An isochronous request was speci-
nonzero isoc_frame_no.
USB_NO_FRAME_NUMBER An isochronous request was not
specified with one and only oneSunOS 5.11 Last change: 5 Jan 2004 4
Kernel Functions for Drivers usb_pipe_isoc_xfer(9F)
fied. An isochronous request was specified withUSB_ATTRS_ISOC_START_FRAME and a
zero isoc_frame_no.
USB_INVALID_START_FRAME An isochronous request was speci-
fied with an invalid starting frame number (less than current frame number, or zero) andUSB_ATTRS_ISOC_START_FRAME speci-
fied.USB_INVALID_PIPE Pipe handle is NULL or invalid.
Pipe is closing or closed.USB_PIPE_ERROR Pipe handle refers to a pipe
which is in theUSB_PIPE_STATE_ERROR state.
USB_NO_RESOURCES Memory, descriptors or other
resources unavailable.USB_HC_HARDWARE_ERROR Host controller is in error
state.USB_FAILURE An asynchronous transfer failed
or an internal error occurred. An isoch request requested too much data:(length > (usb_get_max_pkts_per_isoc_request() *
endpoint's wMaxPacketSize)) The pipe is in an unsuitable state (error, busy, not ready). Additional status information may be available in theisoc_completion_reason and isoc_cb_flags fields of the
request. Please see usb_completion_reason(9S) and
usb_callback_flags(9S) for more information.
SunOS 5.11 Last change: 5 Jan 2004 5
Kernel Functions for Drivers usb_pipe_isoc_xfer(9F)
For usb_pipe_stop_isoc_polling():
None, but will fail if called with USB_FLAGS_SLEEP specified
from interrupt context; the pipe handle is invalid, NULL or pertains to a closing or closed pipe; or the pipe is in an error state. Messages regarding these errors will be logged to the console logfile.CONTEXT
Both of these functions may be called from kernel or user context without regard to arguments. May be called frominterrupt context only when the USB_FLAGS_SLEEP flag is
/* Start polling on an isochronous-IN pipe. */
usb_isoc_req_t isoc_req;
void isoc_pipe_callback(usb_pipe_handle_t, usb_isoc_req_t*);
void isoc_pipe_exception_callback(
usb_pipe_handle_t, usb_isoc_req_t*);
uint_t pkt_size;
usb_ep_data_t *isoc_ep_tree_node;
usb_ep_descr_t *isoc_ep_descr = ...; /* From usb_lookup_ep_data() */
isoc_ep_descr = &isoc_ep_tree_node->ep_descr;
pkt_size = isoc_ep_descr->wMaxPacketSize;
isoc_req = usb_alloc_isoc_req(
dip, num_pkts, NUM_PKTS * pkt_size, USB_FLAGS_SLEEP);
... ...isoc_req->isoc_attributes = USB_ATTRS_ISOC_XFER_ASAP;
... ...isoc_req->isoc_cb = isoc_pipe_callback;
isoc_req->isoc_exc_cb = isoc_pipe_exception_callback;
... ...isoc_req->isoc_pkts_length = pkt_size;
isoc_req->isoc_pkts_count = NUM_PKTS;
for (pkt = 0; pkt < NUM_PKTS; pkt++) {
isoc_req->isoc_pkt_descr[pkt].isoc_pkt_length = pkt_size;
}if ((rval = usb_pipe_isoc_xfer(pipe, isoc_req, USB_FLAGS_NOSLEEP))
cmn_err (CE_WARN,"%s%d: Error starting isochronous pipe polling.",
ddi_driver_name(dip), ddi_get_instance(dip));
}SunOS 5.11 Last change: 5 Jan 2004 6
Kernel Functions for Drivers usb_pipe_isoc_xfer(9F)
/* Stop polling before powering off device. Wait for polling to stop. */usb_pipe_stop_isoc_polling(pipe, USB_FLAGS_SLEEP);
pm_idle_component(dip, 0);
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-
| Architecture | PCI-based systems |
| Interface Stability | Committed ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
| Availability | driver/usb ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
attributes(5), usb_alloc_request(9F),
usb_get_current_frame_number(9F), usb_get_cfg(9F),
usb_get_max_pkts_per_isoc_request(9F), usb_get_status(9F),
usb_pipe_bulk_xfer(9F), usb_pipe_ctrl_xfer(9F),
usb_pipe_get_state(9F), usb_pipe_intr_xfer(9F),
usb_pipe_open(9F), usb_pipe_reset(9F), usb_bulk_request(9S),
usb_callback_flags(9S), usb_completion_reason(9S),
usb_ctrl_request(9S), usb_ep_descr(9S),
usb_intr_request(9S), usb_isoc_request(9S)
SunOS 5.11 Last change: 5 Jan 2004 7