Windows PowerShell command on Get-command sigwait

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man sigwait

System Calls sigwait(2)


sigwait - wait until a signal is posted



int sigwait(sigset_t *set);

Standard conforming

cc [ flag ... ] file ... -D_POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS [ library...]


int sigwait(const sigset_t *set, int *sig);


The sigwait() function selects a signal in set that is pend-

ing on the calling thread. If no signal in set is pending,

sigwait() blocks until a signal in set becomes pending. The

selected signal is cleared from the set of signals pending on the calling thread and the number of the signal is

returned, or in the standard-conforming version (see stan-

dards(5)) placed in sig. The selection of a signal in set is independent of the signal mask of the calling thread. This means a thread can synchronously wait for signals that are being blocked by the signal mask of the calling thread . To ensure that only the caller receives the signals defined in set, all threads should have signals in set masked including the calling thread.

If more than one thread is using sigwait() to wait for the

same signal, no more than one of these threads returns from

sigwait() with the signal number. If more than a single

thread is blocked in sigwait() for a signal when that signal

is generated for the process, it is unspecified which of the

waiting threads returns from sigwait(). If the signal is

generated for a specific thread, as by pthread_kill(3C),

only that thread returns. Should any of the multiple pending signals in the range

SIGRTMIN to SIGRTMAX be selected, it will be the lowest num-

bered one. The selection order between realtime and non-

realtime signals, or between multiple pending non-realtime

signals, is unspecified.


Upon successful completion, the default version of sigwait()

returns a signal number; the standard-conforming version

returns 0 and stores the received signal number at the

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System Calls sigwait(2)

location pointed to by sig. Otherwise, the default version

returns -1 and sets errno to indicate an error; the

standard-conforming version returns an error number to indi-

cate the error.


The sigwait() function will fail if:

EFAULT The set argument points to an invalid address. EINTR The wait was interrupted by an unblocked, caught signal. EINVAL The set argument contains an unsupported signal number.


Example 1 Creating a thread to handle receipt of a signal The following sample C code creates a thread to handle the

receipt of a signal. More specifically, it catches the asyn-

chronously generated signal, SIGINT. /******************************************************************** *

* compile with -D_POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS switch;

* required by sigwait()


* sigint thread handles delivery of signal. uses sigwait() to wait

* for SIGINT signal. * ********************************************************************/








static void *threadTwo(void *); static void *threadThree(void *); static void *sigint(void *);

sigset_t signalSet;

void *

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System Calls sigwait(2)

main(void) {

pthread_t t;

pthread_t t2;

pthread_t t3;

sigfillset ( &signalSet ); /* * Block signals in initial thread. New threads will * inherit this signal mask. */

pthread_sigmask ( SIG_BLOCK, &signalSet, NULL );

printf("Creating threads\n");

pthread_create(&t, NULL, sigint, NULL);

pthread_create(&t2, NULL, threadTwo, NULL);

pthread_create(&t3, NULL, threadThree, NULL);


printf("press CTRL-C to deliver SIGINT to sigint thread\n");


pthread_exit((void *)0);

} static void * threadTwo(void *arg) {

printf("hello world, from threadTwo [tid: %d]\n",


printf("threadTwo [tid: %d] is now complete and exiting\n",


pthread_exit((void *)0);

} static void * threadThree(void *arg) {

printf("hello world, from threadThree [tid: %d]\n",


printf("threadThree [tid: %d] is now complete and exiting\n",


pthread_exit((void *)0);

} void * sigint(void *arg) { int sig; int err;

printf("thread sigint [tid: %d] awaiting SIGINT\n",

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System Calls sigwait(2)



/* use standard-conforming sigwait() -- 2 args: signal set, signum


err = sigwait ( &signalSet, &sig );

/* test for SIGINT; could catch other signals */ if (err || sig != SIGINT) abort();

printf("\nSIGINT signal %d caught by sigint thread [tid: %d]\n",

sig, pthread_self());

pthread_exit((void *)0);



See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Interface Stability | Committed |


| MT-Level | Async-Signal-Safe |


| Standard | See standards(5). |



sigaction(2), sigpending(2), sigprocmask(2), sigsuspend(2),

pthread_create(3C), pthread_kill(3C), pthread_sigmask(3C),

signal.h(3HEAD), attributes(5), standards(5) NOTES

The sigwait() function cannot be used to wait for signals

that cannot be caught (see sigaction(2)). This restriction is silently imposed by the system.

Solaris 2.4 and earlier releases provided a sigwait() facil-

ity as specified in POSIX.1c Draft 6. The final POSIX.1c standard changed the interface as described above. Support for the Draft 6 interface is provided for compatibility only

and may not be supported in future releases. New applica-

tions and libraries should use the standard-conforming


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