Windows PowerShell command on Get-command stclient

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man stclient

System Administration Commands stclient(1M)


stclient - Service Tag Administration Program


stclient -x | -E [-r root_dir]

stclient -a [-i instance_URN] -p product_name -e product_version

-t product_URN [-F parent_URN] -P product_parent

[-I product_defined_instance_id] -m product_vendor -A platform_arch

-z container -S source [-r root_dir]

stclient -u -i instance_URN -F parent_URN -I product_defined_instance_id

[-r root_dir]

stclient -d -i instance_URN [-r root_dir]

stclient -g -i instance_URN [-r root_dir]

stclient -f -t product_URN [-r root_dir]

stclient -h

stclient -v


The stclient command displays, finds, adds, updates and

deletes records in the Service Tag registry. The registry is in the XML file /var/sadm/servicetag/registry/servicetag.xml, and contains the inventory of the product instances installed in the

machine. Each record has a unique product instance identif-

ier which is generated when the service tag is added in the registry. This product instance identifier is used as a key when finding, updating or deleting the service tag records. The extract option prints out the registry contents in XML format in stdout.

The stclient command also runs in interactive mode. This

mode is invoked by running stclient without any parameters.

A menu of all the available options are displayed, and the user is prompted to enter different parameters depending on the option chosen.

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System Administration Commands stclient(1M)

Any user can extract or get the contents of the registry, but only users with the appropriate privileges, the "svctag" user, or the creator of the service tag is authorized to update or delete a service tag record. OPTIONS The following options are supported:

-p product_name

Sets the product name of the service tag to be added.

For example, "stclient -p "Solaris 10 Operating System""

sets the product name to the "Solaris 10 Operating Sys-


-e product_version

Sets the product version of the service tag to be added.

For example, "stclient -r 5.10" sets the product version

to "5.10".

-t product_URN

Sets the Sun product unique identifier of the service

tag to be added. For example, "stclient -t

urn:uuid:5005588c-36f3-11d6-9cec-fc96f718e113" sets the

Sun product unique identifier to "urn:uuid:5005588c-


-i instance_URN

Sets the product instance unique identifier of the ser-

vice tag. For example, "stclient -i 3a444ab2-1dd2-11b2-

a69d-830020782a6b" sets the product instance unique

identifier to "3a444ab2-1dd2-11b2-a69d-830020782a6b"

This field may also be set when the service tag is added but is not typically used. The generation of the

instance ID is normally left to the stclient.

-F product_parent_URN

Sets the Sun product unique identifier of parent pro-

duct. For example, "stclient -F urn:uuid:5005588c-36f3-

11d6-9cec-fc96f718e113" sets the Sun product unique

identifier of parent product to "urn:uuid:5005588c-


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System Administration Commands stclient(1M)

-P product_parent

Sets the parent product of the service tag. For example,

"stclient -P JES" sets the product parent to "JES".

-I product_defined_instance_id

Sets the product defined instance identifier. For exam-

ple, "stclient -I ser:abc-klm-000-7190" sets the product

defined instance identifier to "ser:abc-klm-000-7190".

-m product_vendor

Sets the vendor of the product. For example, "stclient

-m Sun" sets the product vendor to "Sun".

-A platform_arch

Sets the platform architecture that the product is run-

ning on. For example, "stclient -A sparc" sets the plat-

form architecture to "sparc"

-z container

Sets the container that the product is running on. For

example, "stclient -z "global zone"" sets the container

to "global zone".

-S source

Sets the source of this service tag, naming the entity that created it.

-r root_dir

Sets the root directory where the command searches for the registry. The command searches /var/sadm/servicetag/registry by default. When this option is used, the command looks for the Registry in

the specified root directory, (for example, "-r

/home/user1" searches /home/user1/var/sadm/servicetag). This is typically used for testing. OPERANDS

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System Administration Commands stclient(1M)

Function Letters The function portion of the key is specified by one of the following letters:

x Extract. Extracts and prints the contents of the Ser-

vice Tag registry in XML format. An alternate root directory may be specified for testing purposes.

a Add. Adds a service tag in the registry. A unique pro-

duct instance identifier may be supplied and is automatically generated if not provided. This field is returned by the command. The required fields for add are product name, product version, product URN, product parent, vendor, platform architecture, container and source. u Update. Updates a service tag in the registry using the product instance URN as the key. The parent URN and product defined instance id fields can be updated. d Delete. Deletes a service tag in the registry using the product instance URN as the key. E Extract Environment. Enumerates to standard output the environmental or "agent"' information associated with the registered Service Tags on this system. g Get. Gets and prints a service tag from the registry using the product instance URN as the key. f Find. Finds and prints all the instance URNs of a given product URN. h Help. Displays the command options. v Version. Displays the version number of the command. EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion.

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System Administration Commands stclient(1M)

> 0 An error occurred.


Example 1 Adding a Service Tag in the Registry To add a service tag, enter the following:

# stclient -a -p "Java Enterprise Web Server 6.0" -e 6.0 \

-t urn:uuid:f2b8b59c-6eba-11d7-986f-9f5d47ec72fe \

-P Java Enterprise Server -m Sun -A sparc -z global -S patch

The screen displays the following: Java Enterprise Web Server 6.0 6.0 added

Product instance URN=urn:st:7fc61914-1dd2-11b2-b992-830020782a6b

Example 2 Updating a Service Tag in the Registry To update a service tag, enter the following:

# stclient -u -i 7fc61914-1dd2-11b2-b992-830020782a6b \


The screen displays the following: Service tag updated Example 3 Extracting a Service Tag Registry To extract a service tag, enter the following:

# stclient -x

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System Administration Commands stclient(1M)

The screen displays output similar to the following:

. . .

Example 4 Finding all product instances To find all product instances, enter the following:

# stclient -f -t urn:uuid:f2b8b59c-6eba-11d7-986f-9f5d47ec72fe \


Example 5 Listing the Environmental Information To list the environmental information associated with the registered Service Tags on this system, enter the following:

# stclient -E

The screen displays output similar to the following:


. . .

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System Administration Commands stclient(1M)

ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES See environ(5)for descriptions of the following environment

variables that affect the execution of stclient: LANG,



See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Availability | system/management/service-tag|


| Interface Stability | Committed |



in.stdiscover(1M), in.stlisten(1M)

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