Windows PowerShell command on Get-command stringprep_4i

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man stringprep_4i

libidn stringprep_4i(3)


stringprep_4i - prepare internationalized string



int stringprep_4i(uint32_t * ucs4, size_t * len, size_t

maxucs4len ARGUMENTS

uint32_t * ucs4

input/output array with string to prepare.

size_t * len

on input, length of input array with Unicode code points, on exit, length of output array with Unicode code points.

size_t maxucs4len

maximum length of input/output array.

Stringprep_profile_flags flags

a Stringprep_profile_flags value, or 0.

const Stringprep_profile * profile

pointer to Stringprep_profile to use.


Prepare the input UCS-4 string according to the stringprep

profile, and write back the result to the input string. The input is not required to be zero terminated (ucs4[len] = 0). The output will not be zero terminated unless ucs4[len]

= 0. Instead, see stringprep_4zi() if your input is zero

terminated or if you want the output to be. Since the stringprep operation can expand the string, maxucs4len indicate how large the buffer holding the string is. This function will not read or write to code points outside that size.

The flags are one of Stringprep_profile_flags values, or 0.

The profile contain the Stringprep_profile instructions to

perform. Your application can define new profiles, possibly

re-using the generic stringprep tables that always will be

part of the library, or use one of the currently supported profiles. RETURN VALUE

Returns STRINGPREP_OK iff successful, or an Stringprep_rc

error code. libidn Last change: 1.9 1

libidn stringprep_4i(3)


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COPYRIGHT Copyright cO 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Simon Josefsson. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies

of this manual provided the copyright notice and this per-

mission notice are preserved on all copies.


The full documentation for libidn is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and libidn programs are properly installed at your site, the command info libidn should give you access to the complete manual.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Availability | library/libidn |


| Interface Stability| Uncommitted |


NOTES Source for LibIDN is available on libidn Last change: 1.9 2

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