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Standards, Environments, and Macros smf(5)


smf - service management facility


The Solaris service management facility defines a program-

ming model for providing persistently running applications

called services. The facility also provides the infrastruc-

ture in which to run services. A service can represent a running application, the software state of a device, or a set of other services. Services are represented in the framework by service instance objects, which are children of service objects. Instance objects can inherit or override the configuration of the parent service object, which allows

multiple service instances to share configuration informa-

tion. All service and instance objects are contained in a

scope that represents a collection of configuration informa-

tion. The configuration of the local Solaris instance is

called the "localhost" scope, and is the only currently sup-

ported scope. Each service instance is named with a fault management

resource identifier (FMRI) with the scheme svc:. For exam-

ple, the syslogd(1M) daemon started at system startup is the default service instance named:




Many commands also allow FMRI abbreviations. See the svcs(1) man page for one such example. In the above example, 'default' is the name of the instance

and 'system/system-log' is the service name. Service names

can comprise multiple components separated by slashes (/). All components, except the last, compose the category of the

service. Site-specific services should be named with a

category beginning with 'site'.

A service instance is either enabled or disabled. All ser-

vices can be enabled or disabled with the svcadm(1M) com-

mand. The list of managed service instances on a system can be displayed with the svcs(1) command.

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Standards, Environments, and Macros smf(5)

Dependencies Service instances can have dependencies on a set of entities which can include services and files. Dependencies govern when the service is started and automatically stopped. When the dependencies of an enabled service are not satisfied,

the service is kept in the offline state. When its dependen-

cies are satisfied, the service is started. If the start is successful, the service is transitioned to the online state. Whether a dependency is satisfied is determined by its grouping:

require_all Satisfied when all cited services are run-

ning (online or degraded), or when all indi-

cated files are present.

require_any Satisfied when one of the cited services is

running (online or degraded), or when at least one of the indicated files is present.

optional_all Satisfied if the cited services are running

(online or degraded) or do not run without

administrative action (disabled, mainte-

nance, not present, or offline waiting for dependencies which do not start without administrative action).

exclude_all Satisfied when all of the cited services are

disabled, in the maintenance state, or when cited services or files are not present. Once running (online or degraded), if a service cited by a

require_all, require_any, or optional_all dependency is

stopped or refreshed, the SMF considers why the service was

stopped and the restart_on attribute of the dependency to

decide whether to stop the service.

| restart_on value

event | none error restart refresh


stop due to error | no yes yes yes

non-error stop | no no yes yes

refresh | no no no yes

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Standards, Environments, and Macros smf(5)

A service is considered to have stopped due to an error if the service has encountered a hardware error or a software

error such as a core dump. For exclude_all dependencies, the

service is stopped if the cited service is started and the

restart_on attribute is not none.

The dependencies on a service can be listed with svcs(1) or svccfg(1M), and modified with svccfg(1M). Restarters

Each service is managed by a restarter. The master restar-

ter, svc.startd(1M) manages states for the entire set of

service instances and their dependencies. The master restar-

ter acts on behalf of its services and on delegated restar-

ters that can provide specific execution environments for certain application classes. For instance, inetd(1M) is a delegated restarter that provides its service instances with an initial environment composed of a network connection as input and output file descriptors. Each instance delegated to inetd(1M) is in the online state. While the daemon of a particular instance might not be running, the instance is available to run. As dependencies are satisfied when instances move to the online state, svc.startd(1M) invokes start methods of other instances or directs the delegated restarter to do so. These operations might overlap. The current set of services and associated restarters can be

examined using svcs(1). A description of the common confi-

guration used by all restarters is given in


Methods Each service or service instance must define a set of

methods that start, stop, and, optionally, refresh the ser-

vice. See smf_method(5) for a more complete description of

the method conventions for svc.startd(1M) and similar

fork(2)-exec(2) restarters.

Administrative methods, such as for the capture of legacy configuration information into the repository, are discussed on the svccfg(1M) manual page. The methods for a service can be listed and modified using the svccfg(1M) command.

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Standards, Environments, and Macros smf(5)


Each service instance is always in a well-defined state

based on its dependencies, the results of the execution of

its methods, and its potential contracts events. The follow-

ing states are defined: UNINITIALIZED This is the initial state for all service

instances. Instances are moved to mainte-

nance, offline, or a disabled state upon evaluation by svc.startd(1M) or the appropriate restarter.

OFFLINE The instance is enabled, but not yet run-

ning or available to run. If restarter exe-

cution of the service start method or the equivalent method is successful, the instance moves to the online state. Failures might lead to a degraded or maintenance state. Administrative action can lead to the uninitialized state. ONLINE The instance is enabled and running or is available to run. The specific nature of

the online state is application-model

specific and is defined by the restarter responsible for the service instance. Online is the expected operating state for a properly configured service with all dependencies satisfied. Failures of the

instance can lead to a degraded or mainte-

nance state. Failures of services on which the instance depends can lead to offline or degraded states. DEGRADED The instance is enabled and running or available to run. The instance, however, is

functioning at a limited capacity in com-

parison to normal operation. Failures of the instance can lead to the maintenance state. Failures of services on which the instance depends can lead to offline or degraded states. Restoration of capacity should result in a transition to the online state. MAINTENANCE The instance is enabled, but not able to run. Administrative action (through svcadm clear) is required to move the instance out

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Standards, Environments, and Macros smf(5)

of the maintenance state. The maintenance state might be a temporarily reached state if an administrative operation is underway.

DISABLED The instance is disabled. Enabling the ser-

vice results in a transition to the offline state and eventually to the online state with all dependencies satisfied.

LEGACY-RUN This state represents a legacy instance

that is not managed by the service manage-

ment facility. Instances in this state have been started at some point, but might or might not be running. Instances can only be observed using the facility and are not transferred into other states. States can also have transitions that result in a return to the originating state. Events Notification

SMF allows notification by using SNMP or SMTP of state tran-

sitions. It publishes Information Events for state transi-

tions which are consumed by notification daemons like snmp-

notify(1M) and smtp-notify(1M). SMF state transitions of

disabled services do not generate notifications unless the final state for the transition is disabled and there exist notification parameters for that transition. Notification is not be generated for transitions that have the same initial and final state. Notification Parameters Notification parameters for FMA Events are stored in

svc:/system/fm/notify-params:default except for Information

Events generated by SMF state transitions. Those are stored

in the service or in the instance of the transitioning ser-

vice. Notification parameters for SMF state transition gen-

erated events can be set system wide in svc:/system/svc/global:default. The system wide notification parameters are used when a composed lookup, as in

scf_instance_get_pg_composed(3SCF), in the transitioning

instance cannot be found. Notification parameters can be manipulated using svccfg(1M). Notification parameters can be configured in a service manifest or profile using the

notification_parameters element described in the DTD. An

example is provided below:

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Standards, Environments, and Macros smf(5)

events is a comma separated list of SMF state transition sets or a comma separated list of FMA event classes. events cannot have a mix of SMF state transition sets and FMA event classes.

For convenience, the tags problem-

{diagnosed,updated,repaired,resolved} describe the lifecycle

of a problem diagnosed by the FMA subsystem - from initial

diagnosis to interim updates and finally problem closure. These tags are aliases for underlying FMA protocol event classes (all in the list.* hierarchy), but the latter should not be used in configuring notification preferences.


A new problem has been diagnosed by the FMA subsystem. The diagnosis includes a list of one or more suspects, which (where appropriate) may have been automatically

isolated to prevent further errors occurring. The prob-

lem is identified by a UUID in the event payload, and further events describing the resolution lifecycle of this problem quote a matching UUID.


One or more of the suspect resources in a problem diag-

nosis has been repaired, replaced or acquitted (or has been faulted again), but there remains at least one faulted resource in the list. A repair could be the result of an fmadm command line (fmadm repaired, fmadm acquit, fmadm replaced) or might have been detected automatically such as through detection of a part serial number change.


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All of the suspect resources in a problem diagnosis have been repaired, resolved or acquitted. Some or all of the resources might still be isolated at this stage.


All of the suspect resources in a problem diagnosis have been repaired resolved or acquitted and are no longer

isolated (for example, a cpu that was a suspect and off-

lined is now back online again; this un-isolate action

is usually automatic). State Transition Sets are defined as: to Set of all transitions that have as the final state of the transition.

form- Set of all transitions that have as

the initial state of the transition. Set of all transitions that have as the initial state of the transition. all Set of all transitions. Valid values of state are maintenance, offline, disabled,

online and degraded. An example of a transitions set defini-

tion: maintenance, from-online, to-degraded.

Properties and Property Groups The dependencies, methods, delegated restarter, and instance

state mentioned above are represented as properties or pro-

perty groups of the service or service instance. A service or service instance has an arbitrary number of property groups in which to store application data. Using property

groups in this way allows the configuration of the applica-

tion to derive the attributes that the repository provides for all data in the facility. The application can also use

the appropriate subset of the service_bundle(4) DTD to

represent its configuration data within the framework.

Property lookups are composed. If a property group-property

combination is not found on the service instance, most

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Standards, Environments, and Macros smf(5)

commands and the high-level interfaces of libscf(3LIB)

search for the same property group-property combination on

the service that contains that instance. This allows common

configuration among service instances to be shared. Composi-

tion can be viewed as an inheritance relationship between the service instance and its parent service. Properties are protected from modification by unauthorized

processes. See smf_security(5).

General Property Group The general property group applies to all service instances. It includes the following properties: enabled (boolean) Specifies whether the instance is enabled. If this property is not present on an instance, SMF does not tell the instance's restarter about the existence of the restarter. restarter (fmri) The restarter for this service. See the

Restarters section for more informa-

tion. If this property is unset, the default system restarter is used. Snapshots Historical data about each instance in the repository is maintained by the service management facility. This data is

made available as read-only snapshots for administrative

inspection and rollback. The following set of snapshot types might be available: initial Initial configuration of the instance created

by the administrator or produced during pack-

age installation.

last_import Configuration as prescribed by the manifest

of the service that is taken during svccfg(1M) import operation. This snapshot provides a baseline for determining property customization.

previous Current configuration captured when an admin-

istrative undo operation is performed.

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running The running configuration of the instance. start Configuration captured during a successful transition to the online state. The svccfg(1M) command can be used to interact with snapshots. Special Property Groups

Some property groups are marked as "non-persistent". These

groups are not backed up in snapshots and their content is cleared during system boot. Such groups generally hold an active program state which does not need to survive system restart. Configuration Repository The current state of each service instance, as well as the properties associated with services and service instances, is stored in a system repository managed by svc.configd(1M).

This repository is transactional and able to provide previ-

ous versions of properties and property groups associated with each service or service instance. The repository for service management facility data is managed by svc.configd(1M). Service Bundles, Manifests, and Profiles The information associated with a service or service instance that is stored in the configuration repository can

be exported as XML-based files. Such XML files, known as

service bundles, are portable and suitable for backup pur-

poses. Service bundles are classified as one of the follow-

ing types:

manifests Files that contain the complete set of proper-

ties associated with a specific set of services or service instances. profiles Files that contain a set of service instances and values for the enabled property (type boolean in the general property group) on each instance. Profiles can also contain configuration values

for properties in services and instances. Tem-

plate elements cannot be defined in a profile.

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Profiles can use a relaxed set of elements from

the DTD described in service_bundle(4). To use

these, the DOCTYPE entry should have the fol-

lowing definitions added:

Service bundles can be imported or exported from a reposi-

tory using the svccfg(1M) command. See service_bundle(4) for

a description of the service bundle file format with guide-

lines for authoring service bundles.

A service archive is an XML file that contains the descrip-

tion and persistent properties of every service in the repo-

sitory, excluding transient properties such as service state. This service archive is basically a 'svccfg export' for every service which is not limited to named services. Milestones

An smf milestone is a service that aggregates a multiple

service dependencies. Usually, a milestone does nothing use-

ful itself, but declares a specific state of system-

readiness on which other services can depend. One example is

the name-services milestone, which simply depends upon the

currently enabled name services. Legacy Startup Scripts Startup programs in the /etc/rc?.d directories are executed

as part of the corresponding run-level milestone:

/etc/rcS.d milestone/single-user:default

/etc/rc2.d milestone/multi-user:default

/etc/rc3.d milestone/multi-user-server:default

Execution of each program is represented as a reduced-

functionality service instance named by the program's path.

These instances are held in a special legacy-run state.

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These instances do not have an enabled property (type

boolean in the general property group) and, generally, can-

not be manipulated with the svcadm(1M) command. No error diagnosis or restart is done for these programs.


svcs(1), inetd(1M), snmp-notify(1M), smtp-

notify(1M),svcadm(1M), svccfg(1M), svc.configd(1M), svc.startd(1M), exec(2), fork(2), libscf(3LIB),

strftime(3C), contract(4), service_bundle(4),

smf_bootstrap(5), smf_method(5), smf_restarter(5),


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