Windows PowerShell command on Get-command td_ta_new

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man td_ta_new

Threads Debugging Library Functions td_ta_new(3C_DB)


td_ta_new, td_ta_delete, td_ta_get_ph - allocate and deallo-

cate process handles for libc_db


cc [ flag... ] file... -lc_db [ library... ]



td_err_e td_ta_new(const struct ps_prochandle *ph_p, td_thragent_t **ta_pp);

td_err_e td_ta_delete(const td_thragent_t *ta_p);

td_err_e td_ta_get_ph(const td_thragent_t *ta_p, struct ps_prochandle **ph_pp);


The td_ta_new() function registers a target process with

libc_db(3LIB) and allocates an internal process handle of

type td_thragent_t for this target process. Subsequent

calls to libc_db can use this handle to refer to this target

process. There are actually two process handles, an internal process

handle assigned by libc_db and an external process handle

assigned by the libc_db client. There is a one-to-one

correspondence between the two handles. When the client

calls a libc_db function, it uses the internal process han-

dle. When libc_db calls one of the client-provided routines

listed in proc_service(3PROC), it uses the external process


The ph argument is the external process handle that libc_db

should use to identify this target process to the control-

ling process when it calls routines in the imported inter-

face. If this call is successful, the value of the newly allocated

td_thragent_t handle is returned in *ta_pp. The

td_ta_delete() function deregisters a target process with

libc_db, which deallocates its internal process handle and

frees any other resources libc_db has acquired with respect

to the target process. The ta_p argument specifies the tar-

get process to be deregistered.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 20 Oct 1998 1

Threads Debugging Library Functions td_ta_new(3C_DB)

The td_ta_get_ph() function returns in *ph_pp the external

process handle that corresponds to the internal process han-

dle ta_p. This is useful for checking internal consistency.


TD_OK The call completed successfully.

TD_BADPH A NULL external process handle was passed

to td_ta_new().

TD_ERR The ta_pp argument is NULL or an internal

error occurred.

TD_DBERR A call to one of the imported interface

routines failed.

TD_MALLOC Memory allocation failure.

TD_NOLIBTHREAD The target process does not appear to be



See attributes(5) for description of the following attri-





| MT-Level | Safe |



libc_db(3LIB), proc_service(3PROC), attributes(5)

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 20 Oct 1998 2

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