Windows PowerShell command on Get-command uconv_u8tou16

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man uconv_u8tou16

Standard C Library Functions uconv_u16tou32(3C)


uconv_u16tou32, uconv_u16tou8, uconv_u32tou16,

uconv_u32tou8, uconv_u8tou16, uconv_u8tou32 - Unicode encod-

ing conversion functions





int uconv_u16tou32(const uint16_t *utf16str, size_t *utf16len,

uint32_t *utf32str, size_t *utf32len, int flag);

int uconv_u16tou8(const uint16_t *utf16str, size_t *utf16len,

uchar_t *utf8str, size_t *utf8len, int flag);

int uconv_u32tou16(const uint32_t *utf32str, size_t *utf32len,

uint16_t *utf16str, size_t *utf16len, int flag);

int uconv_u32tou8(const uint32_t *utf32str, size_t *utf32len,

uchar_t *utf8str, size_t *utf8len, int flag);

int uconv_u8tou16(const uchar_t *utf8str, size_t *utf8len,

uint16_t *utf16str, size_t *utf16len, int flag);

int uconv_u8tou32(const uchar_t *utf8str, size_t *utf8len,

uint32_t *utf32str, size_t *utf32len, int flag);


utf16str A pointer to a UTF-16 character string.

utf16len As an input parameter, the number of 16-bit

unsigned integers in utf16str as UTF-16 charac-

ters to be converted or saved.

As an output parameter, the number of 16-bit

unsigned integers in utf16str consumed or saved during conversion.

utf32str A pointer to a UTF-32 character string.

utf32len As an input parameter, the number of 32-bit

unsigned integers in utf32str as UTF-32

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Standard C Library Functions uconv_u16tou32(3C)

characters to be converted or saved.

As an output parameter, the number of 32-bit

unsigned integers in utf32str consumed or saved during conversion.

utf8str A pointer to a UTF-8 character string.

utf8len As an input parameter, the number of bytes in

utf8str as UTF-8 characters to be converted or

saved. As an output parameter, the number of bytes in utf8str consumed or saved during conversion.

flag The possible conversion options that are con-

structed by a bitwise-inclusive-OR of the fol-

lowing values:


The input parameter is in big endian byte ordering.


The output parameter should be in big endian byte ordering.


The input parameter is in the default byte ordering of the current system.


The output parameter should be in the default byte ordering of the current system.


The input parameter is in little endian byte ordering.

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Standard C Library Functions uconv_u16tou32(3C)


The output parameter should be in little endian byte ordering.


The null or U+0000 character should not stop the conversion.


If the Byte Order Mark (BOM, U+FEFF) charac-

ter exists as the first character of the input parameter, interpret it as the BOM character.


Start the output parameter with Byte Order Mark (BOM, U+FEFF) character to indicate the byte ordering if the output parameter is in

UTF-16 or UTF-32.


The uconv_u16tou32() function reads the given utf16str in

UTF-16 until U+0000 (zero) in utf16str is encountered as a

character or until the number of 16-bit unsigned integers

specified in utf16len is read. The UTF-16 characters that

are read are converted into UTF-32 and the result is saved

at utf32str. After the successful conversion, utf32len con-

tains the number of 32-bit unsigned integers saved at

utf32str as UTF-32 characters.

The uconv_u16tou8() function reads the given utf16str in

UTF-16 until U+0000 (zero) in utf16str is encountered as a

character or until the number of 16-bit unsigned integers

specified in utf16len is read. The UTF-16 characters that

are read are converted into UTF-8 and the result is saved at

utf8str. After the successful conversion, utf8len contains

the number of bytes saved at utf8str as UTF-8 characters.

The uconv_u32tou16() function reads the given utf32str in

UTF-32 until U+0000 (zero) in utf32str is encountered as a

character or until the number of 32-bit unsigned integers

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Standard C Library Functions uconv_u16tou32(3C)

specified in utf32len is read. The UTF-32 characters that

are read are converted into UTF-16 and the result is saved

at utf16str. After the successful conversion, utf16len con-

tains the number of 16-bit unsigned integers saved at

utf16str as UTF-16 characters.

The uconv_u32tou8() function reads the given utf32str in

UTF-32 until U+0000 (zero) in utf32str is encountered as a

character or until the number of 32-bit unsigned integers

specified in utf32len is read. The UTF-32 characters that

are read are converted into UTF-8 and the result is saved at

utf8str. After the successful conversion, utf8len contains

the number of bytes saved at utf8str as UTF-8 characters.

The uconv_u8tou16() function reads the given utf8str in

UTF-8 until the null ('\0') byte in utf8str is encountered

or until the number of bytes specified in utf8len is read.

The UTF-8 characters that are read are converted into UTF-16

and the result is saved at utf16str. After the successful

conversion, utf16len contains the number of 16-bit unsigned

integers saved at utf16str as UTF-16 characters.

The uconv_u8tou32() function reads the given utf8str in

UTF-8 until the null ('\0') byte in utf8str is encountered

or until the number of bytes specified in utf8len is read.

The UTF-8 characters that are read are converted into UTF-32

and the result is saved at utf32str. After the successful

conversion, utf32len contains the number of 32-bit unsigned

integers saved at utf32str as UTF-32 characters.

During the conversion, the input and the output parameters

are treated with byte orderings specified in the flag param-

eter. When not specified, the default byte ordering of the

system is used. The byte ordering flag value that is speci-

fied for UTF-8 is ignored.

When UCONV_IN_ACCEPT_BOM is specified as the flag and the

first character of the string pointed to by the input param-

eter is the BOM character, the value of the BOM character dictates the byte ordering of the subsequent characters in the string pointed to by the input parameter, regardless of the supplied input parameter byte ordering option flag

values. If the UCONV_IN_ACCEPT_BOM is not specified, the BOM

as the first character is treated as a regular Unicode char-

acter: Zero Width No Break Space (ZWNBSP) character.

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Standard C Library Functions uconv_u16tou32(3C)

When UCONV_IGNORE_NULL is specified, regardless of whether

the input parameter contains U+0000 or null byte, the conversion continues until the specified number of input parameter elements at utf16len, utf32len, or utf8len are entirely consumed during the conversion. As output parameters, utf16len, utf32len, and utf8len are not changed if conversion fails for any reason.


Upon successful conversion, the functions return 0. Upon failure, the functions return one of the following errno values: EILSEQ The conversion detected an illegal or out of bound character value in the input parameter. E2BIG The conversion cannot finish because the size specified in the output parameter is too small.

EINVAL The conversion stops due to an incomplete charac-

ter at the end of the input string.

EBADF Conflicting byte-ordering option flag values are



Example 1 Convert a UTF-16 string in little-endian byte ord-

ering into UTF-8 string.




. . .

uint16_t u16s[MAXNAMELEN + 1];

uchar_t u8s[MAXNAMELEN + 1];

size_t u16len, u8len;

int ret; . . .

u16len = u8len = MAXNAMELEN;

ret = uconv_u16tou8(u16s, &u16len, u8s, &u8len,


if (ret != 0) {

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Standard C Library Functions uconv_u16tou32(3C)

/* Conversion error occurred. */ return (ret); } . . .

Example 2 Convert a UTF-32 string in big endian byte order-

ing into little endian UTF-16.




. . . /*

* An UTF-32 character can be mapped to an UTF-16 character with

* two 16-bit integer entities as a "surrogate pair."


uint32_t u32s[101];

uint16_t u16s[101];

int ret;

size_t u32len, u16len;

. . . u32len = u16len = 100;

ret = uconv_u32tou16(u32s, &u32len, u16s, &u16len,


if (ret == 0) { return (0); } else if (ret == E2BIG) { /* Use bigger output parameter and try just one more time. */

uint16_t u16s2[201];

u16len = 200;

ret = uconv_u32tou16(u32s, &u32len, u16s2, &u16len,


if (ret == 0) return (0); }

/* Otherwise, return -1 to indicate an error condition. */

return (-1);

Example 3 Convert a UTF-8 string into UTF-16 in little-

endian byte ordering.

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Standard C Library Functions uconv_u16tou32(3C)

Convert a UTF-8 string into UTF-16 in little-endian byte

ordering with a Byte Order Mark (BOM) character at the beginning of the output parameter.




. . .

uchar_t u8s[MAXNAMELEN + 1];

uint16_t u16s[MAXNAMELEN + 1];

size_t u8len, u16len;

int ret; . . .

u8len = u16len = MAXNAMELEN;

ret = uconv_u8tou16(u8s, &u8len, u16s, &u16len,


if (ret != 0) { /* Conversion error occurred. */ return (ret); } . . .


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Interface Stability | Committed |


| MT-Level | MT-Safe |



attributes(5), uconv_u16tou32(9F)

The Unicode Standard (

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Standard C Library Functions uconv_u16tou32(3C)


Each UTF-16 or UTF-32 character maps to an UTF-8 character

that might need one to maximum of four bytes.

One UTF-32 or UTF-8 character can yield two 16-bit unsigned

integers as a UTF-16 character, which is a surrogate pair if

the Unicode scalar value is bigger than U+FFFF.

Ill-formed UTF-16 surrogate pairs are seen as illegal char-

acters during the conversion.

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