Windows PowerShell command on Get-command t_getinfo

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man t_getinfo

Networking Services Library Functions t_getinfo(3NSL)


t_getinfo - get protocol-specific service information



int t_getinfo(int fd, struct t_info *info);


This routine is part of the XTI interfaces which evolved from the TLI interfaces. XTI represents the future evolution of these interfaces. However, TLI interfaces are supported for compatibility. When using a TLI routine that has the same name as an XTI routine, the tiuser.h header file must be used. Refer to the TLI COMPATIBILITY section for a description of differences between the two interfaces. This function returns the current characteristics of the underlying transport protocol and/or transport connection associated with file descriptor fd. The info pointer is used

to return the same information returned by t_open(3NSL),

although not necessarily precisely the same values. This function enables a transport user to access this information during any phase of communication.

This argument points to a t_info structure which contains

the following members:

t_scalar_t addr; /*max size in octets of the transport protocol address*/

t_scalar_t options; /*max number of bytes of protocol-specific options */

t_scalar_t tsdu; /*max size in octets of a transport service data unit */

t_scalar_t etsdu; /*max size in octets of an expedited transport service*/

/*data unit (ETSDU) */

t_scalar_t connect; /*max number of octets allowed on connection */

/*establishment functions */

t_scalar_t discon; /*max number of octets of data allowed on t_snddis() */

/*and t_rcvdis() functions */

t_scalar_t servtype; /*service type supported by the transport provider */

t_scalar_t flags; /*other info about the transport provider */

The values of the fields have the following meanings: addr A value greater than zero indicates the maximum size of a transport protocol address and a value

of T_INVALID (-2) specifies that the transport

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Networking Services Library Functions t_getinfo(3NSL)

provider does not provide user access to tran-

sport protocol addresses. options A value greater than zero indicates the maximum

number of bytes of protocol-specific options

supported by the provider, and a value of

T_INVALID (-2) specifies that the transport pro-

vider does not support user-settable options.

tsdu A value greater than zero specifies the maximum size in octets of a transport service data unit

(TSDU); a value of T_NULL (zero) specifies that

the transport provider does not support the con-

cept of TSDU, although it does support the send-

ing of a datastream with no logical boundaries preserved across a connection; a value of

T_INFINITE (-1) specifies that there is no limit

on the size in octets of a TSDU; and a value of

T_INVALID (-2) specifies that the transfer of

normal data is not supported by the transport provider. etsdu A value greater than zero specifies the maximum size in octets of an expedited transport service

data unit (ETSDU); a value of T_NULL (zero)

specifies that the transport provider does not support the concept of ETSDU, although it does support the sending of an expedited data stream with no logical boundaries preserved across a

connection; a value of T_INFINITE (-1) speci-

fies that there is no limit on the size (in

octets) of an ETSDU; and a value of T_INVALID

(-2) specifies that the transfer of expedited

data is not supported by the transport provider. Note that the semantics of expedited data may be

quite different for different transport provid-

ers. connect A value greater than zero specifies the maximum number of octets that may be associated with connection establishment functions and a value

of T_INVALID (-2) specifies that the transport

provider does not allow data to be sent with connection establishment functions.

discon If the T_ORDRELDATA bit in flags is clear, a

value greater than zero specifies the maximum

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Networking Services Library Functions t_getinfo(3NSL)

number of octets that may be associated with the

t_snddis(3NSL) and t_rcvdis(3NSL) functions, and

a value of T_INVALID (-2) specifies that the

transport provider does not allow data to be sent with the abortive release functions. If the

T_ORDRELDATA bit is set in flags, a value

greater than zero specifies the maximum number of octets that may be associated with the

t_sndreldata(), t_rcvreldata(), t_snddis(3NSL)

and t_rcvdis(3NSL) functions.

servtype This field specifies the service type supported by the transport provider, as described below.

flags This is a bit field used to specify other infor-

mation about the communications provider. If

the T_ORDRELDATA bit is set, the communications

provider supports sending user data with an ord-

erly release. If the T_SENDZERO bit is set in

flags, this indicates that the underlying tran-

sport provider supports the sending of zero-

length TSDUs. If a transport user is concerned with protocol independence, the above sizes may be accessed to determine how large the

buffers must be to hold each piece of information. Alterna-

tively, the t_alloc(3NSL) function may be used to allocate

these buffers. An error will result if a transport user exceeds the allowed data size on any function. The value of

each field may change as a result of protocol option nego-

tiation during connection establishment (the t_optmgmt(3NSL)

call has no effect on the values returned by t_getinfo()).

These values will only change from the values presented to

t_open(3NSL) after the endpoint enters the T_DATAXFER

state. The servtype field of info specifies one of the following values on return:

T_COTS The transport provider supports a

connection-mode service but does not support

the optional orderly release facility.

T_COTS_ORD The transport provider supports a

connection-mode service with the optional

orderly release facility.

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Networking Services Library Functions t_getinfo(3NSL)

T_CLTS The transport provider supports a

connectionless-mode service. For this service

type, t_open(3NSL) will return T_INVALID (-

1) for etsdu, connect and discon.


Upon successful completion, a value of 0 is returned. Oth-

erwise, a value of -1 is returned and t_errno is set to

indicate an error. VALID STATES

ALL - apart from T_UNINIT.


On failure, t_errno is set to one of the following:

TBADF The specified file descriptor does not refer to a transport endpoint. TPROTO This error indicates that a communication problem has been detected between XTI and the transport provider for which there is no other suitable XTI

error (t_errno).

TSYSERR A system error has occurred during execution of this function. TLI COMPATIBILITY The XTI and TLI interface definitions have common names but

use different header files. This, and other semantic differ-

ences between the two interfaces are described in the sub-

sections below. Interface Header

The XTI interfaces use the header file, xti.h. TLI inter-

faces should not use this header. They should use the header:


Error Description Values

The t_errno value TPROTO can be set by the XTI interface but

not by the TLI interface.

The t_info Structure

For TLI , the t_info structure referenced by info lacks the

following structure member:

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Networking Services Library Functions t_getinfo(3NSL)

t_scalar_t flags; /* other info about the transport provider */

This member was added to struct t_info in the XTI inter-


When a value of -1 is observed as the return value in vari-

ous t_info structure members, it signifies that the tran-

sport provider can handle an infinite length buffer for a corresponding attribute, such as address data, option data, TSDU (octet size), ETSDU (octet size), connection data, and disconnection data. The corresponding structure members are

addr, options, tsdu, estdu, connect, and discon, respec-



See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| MT Level | Safe |



t_alloc(3NSL), t_open(3NSL), t_optmgmt(3NSL),

t_rcvdis(3NSL), t_snddis(3NSL), attributes(5)

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