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Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man syncinit

System Administration Commands syncinit(1M)


syncinit - set serial line interface operating parameters


/usr/sbin/syncinit device

[ [baud_rate] | [keyword=value,]... | [single-word option]]


The syncinit utility allows the user to modify some of the

hardware operating modes common to synchronous serial lines. This can be useful in troubleshooting a link, or necessary to the operation of a communications package.

If run without options, syncinit reports the options as

presently set on the port. If options are specified, the new settings are reported after they have been made. OPTIONS

Options to syncinit normally take the form of a keyword,

followed by an equal sign and a value. The exception is that a baud rate may be specified as a decimal integer by itself. Keywords must begin with the value shown in the options table, but may contain additional letters up to the equal sign. For example, loop= and loopback= are equivalent. The following options are supported: Keyword Value Effect loop yes Set the port to operate in internal

loopback mode. The receiver is electr-

ically disconnected from the DCE receive data input and tied to the outgoing transmit data line. Transmit data is available to the DCE. The

Digital Phase-Locked Loop (DPLL) may

not be used as a clock source in this mode. If no other clocking options have been specified, perform the equivalent of txc=baud and rxc=baud. no Disable internal loopback mode. If no other clocking options have been specified, perform the equivalent of txc=txc and rxc=rxc.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 9 Mar 1993 1

System Administration Commands syncinit(1M)

echo yes Set the port to operate in auto-echo

mode. The transmit data output is electrically disconnected from the transmitter and tied to the receive data input. Incoming receive data is still visible. Use of this mode in combination with local loopback mode has no value, and should be rejected

by the device driver. The auto-echo

mode is useful to make a system become the endpoint of a remote loopback test.

no Disable auto-echo mode.

nrzi yes Set the port to operate with NRZI data encoding. no Set the port to operate with NRZ data encoding. txc txc Transmit clock source will be the TxC signal (pin 15). rxc Transmit clock source will be the RxC signal (pin 17). baud Transmit clock source will be the internal baud rate generator.

pll Transmit clock source will be the out-

put of the DPLL circuit. rxc rxc Receive clock source will be the RxC signal (pin 17). txc Receive clock source will be the TxC signal (pin 15). baud Receive clock source will be the internal baud rate generator.

pll Receive clock source will be the out-

put of the DPLL circuit. speed integer Set the baud rate to integer bits per second.

There are also several single-word options that set one or

more paramaters at a time: Keyword Equivalent to Options: external txc=txc rxc=rxc loop=no sender txc=baud rxc=rxc loop=no internal txc=pll rxc=pll loop=no stop speed=0


SunOS 5.11 Last change: 9 Mar 1993 2

System Administration Commands syncinit(1M)

Example 1 Using syncinit

The following command sets the first CPU port to loop inter-

nally, using internal clocking and operating at 38400 baud:

example# syncinit zsh0 38400 loop=yes

device: /dev/zsh ppa: 0 speed=38400, loopback=yes, echo=no, nrzi=no, txc=baud, rxc=baud The following command sets the same port's clocking, local loopback and baud rate settings to their default values:

example# syncinit zsh0 stop loop=no

device: /dev/zsh ppa: 0 speed=0, loopback=no, echo=no, nrzi=no, txc=txc, rxc=rxc


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Availability | SUNWcs |



syncloop(1M), syncstat(1M), intro(2), ioctl(2), attri-

butes(5), zsh(7D) DIAGNOSTICS device missing minor device number The name device does not end in a decimal number that can be used as a minor device number. bad speed: arg The string arg that accompanied the speed= option could not be interpreted as a decimal integer.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 9 Mar 1993 3

System Administration Commands syncinit(1M)

Bad arg: arg The string arg did not make sense as an option. ioctl failure code = errno An ioctl(2) system called failed. The meaning of the value of errno may be found in intro(2). WARNINGS

Do not use syncinit on an active serial link, unless needed

to resolve an error condition. Do not use this command casually or without being aware of the consequences.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 9 Mar 1993 4

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