Windows PowerShell command on Get-command u8_validate

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man u8_validate

Standard C Library Functions u8_validate(3C)


u8_validate - validate UTF-8 characters and calculate the

byte length



int u8_validate(char *u8str, size_t n, char **list, int flag,

int *errnum);


u8str The UTF-8 string to be validated.

n The maximum number of bytes in u8str that can be examined and validated.

list A list of null-terminated character strings in

UTF-8 that must be additionally checked against as

invalid characters. The last string in list must be null to indicate there is no further string. flag Possible validation options constructed by a

bitwise-inclusive-OR of the following values:


By default, u8_validate() looks at the first

character or up to n bytes, whichever is smaller in terms of the number of bytes to be consumed, and returns with the result.

When this option is used, u8_validate() will

check up to n bytes from u8str and possibly more than a character before returning the result.


By default, u8_validate() does not use list

supplied. When this option is supplied with a list of

character strings, u8_validate() additionally

validates u8str against the character strings supplied with list and returns EBADF in errnum if u8str has any one of the character strings in list.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 18 Sep 2007 1

Standard C Library Functions u8_validate(3C)


By default, u8_validate() uses the entire

Unicode coding space of U+0000 to U+10FFFF. When this option is specified, the valid Unicode coding space is smaller to U+0000 to U+FFFF.

errnum An error occurred during validation. The follow-

ing values are supported:

EBADF Validation failed because list-specified

characters were found in the string pointed to by u8str. EILSEQ Validation failed because an illegal byte was found in the string pointed to by u8str. EINVAL Validation failed because an incomplete byte was found in the string pointed to by u8str. ERANGE Validation failed because character bytes were encountered that are outside the range of the Unicode coding space.


The u8_validate() function validates u8str in UTF-8 and

determines the number of bytes constituting the character(s) pointed to by u8str.


If u8str is a null pointer, u8_validate() returns 0. Other-

wise, u8_validate() returns either the number of bytes that

constitute the characters if the next n or fewer bytes form

valid characters, or -1 if there is an validation failure,

in which case it may set errnum to indicate the error.


Example 1 Determine the length of the first UTF-8 character.


SunOS 5.11 Last change: 18 Sep 2007 2

Standard C Library Functions u8_validate(3C)

char u8[MAXPATHLEN]; int errnum; . . .

len = u8_validate(u8, 4, (char **)NULL, 0, &errnum);

if (len == -1) {

switch (errnum) { case EILSEQ: case EINVAL:

return (MYFS4_ERR_INVAL);

case EBADF:


case ERANGE:



return (-10);

} } Example 2 Check if there are any invalid characters in the entire string.


char u8[MAXPATHLEN]; int n; int errnum; . . . n = strlen(u8);

len = u8_validate(u8, n, (char **)NULL, U8_VALIDATE_ENTIRE, &errnum);

if (len == -1) {

switch (errnum) { case EILSEQ: case EINVAL:

return (MYFS4_ERR_INVAL);

case EBADF:


case ERANGE:



return (-10);

} } Example 3 Check if there is any invalid character, including prohibited characters, in the entire string.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 18 Sep 2007 3

Standard C Library Functions u8_validate(3C)


char u8[MAXPATHLEN]; int n; int errnum; char *prohibited[4] = { ".", "..", "\\", NULL }; . . . n = strlen(u8);

len = u8_validate(u8, n, prohibited,


if (len == -1) {

switch (errnum) { case EILSEQ: case EINVAL:

return (MYFS4_ERR_INVAL);

case EBADF:


case ERANGE:



return (-10);

} }


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Interface Stability | Committed |


| MT-Level | MT-Safe |



u8_strcmp(3C), u8_textprep_str(3C), attributes(5),

u8_strcmp(9F), u8_textprep_str(9F), u8_validate(9F)

The Unicode Standard (

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 18 Sep 2007 4

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