Windows PowerShell command on Get-command system

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man system

Standard C Library Functions system(3C)


system - issue a shell command



int system(const char *string);


The system() function causes string to be given to the shell

as input, as if string had been typed as a command at a ter-

minal. The invoker waits until the shell has completed, then returns the exit status of the shell in the format specified by waitpid(3C).

If string is a null pointer, system() checks if the shell

exists and is executable. If the shell is available, sys-

tem() returns a non-zero value; otherwise, it returns 0.

The standard to which the caller conforms determines which shell is used. See standards(5).

The system() function sets the SIGINT and SIGQUIT signals to

be ignored, and blocks the SIGCHLD signal for the calling

thread, while waiting for the command to terminate. The sys-

tem() function does not affect the termination status of any child of the calling processes other than the process it creates.

The termination status of the process created by the sys-

tem() function is not affected by the actions of other threads in the calling process (it is invisible to wait(3C)) or by the disposition of the SIGCHLD signal in the calling process, even if it is set to be ignored. No SIGCHLD signal is sent to the process containing the calling thread when the command terminates.


The system() function executes posix_spawn(3C) to create a

child process running the shell that in turn executes the

commands in string. If posix_spawn() fails, system() returns

-1 and sets errno to indicate the error; otherwise the exit

status of the shell is returned.


The system() function may set errno values as described by

fork(2), in particular:

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 14 Dec 2006 1

Standard C Library Functions system(3C)

EAGAIN A resource control or limit on the total number of processes, tasks or LWPs under execution by a single user, task, project, or zone has been

exceeded, or the total amount of system memory

available is temporarily insufficient to dupli-

cate this process. ENOMEM There is not enough swap space.

EPERM The {PRIV_PROC_FORK} privilege is not asserted

in the effective set of the calling process.


The system() function manipulates the signal handlers for

SIGINT and SIGQUIT. It is therefore not safe to call sys-

tem() in a multithreaded process, since some other thread that manipulates these signal handlers and a thread that

concurrently calls system() can interfere with each other in

a destructive manner. If, however, no such other thread is

active, system() can safely be called concurrently from mul-

tiple threads. See popen(3C) for an alternative to system()

that is thread-safe.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Interface Stability | Committed |


| MT-Level | Unsafe |


| Standard | See standards(5). |



ksh(1), sh(1), popen(3C), posix_spawn(3C), wait(3C),

waitpid(3C), attributes(5), standards(5)

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 14 Dec 2006 2

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