Windows PowerShell command on Get-command t_bind

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man t_bind

Networking Services Library Functions t_bind(3NSL)


t_bind - bind an address to a transport endpoint



int t_bind(int fd, const struct t_bind *req, struct t_bind *ret);


This routine is part of the XTI interfaces that evolved from the TLI interfaces. XTI represents the future evolution of these interfaces. However, TLI interfaces are supported for compatibility. When using a TLI routine that has the same name as an XTI routine, the tiuser.hheader file must be used. Refer to the TLI COMPATIBILITY section for a description of differences between the two interfaces.

This function associates a protocol address with the tran-

sport endpoint specified by fd and activates that transport endpoint. In connection mode, the transport provider may begin enqueuing incoming connect indications, or servicing a connection request on the transport endpoint. In

connectionless-mode, the transport user may send or receive

data units through the transport endpoint.

The req and ret arguments point to a t_bind structure con-

taining the following members: struct netbuf addr; unsigned qlen;

The addr field of the t_bind structure specifies a protocol

address, and the qlen field is used to indicate the maximum number of outstanding connection indications. The parameter req is used to request that an address, represented by the netbuf structure, be bound to the given transport endpoint. The parameter len specifies the number of bytes in the address, and buf points to the address buffer. The parameter maxlen has no meaning for the req argument. On return, ret contains an encoding for the address that the transport provider actually bound to the transport endpoint; if an address was specified in req,

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Networking Services Library Functions t_bind(3NSL)

this will be an encoding of the same address. In ret, the user specifies maxlen, which is the maximum size of the address buffer, and buf which points to the buffer where the address is to be placed. On return, len specifies the number of bytes in the bound address, and buf points to the bound address. If maxlen equals zero, no address is returned. If maxlen is greater than zero and less than the length of the

address, t_bind() fails with t_errno set to TBUFOVFLW.

If the requested address is not available, t_bind() will

return -1 with t_errno set as appropriate. If no address is

specified in req (the len field of addr in req is zero or req is NULL), the transport provider will assign an appropriate address to be bound, and will return that address in the addr field of ret. If the transport provider

could not allocate an address, t_bind() will fail with

t_errno set to TNOADDR.

The parameter req may be a null pointer if the user does not wish to specify an address to be bound. Here, the value of qlen is assumed to be zero, and the transport provider will assign an address to the transport endpoint. Similarly, ret may be a null pointer if the user does not care what address

was bound by the provider and is not interested in the nego-

tiated value of qlen. It is valid to set req and ret to the null pointer for the same call, in which case the provider chooses the address to bind to the transport endpoint and does not return that information to the user. The qlen field has meaning only when initializing a

connection-mode service. It specifies the number of out-

standing connection indications that the transport provider

should support for the given transport endpoint. An out-

standing connection indication is one that has been passed to the transport user by the transport provider but which has not been accepted or rejected. A value of qlen greater

than zero is only meaningful when issued by a passive tran-

sport user that expects other users to call it. The value of qlen will be negotiated by the transport provider and may be

changed if the transport provider cannot support the speci-

fied number of outstanding connection indications. However, this value of qlen will never be negotiated from a requested value greater than zero to zero. This is a requirement on transport providers; see WARNINGS below. On return, the qlen field in ret will contain the negotiated value.

If fd refers to a connection-mode service, this function

allows more than one transport endpoint to be bound to the

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Networking Services Library Functions t_bind(3NSL)

same protocol address. but it is not possible to bind more than one protocol address to the same transport endpoint.

However, the transport provider must also support this capa-

bility. If a user binds more than one transport endpoint to the same protocol address, only one endpoint can be used to

listen for connection indications associated with that pro-

tocol address. In other words, only one t_bind() for a given

protocol address may specify a value of qlen greater than zero. In this way, the transport provider can identify which

transport endpoint should be notified of an incoming connec-

tion indication. If a user attempts to bind a protocol address to a second transport endpoint with a value of qlen

greater than zero, t_bind() will return -1 and set t_errno

to TADDRBUSY. When a user accepts a connection on the tran-

sport endpoint that is being used as the listening endpoint, the bound protocol address will be found to be busy for the

duration of the connection, until a t_unbind(3NSL) or

t_close(3NSL) call has been issued. No other transport end-

points may be bound for listening on that same protocol address while that initial listening endpoint is active (in

the data transfer phase or in the T_IDLE state). This will

prevent more than one transport endpoint bound to the same protocol address from accepting connection indications. If fd refers to connectionless mode service, this function allows for more than one transport endpoint to be associated

with a protocol address, where the underlying transport pro-

vider supports this capability (often in conjunction with

value of a protocol-specific option). If a user attempts to

bind a second transport endpoint to an already bound proto-

col address when such capability is not supported for a

transport provider, t_bind() will return -1 and set t_errno



Upon successful completion, a value of 0 is returned. Oth-

erwise, a value of -1 is returned and t_errno is set to

indicate an error. VALID STATES



On failure, t_errno is set to one of the following:

TACCES The user does not have permission to use the specified address. TADDRBUSY The requested address is in use.

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Networking Services Library Functions t_bind(3NSL)

TBADADDR The specified protocol address was in an

incorrect format or contained illegal informa-

tion. TBADF The specified file descriptor does not refer to a transport endpoint. TBUFOVFLW The number of bytes allowed for an incoming argument (maxlen) is greater than 0 but not sufficient to store the value of that argument.

The provider's state will change to T_IDLE and

the information to be returned in ret will be discarded. TOUTSTATE The communications endpoint referenced by fd is not in one of the states in which a call to this function is valid. TNOADDR The transport provider could not allocate an address.

TPROTO This error indicates that a communication prob-

lem has been detected between XTI and the tran-

sport provider for which there is no other

suitable XTI error (t_errno).

TSYSERR A system error has occurred during execution of this function. TLI COMPATIBILITY The XTI and TLI interface definitions have common names but

use different header files. This, and other semantic differ-

ences between the two interfaces are described in the sub-

sections below. Interface Header

The XTI interfaces use the header file, xti.h. TLI inter-

faces should not use this header. They should use the header:


Address Bound

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Networking Services Library Functions t_bind(3NSL)

The user can compare the addresses in req and ret to deter-

mine whether the transport provider bound the transport end-

point to a different address than that requested. Error Description Values

The t_errno values TPROTO and TADDRBUSY can be set by the

XTI interface but cannot be set by the TLI interface.

A t_errno value that this routine can return under different

circumstances than its XTI counterpart is TBUFOVFLW. It can be returned even when the maxlen field of the corresponding buffer has been set to zero.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| MT Level | Safe |



t_accept(3NSL), t_alloc(3NSL), t_close(3NSL),

t_connect(3NSL), t_unbind(3NSL), attributes(5)

WARNINGS The requirement that the value of qlen never be negotiated from a requested value greater than zero to zero implies that transport providers, rather than the XTI implementation itself, accept this restriction. An implementation need not allow an application explicitly to bind more than one communications endpoint to a single protocol address, while permitting more than one connection to be accepted to the same protocol address. That means that although an attempt to bind a communications endpoint to some address with qlen=0 might be rejected with TADDRBUSY, the user may nevertheless use this (unbound) endpoint as a

responding endpoint in a call to t_accept(3NSL). To become

independent of such implementation differences, the user should supply unbound responding endpoints to


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Networking Services Library Functions t_bind(3NSL)

The local address bound to an endpoint may change as result

of a t_accept(3NSL) or t_connect(3NSL) call. Such changes

are not necessarily reversed when the connection is released.

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