Networking Services Library Functions t_snd(3NSL)
t_snd - send data or expedited data over a connection
int t_snd(int fd, void *buf, unsigned int nbytes, int flags);
This routine is part of the XTI interfaces which evolved from the TLI interfaces. XTI represents the future evolution of these interfaces. However, TLI interfaces are supported for compatibility. When using a TLI routine that has the same name as an XTI routine, the tiuser.h header file must be used. Refer to the TLI COMPATIBILITY section for a description of differences between the two interfaces. This function is used to send either normal or expediteddata. The argument fd identifies the local transport end-
point over which data should be sent, buf points to the user data, nbytes specifies the number of bytes of user data to be sent, and flags specifies any optional flags described below:T_EXPEDITED If set in flags, the data will be sent as
expedited data and will be subject to the interpretations of the transport provider.T_MORE If set in flags, this indicates to the tran-
sport provider that the transport service data unit (TSDU) (or expedited transportservice data unit - ETSDU) is being sent
through multiple t_snd() calls. Each
t_snd() with the T_MORE flag set indicates
that another t_snd() will follow with more
data for the current TSDU (or ETSDU). The end of the TSDU (or ETSDU) is identifiedby a t_snd() call with the T_MORE flag not
set. Use of T_MORE enables a user to break
up large logical data units without losing the boundaries of those units at the other end of the connection. The flag implies nothing about how the data is packaged for transfer below the transport interface. If the transport provider does not support the concept of a TSDU as indicated in the infoSunOS 5.11 Last change: 7 May 1998 1
Networking Services Library Functions t_snd(3NSL)
argument on return from t_open(3NSL) or
t_getinfo(3NSL), the T_MORE flag is not
meaningful and will be ignored if set.The sending of a zero-length fragment of a
TSDU or ETSDU is only permitted where this is used to indicate the end of a TSDU orETSDU; that is, when the T_MORE flag is not
set. Some transport providers also forbidzero-length TSDUs and ETSDUs.
T_PUSH If set in flags, requests that the provider
transmit all data that it has accumulated but not sent. The request is a local action on the provider and does not affect any similarly named protocol flag (for example, the TCP PUSH flag). This effect of settingthis flag is protocol-dependent, and it may
be ignored entirely by transport providers which do not support the use of this feature. Note that the communications provider is free to collect data in a send buffer until it accumulates a sufficient amount for transmission.By default, t_snd() operates in synchronous mode and may
wait if flow control restrictions prevent the data from being accepted by the local transport provider at the timethe call is made. However, if O_NONBLOCK is set by means
of t_open(3NSL) or fcntl(2), t_snd() will execute in asyn-
chronous mode, and will fail immediately if there are flow control restrictions. The process can arrange to be informed when the flow control restrictions are cleared by means ofeither t_look(3NSL) or the EM interface.
On successful completion, t_snd() returns the number of
bytes (octets) accepted by the communications provider. Normally this will equal the number of octets specified innbytes. However, if O_NONBLOCK is set or the function is
interrupted by a signal, it is possible that only part of the data has actually been accepted by the communicationsprovider. In this case, t_snd() returns a value that is
less than the value of nbytes. If t_snd() is interrupted by
a signal before it could transfer data to the communicationsprovider, it returns -1 with t_errno set to TSYSERR and
errno set to EINTR.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 7 May 1998 2
Networking Services Library Functions t_snd(3NSL)
If nbytes is zero and sending of zero bytes is not supportedby the underlying communications service, t_snd() returns
-1 with t_errno set to TBADDATA.
The size of each TSDU or ETSDU must not exceed the limits of the transport provider as specified by the current values in the TSDU or ETSDU fields in the info argument returned byt_getinfo(3NSL).
The error TLOOK is returned for asynchronous events. It is required only for an incoming disconnect event but may be returned for other events.RETURN VALUES
On successful completion, t_snd() returns the number of
bytes accepted by the transport provider. Otherwise, -1 is
returned on failure and t_errno is set to indicate the
error.Note that if the number of bytes accepted by the communica-
tions provider is less than the number of bytes requested,this may either indicate that O_NONBLOCK is set and the
communications provider is blocked due to flow control, orthat O_NONBLOCK is clear and the function was interrupted
by a signal.ERRORS
On failure, t_errno is set to one of the following:
TBADDATA Illegal amount of data:o A single send was attempted specify-
ing a TSDU (ETSDU) or fragment TSDU (ETSDU) greater than that specified by the current values of the TSDU or ETSDU fields in the info argument. o A send of a zero byte TSDU (ETSDU) or zero byte fragment of a TSDU(ETSDU) is not supported by the pro-
vider. o Multiple sends were attempted resulting in a TSDU (ETSDU) larger than that specified by the current value of the TSDU or ETSDU fields inthe info argument - the ability of
an XTI implementation to detect suchan error case is implementation-
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Networking Services Library Functions t_snd(3NSL)
dependent. See WARNINGS, below. TBADF The specified file descriptor does not refer to a transport endpoint. TBADFLAG An invalid flag was specified.TFLOW O_NONBLOCK was set, but the flow control
mechanism prevented the transport provider from accepting any data at this time. TLOOK An asynchronous event has occurred on this transport endpoint.TNOTSUPPORT This function is not supported by the under-
lying transport provider. TOUTSTATE The communications endpoint referenced by fd is not in one of the states in which a call to this function is valid. TPROTO This error indicates that a communication problem has been detected between XTI and the transport provider for which there is noother suitable XTI error (t_errno).
TSYSERR A system error has occurred during execution of this function. TLI COMPATIBILITY The XTI and TLI interface definitions have common names butuse different header files. This, and other semantic differ-
ences between the two interfaces are described in the sub-
sections below. Interface HeaderThe XTI interfaces use the header file, xti.h. TLI inter-
faces should not use this header. They should use the header:#include
Error Description ValuesSunOS 5.11 Last change: 7 May 1998 4
Networking Services Library Functions t_snd(3NSL)
The t_errno values that can be set by the XTI interface and
cannot be set by the TLI interface are: TPROTO TLOOK TBADFLAG TOUTSTATEThe t_errno values that this routine can return under dif-
ferent circumstances than its XTI counterpart are: TBADDATA In the TBADDATA error cases described above, TBADDATA is returned, only for illegal zero byte TSDU ( ETSDU) send attempts.ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-
| MT Level | Safe ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
fcntl(2), t_getinfo(3NSL), t_look(3NSL), t_open(3NSL),
t_rcv(3NSL), attributes(5)
WARNINGS It is important to remember that the transport provider treats all users of a transport endpoint as a single user.Therefore if several processes issue concurrent t_snd()
calls then the different data may be intermixed. Multiple sends which exceed the maximum TSDU or ETSDU size may not be discovered by XTI. In this case animplementation-dependent error will result, generated by the
transport provider, perhaps on a subsequent XTI call. This error may take the form of a connection abort, a TSYSERR, a TBADDATA or a TPROTO error. If multiple sends which exceed the maximum TSDU or ETSDUsize are detected by XTI, t_snd() fails with TBADDATA.
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