Windows PowerShell command on Get-command smf_template

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Standards, Environments, and Macros smf_template(5)


smf_template - service management framework support for ser-

vice metadata


Templates are defined by service developers to describe

metadata about a service in general or individual configura-

tion properties on a service, including human-consumable

descriptions as well as definitions of valid configuration. Administrators are provided access to templates through SMF commands that describe configuration values and validate configuration against templates. Tool developers can use templates to provide more helpful user interfaces for service configuration. Template Data Service metadata is defined in the template as part of the service manifest. Consuming Template Data

The svcs -lv and svccfg describe commands can be used to

access metadata about properties in a human-readable format.

svccfg(1M)'s validate subcommand can be used to validate a service instance or manifest against template data. A set of libscf(3LIB) interfaces is available to access template data. Template Definition

The sole interface to define templates is the service mani-

fest. Service authors should provide template metadata including

common_names, descriptions, choices and constraints for

service-specific property groups and properties which they

introduce. At a minimum, service authors must provide descriptions for property groups and properties in the C locale. Service authors should not provide template metadata

for framework-delivered property groups such as methods and


See the EXAMPLES section for an example of authoring a tem-

plate definition for a service.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 18 Mar 2010 1

Standards, Environments, and Macros smf_template(5)

Template Composition All template interfaces search for template data about a property group first on the instance, then on the service, then on the service's restarter, and finally globally. A property group template is defined by its author to apply to a specific instance, to a service and all of its

instances, to a restarter's delegates, or globally. A typi-

cal service author defines the template on an instance or on a service. A template defined on an instance is applied to that instance only, and can override a template for that property group defined on the service. A template defined on the service is applied to all instances of that service. Restarter authors can define templates in their manifest that apply to any service which uses their restarter, which is also known as a delegate. SMF framework authors have

defined templates for property groups with well-known mean-

ings to the entire SMF framework in the manifest for svc:/system/svc/global.

Templates defined globally or by the restarter and re-

defined by the service or instance are flagged as a valida-

tion error. Service authors can avoid these errors by creat-

ing templates only for property groups specific to their service and not consumed by the SMF framework. Property group templates can also be wildcarded by name or type. Only the most specific template definition applicable to a property group is honored. Template Details Service and Instance Templates The template element defines the start of a template block. All further definitions below can be included in a template

block. A template element can be contained in either a ser-

vice or instance element. If it is contained in the service element, it applies to the service and all instances of that service. If it is contained in the instance element, it applies to only that instance of the service. Whenever possible, we recommend defining the template data for the entire service.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 18 Mar 2010 2

Standards, Environments, and Macros smf_template(5)

Service and Instance Common Names The entire service or instance can define a common name to describe the purpose of the service/instance.