Windows PowerShell command on Get-command smf_security

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man smf_security

Standards, Environments, and Macros smf_security(5)


smf_security - service management facility security behavior


The configuration subsystem for the service management

facility, smf(5), requires privilege to modify the confi-

guration of a service. Privileges are granted to a user by associating the authorizations described below to the user

through user_attr(4) and prof_attr(4). See rbac(5).

The following authorization is used to manipulate services and service instances. solaris.smf.modify Authorized to add, delete, or modify services, service instances, or their

properties, and to read protected pro-

perty values. Property Group Authorizations The smf(5) configuration subsystem associates properties with each service and service instance. Related properties are grouped. Groups can represent an execution method, credential information, application data, or restarter state. The ability to create or modify property groups can cause smf(5) components to perform actions that can require operating system privilege. Accordingly, the framework requires appropriate authorization to manipulate property groups. Each property group has a type corresponding to its purpose.

The core property group types are method, dependency, appli-

cation, and framework. Additional property group types can be introduced, provided they conform to the extended naming convention in smf(5). The following basic authorizations, however, apply only to the core property group types: solaris.smf.modify.method Authorized to change values or create, delete, or modify a property group of type method. solaris.smf.modify.dependency Authorized to change values or create, delete, or modify a property group of type dependency.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 20 May 2009 1

Standards, Environments, and Macros smf_security(5)

solaris.smf.modify.application Authorized to change values, read protected values, and create, delete, or modify a property group of type application. solaris.smf.modify.framework Authorized to change values or create, delete, or modify a property group of type framework. solaris.smf.modify Authorized to add, delete, or modify services, service instances, or their properties, and to read protected property values.

Property group-specific authorization can be specified by

properties contained in the property group.

modify_authorization Authorizations allow the addition,

deletion, or modification of proper-

ties within the property group, and the retrieval of property values

from the property group if pro-


value_authorization Authorizations allow changing the

values of any property of the pro-

perty group except

modify_authorization, and the

retrieval of any property values

except modify_authorization from the

property group if protected.

read_authorization Authorizations allow the retrieval

of property values within the pro-

perty group. The presence of a

string-valued property with this

name identifies the containing pro-

perty group as protected. This pro-

perty has no effect on property

groups of types other than applica-

tion. See Protected Property Groups.

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Standards, Environments, and Macros smf_security(5)

The above authorization properties are only used if they have type astring. If an instance property group does not have one of the properties, but the instance's service has a property group of the same name with the property, its values are used. Protected Property Groups Normally, all property values in the repository can be read by any user without explicit authorization. Property groups

of non-framework types can be used to store properties with

values that require protection. They must not be revealed except upon proper authorization. A property group's status

as protected is indicated by the presence of a string-valued

read_authorization property. If this property is present,

the values of all properties in the property group is

retrievable only as described in Property Group Authoriza-

tions. Administrative domains with policies that prohibit backup of data considered sensitive should exclude the SMF repository databases from their backups. In the face of such a policy,

non-protected property values can be backed up by using the

svccfg(1M) archive command to create an archive of the repo-

sitory without protected property values. Service Action Authorization Certain actions on service instances can result in service interruption or deactivation. These actions require an authorization to ensure that any denial of service is a deliberate administrative action. Such actions include a request for execution of the refresh or restart methods, or placement of a service instance in the maintenance or other

non-operational state. The following authorization allows

such actions to be requested: solaris.smf.manage Authorized to request restart, refresh, or other state modification of any service instance.

In addition, the general/action_authorization property can

specify additional authorizations that permit service actions to be requested for that service instance. The solaris.smf.manage authorization is required to modify this property. Defined Rights Profiles

Two rights profiles are included that offer grouped authori-

zations for manipulating typical smf(5) operations.

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Standards, Environments, and Macros smf_security(5)

Service Management A service manager can manipulate any service in the repository in any way. It corresponds to the solaris.smf.manage and solaris.smf.modify authorizations. The service management profile is the minimum required to use the pkgadd(1M) or pkgrm(1M) commands to add or remove software packages that contain an inventory of services in its service manifest. Service Operator A service operator has the ability to enable or disable any service instance on the system, as well as request that

its restart or refresh method be exe-

cuted. It corresponds to the solaris.smf.manage and

solaris.smf.modify.framework authori-

zations. Sites can define additional rights profiles customized to their needs. Remote Repository Modification Remote repository servers can deny modification attempts due to additional privilege checks. See NOTES.


auths(1), profiles(1), pkgadd(1M), pkgrm(1M), svccfg(1M),

prof_attr(4), user_attr(4), rbac(5), smf(5)


The present version of smf(5) does not support remote repo-

sitories. When a service is configured to be started as root but with

privileges different from limit_privileges, the resulting

process is privilege aware. This can be surprising to

developers who expect seteuid() to reduce

privileges to basic or less.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 20 May 2009 4

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