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Devices skfp(7D)


skfp - SysKonnect FDDI PCI device driver




The skfp FDDI driver is a multi-threaded, loadable, clon-

able, STREAMS hardware driver supporting the connectionless Data Link Provider Interface (DLPI) over a SysKonnect FDDI

PCI adapter. The driver supports multiple installed SysKon-

nect FDDI PCI adapters. Functions include chip initializa-

tion, frame transit and receive, multicast and promiscuous support, and error recovery and reporting.

The skfp driver supports all SysKonnect SK-NET FDDI PCI

adapters (SK-55xx (32-bit) and SK-58xx (64-bit) series) on

32-bit systems, and the SK-58xx series on 64-bit systems.


The skfp driver provides the /dev/skfp cloning character-

special device that accesses all SK-NET FDDI PCI adapters

using Data Link Service (DLS) Style 2. It also provides

per-adapter character-special devices /dev/skfpx, (where x

represents the device instance number) that access a special NIC using DLS Style 1.

skfp and DLPI

The skfp driver is a Style 1 and Style 2 DLS provider. All

M_PROTO and M_PCPROTO type messages are interpreted as DLPI

primitives. Valid DLPI primitives are defined in . See dlpi(7P).

An explicit DL_ATTACH_REQ message by the user is required to

associate the opened Stream with a particular device (ppa). This is unnecessary and invalid for DLPI Style 1. The ppa ID is interpreted as an unsigned long data type and indicates the corresponding device instance (unit) number. An error

(DL_ERROR_ACK) is returned by the driver if the ppa field

value does not correspond to a valid device instance number for the system.

The device is initialized on first attach and de-initialized

(stopped) upon last detach. Valid device numbers for all detected adapters are displayed on the console at driver startup time and written to the /var/adm/messages log file.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 17 May 2003 1

Devices skfp(7D)

The values returned in the DL_INFO_ACK primitive in response

to the DL_INFO_REQ request are:

o Maximum SDU is 4470. o Minimum SDU is 0. o DSLAP address length is 8 bytes.

o MAC type is DL_FDDI.

o SAP length value is -2, meaning the physical

address component is followed immediately by a 2-

byte SAP component within the DLSAP address.

o Service mode is DL_CLDLS.

o Optional quality of service (QOS) support is not included; as a result, the QOS field values are 0.

o Provider style is DL_STYLE2.

o Version is DL_VERSION_2.

OPTIONS Options are not required for normal operation. In special

cases, FDDI Station Management (SMT) parameters can be modi-

fied by using the /usr/bin/smtpara utility (see the driver README files). The smtpara utility should be used only by those very familiar with FDDI. DIAGNOSTICS If multiple NICs are installed in the system, the following message may appear on the console and in the /var/adm/messages log file:

skfp: DMA memory allocation failed !

You can avoid this message by tuning the lomempages kernel parameter. By default, the value of this parameter is 36

pages. Each SK-FDDI PCI adapter requires nine pages, so

increase the value of the lomempages parameter in increments of nine pages until all NICs in the system run correctly. To modify the value of this parameter to 45 pages, you can, for example, append the set lomempages=45 line to the /etc/system file and reboot the system.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 17 May 2003 2

Devices skfp(7D)


/dev/skfp Character special device

/dev/skfpx Per-adapter character special dev-

ice, where x is the adapter ppa

/kernel/drv/skfp ELF kernel module

/kernel/drv/skfp.conf Driver configuration file

/usr/bin/smtpara SMT parameter utility /etc/fddi.cfg smtpara configuration file DLPI definitions


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-




| Architecture IA, SPARC |



ifconfig(1M), netstat(1M), attributes(5), dlpi(7P)

skfp.txt README file - Included in the driver package or

available from

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 17 May 2003 3

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