Windows PowerShell command on Get-command snmpd

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snmpd - daemon to respond to SNMP request packets.




snmpd is an SNMP agent which binds to a port and awaits

requests from SNMP management software. Upon receiving a request, it processes the request(s), collects the requested information and/or performs the requested operation(s) and returns the information to the sender. OPTIONS

-a Log the source addresses of incoming requests.

-A Append to the log file rather than truncating it.

-c FILE Read FILE as a configuration file (or a comma-

separated list of configuration files). Note that

the loaded file will only understand snmpd.conf

tokens, unless the configuration type is specified

in the file as described in the snmp_config man page


-C Do not read any configuration files except the ones

optionally specified by the -c option. Note that

this behaviour also covers the persistent configura-

tion files. This may result in dynamically-assigned

values being reset following an agent restart, unless the relevant persistent config files are

explicitly loaded using the -c option.

-d Dump (in hexadecimal) the sent and received SNMP



Turn on debugging output for the given TOKEN(s).

Without any tokens specified, it defaults to print-

ing all the tokens (which is equivalent to the key-

word "ALL"). You might want to try ALL for extremely verbose output. Note: You can not put a

space between the -D flag and the listed TOKENs.

-f Do not fork() from the calling shell.

-g GID Change to the numerical group ID GID after opening

listening sockets.

-h, --help

Display a brief usage message and then exit. V5.4.1 Last change: 23 Jun 2005 1


-H Display a list of configuration file directives

understood by the agent and then exit.


Specifies which modules should (or should not) be initialized when the agent starts up. If the

comma-separated INITLIST is preceded with a '-', it

is the list of modules that should not be started. Otherwise this is the list of the only modules that should be started. To get a list of compiled modules, run the agent

with the arguments -Dmib_init -H (assuming debugging

support has been compiled in).


Specify where logging output should be directed (standard error or output, to a file or via syslog). See LOGGING OPTIONS in snmpcmd(5) for details.


Specifies a colon separated list of MIB modules to load for this application. This overrides the environment variable MIBS. See snmpcmd(1) for details.


Specifies a colon separated list of directories to search for MIBs. This overrides the environment variable MIBDIRS. See snmpcmd(1) for details.

-n NAME Set an alternative application name (which will

affect the configuration files loaded). By default

this will be snmpd, regardless of the name of the

actual binary.

-p FILE Save the process ID of the daemon in FILE.

-q Print simpler output for easier automated parsing.

-r Do not require root access to run the daemon.

Specifically, do not exit if files only accessible to root (such as /dev/kmem etc.) cannot be opened.

-u UID Change to the user ID UID (which can be given in

numerical or textual form) after opening listening sockets.

-U Instructs the agent to not remove its pid file (see

the -p option) on shutdown. Overrides the

leave_pidfile token in the snmpd.conf file, see


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-v, --version

Print version information for the agent and then exit.

-V Symbolically dump SNMP transactions.


Listens for AgentX connections on the specified address rather than the default "/var/agentx/master". The address can either be a Unix domain socket path, or the address of a network interface. The format is the same as the format of listening addresses described below.

-X Run as an AgentX subagent rather than as an SNMP

master agent.


Allows to specify any token ("name") supported in

the snmpd.conf file and sets its value to "value".

Overrides the corresponding token in the snmpd.conf

file. See snmpd.conf(5) for the full list of tokens.


By default, snmpd listens for incoming SNMP requests on UDP

port 161 on all IPv4 interfaces. However, it is possible to modify this behaviour by specifying one or more listening

addresses as arguments to snmpd. A listening address takes

the form:


At its simplest, a listening address may consist only of a

port number, in which case snmpd listens on that UDP port on

all IPv4 interfaces. Otherwise, the

part of the specification is parsed according to the follow-

ing table:


udp (default) hostname[:port] or IPv4-


tcp hostname[:port] or IPv4-

address[:port] unix pathname ipx [network]:node[/port] [interface.][VPI.]VCI V5.4.1 Last change: 23 Jun 2005 3


hostname[:port] or IPv6-


hostname[:port] or IPv6-


Note that strings are case-insensitive

so that, for example, "tcp" and "TCP" are equivalent. Here are some examples, along with their interpretation: listen on UDP port 161, but only on the loopback interface. This

prevents snmpd being queried

remotely. The port specification ":161" is not strictly necessary since that is the default SNMP port. TCP:1161 listen on TCP port 1161 on all IPv4 interfaces. ipx:/40000 listen on IPX port 40000 on all IPX interfaces.

unix:/tmp/local-agent listen on the Unix domain socket


/tmp/local-agent is identical to the previous specif-

ication, since the Unix domain is assumed if the first character of

the is '/'.

PVC:161 listen on the AAL5 permanent virtual circuit with VPI=0 and VCI=161 (decimal) on the first ATM adapter in the machine. udp6:10161 listen on port 10161 on all IPv6 interfaces. Note that not all the transport domains listed above will

always be available; for instance, hosts with no IPv6 sup-

port will not be able to use udp6 transport addresses, and attempts to do so will result in the error "Error opening specified endpoint". Likewise, since AAL5 PVC support is only currently available on Linux, it will fail with the same error on other platforms. CONFIGURATION FILES

snmpd checks for the existence of and parses the following

files: /usr/etc/snmp/snmp.conf V5.4.1 Last change: 23 Jun 2005 4


Common configuration for the agent and applications. See snmp.conf(5) for details.



Agent-specific configuration. See snmpd.conf(5) for

details. These files are optional and may be used to configure access control, trap generation, subagent protocols and much else besides. In addition to these two configuration files in /usr/etc/snmp, the agent will read any files with the

names snmpd.conf and snmpd.local.conf in a colon

separated path specified in the SNMPCONFPATH environ-

ment variable.


The agent will also load all files in this directory as MIBs. It will not, however, load any file that begins with a '.' or descend into subdirectories.


(in recommended reading order)

snmp_config(5), snmp.conf(5), snmpd.conf(5)


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Availability | system/management/snmp/net-snmp|


| Interface Stability| Volatile |



The snmpd service is managed by the service management

facility, smf(5), under the service identifiers:


svc:/application/management/seaport Administrative actions on this service, such as enabling, disabling, or requesting restart, can be performed using svcadm(1M). The service's status can be queried using the svcs(1) command. V5.4.1 Last change: 23 Jun 2005 5


If /etc/net-snmp/snmp/snmpd.conf contains DISABLE=YES, then

the service does not start and displays the message:

snmpd disabled by config file /etc/net-snmp/snmp/snmpd.conf

Source for net-snmp is available on

V5.4.1 Last change: 23 Jun 2005 6

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