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Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man smbadm

System Administration Commands smbadm(1M)


smbadm - configure and manage SMB local groups and users,

and manage domain membership


smbadm add-member -m member [[-m member] ...] group

smbadm create [-d description] group

smbadm delete group

smbadm disable-user username

smbadm enable-user username

smbadm get [[-p property] ...] group

smbadm join -u username domain

smbadm join -w workgroup

smbadm list

smbadm remove-member -m member [[-m member] ...] group

smbadm rename group new-group

smbadm set -p property=value [[-p property=value] ...] group

smbadm show [-m] [-p] [group]


The smbadm command is used to configure SMB local groups and

to manage domain membership. You can also use the smbadm

command to enable or disable SMB password generation for individual local users.

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System Administration Commands smbadm(1M)

SMB local groups can be used when Windows accounts must be members of some local groups and when Windows style

privileges must be granted. Solaris local groups cannot pro-

vide these functions. There are two types of local groups: user defined and

built-in. Built-in local groups are predefined local groups

to support common administration tasks. In order to provide proper identity mapping between SMB local groups and Solaris groups, an SMB local group must have a corresponding Solaris group. This requirement has two consequences: first, the group name must conform to the intersection of the Windows and Solaris group name rules.

Thus, an SMB local group name can be up to eight (8) charac-

ters long and contain only lowercase characters and numbers. Second, a Solaris local group has to be created before an SMB local group can be created.

Built-in groups are standard Windows groups and are prede-

fined by the SMB service. The built-in groups cannot be

added, removed, or renamed, and these groups do not follow the SMB local group naming conventions.

When the SMB server is started, the following built-in

groups are available: Administrators Group members can administer the system. Backup Operators Group members can bypass file access controls to back up and restore files. Power Users Group members can share directories.

Solaris local users must have an SMB password for authenti-

cation and to gain access to SMB resources. This password is created by using the passwd(1) command when the

pam_smb_password module is added to the system's PAM

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System Administration Commands smbadm(1M)

configuration. See the pam_smb_passwd(5) man page.

The disable-user and enable-user subcommands control SMB

password-generation for a specified local user. When dis-

abled, the user is prevented from connecting to the Solaris

SMB service. By default, SMB password-generation is enabled

for all local users.

To reenable a disabled user, you must use the enable-user

subcommand and then reset the user's password by using the

passwd command. The module must be added

to the system's PAM configuration to generate an SMB pass-

word. Escaping Backslash Character

For the add-member, remove-member, and join (with -u) sub-

commands, the backslash character (\) is a valid separator between member or user names and domain names. The backslash character is a shell special character and must be quoted. For example, you might escape the backslash character with another backslash character: domain\\username. For more information about handling shell special characters, see the man page for your shell. OPERANDS

The smbadm command uses the following operands:

domain Specifies the name of an existing Windows domain to join. group Specifies the name of the SMB local group. username Specifies the name of a Solaris local user.


The smbadm command includes these subcommands:

add-member -m member [[-m member] ...] group

Adds the specified member to the specified SMB local

group. The -m member option specifies the name of an SMB

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System Administration Commands smbadm(1M)

local group member. The member name must include an existing user name and an optional domain name.

Specify the member name in either of the following for-

mats: [domain\]username [domain/]username For example, a valid member name might be sales\terry or sales/terry, where sales is the Windows domain name and terry is the name of a user in the sales domain.

create [-d description] group

Creates an SMB local group with the specified name. You can optionally specify a description of the group by

using the -d option.

delete group

Deletes the specified SMB local group. The built-in

groups cannot be deleted. disable username

Disables SMB password-generation capabilities for the

specified local user. A disabled local user is prevented from accessing the system by means of the SMB service. When a local user account is disabled, you cannot use the passwd command to modify the user's SMB password until the user account is reenabled. enable username

Enables SMB password-generation capabilities for the

specified local user. After the password-generation

capabilities are reenabled, you must use the passwd com-

mand to generate the SMB password for the local user before he can connect to the SMB service. The passwd command manages both the Solaris password and

SMB password for this user if the pam_smb_passwd module

has been added to the system's PAM configuration.

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System Administration Commands smbadm(1M)

get [[-p property=value] ...] group

Retrieves property values for the specified group. If no property is specified, all property values are shown.

join -u username domain

Joins a Windows domain or a workgroup. The default mode for the SMB service is workgroup mode, which uses the default workgroup name, WORKGROUP. An authenticated user account is required to join a domain, so you must specify the Windows administrative

user name with the -u option. If the password is not

specified on the command line, the user is prompted for it. This user should be the domain administrator or any user who has administrative privileges for the target domain.

username and domain can be entered in any of the follow-

ing formats: username[+password] domain domain\username[+password] domain/username[+password] username@domain ...where domain can be the NetBIOS or DNS domain name. If a machine trust account for the system already exists on a domain controller, any authenticated user account can be used when joining the domain. However, if the machine trust account does not already exist, an account that has administrative privileges on the domain is required to join the domain.

join -w workgroup

Joins a Windows domain or a workgroup.

The -w workgroup option specifies the name of the work-

group to join when using the join subcommand. list Shows information about the current workgroup or domain. The information typically includes the workgroup name or

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System Administration Commands smbadm(1M)

the primary domain name. When in domain mode, the infor-

mation includes domain controller names and trusted domain names.

Each entry in the ouput is identified by one of the fol-

lowing tags:

- [*] - Primary domain

- [.] - Local domain

- [-] - Other domains

- [+] - Selected domain controller

remove-member -m member [[-m member] ...] group

Removes the specified member from the specified SMB

local group. The -m member option specifies the name of

an SMB local group member. The member name must include an existing user name and an optional domain name.

Specify the member name in either of the following for-

mats: [domain\]username [domain/]username For example, a valid member name might be sales\terry or sales/terry, where sales is the Windows domain name and terry is the name of a user in the sales domain.

rename group new-group

Renames the specified SMB local group. The group must

already exist. The built-in groups cannot be renamed.

set -p property=value [[-p property=value] ...] group

Sets configuration properties for an SMB local group.

The description and the privileges for the built-in

groups cannot be changed.

The -p property=value option specifies the list of

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properties to be set on the specified group.

The group-related properties are as follows:

backup=[on|off] Specifies whether members of the SMB local group can bypass file access controls to back up file system objects.


Specifies a text description for the SMB local group. restore=[on|off] Specifies whether members of the SMB local group can bypass file access controls to restore file system objects.


Specifies whether members of the SMB local group can take ownership of file system objects.

show [-m] [-p] [group]

Shows information about the specified SMB local group or groups. If no group is specified, information is shown

for all groups. If the -m option is specified, the group

members are also shown. If the -p option is specified,

the group privileges are also shown. EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion. >0 An error occurred.


See the attributes(5) man page for descriptions of the fol-

lowing attributes:

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System Administration Commands smbadm(1M)




| Availability | service/file-system/smb |


| Utility Name and Options | Uncommitted |


| Utility Output Format | Not-An-Interface |


| smbadm join | Obsolete |



passwd(1), groupadd(1M), idmap(1M), idmapd(1M), kclient(1M), share(1M), sharectl(1M), sharemgr(1M), smbd(1M), smbstat(1M), smb(4), smbautohome(4), attributes(5),

pam_smb_passwd(5), smf(5)

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