Extended Library Functions sha1(3EXT)
sha1, SHA1Init, SHA1Update, SHA1Final - SHA1 digest func-
cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lmd [ library ... ]
void SHA1Init(SHA1_CTX *context);
void SHA1Update(SHA1_CTX *context, unsigned char *input,
unsigned int inlen);void SHA1Final(unsigned char *output, SHA1_CTX *context);
The SHA1 functions implement the SHA1 message-digest algo-
rithm. The algorithm takes as input a message of arbitrarylength and produces a 160-bit "fingerprint" or "message dig-
est" as output. The SHA1 message-digest algorithm is
intended for digital signature applications in which large files are "compressed" in a secure manner before beingencrypted with a private (secret) key under a public-key
cryptosystem such as RSA. SHA1Init(), SHA1Update(), SHA1Final() The SHA1Init(), SHA1Update(), and SHA1Final() functions allow a SHA1 digest to be computed over multiple messageblocks. Between blocks, the state of the SHA1 computa-
tion is held in an SHA1 context structure allocated by the caller. A complete digest computation consists of calls to SHA1 functions in the following order: one call to SHA1Init(), one or more calls to SHA1Update(), and one call to SHA1Final(). The SHA1Init() function initializes the SHA1 context structure pointed to by context. The SHA1Update() function computes a partial SHA1 digeston the inlen-byte message block pointed to by input, and
updates the SHA1 context structure pointed to by context accordingly.The SHA1Final() function generates the final SHA1 dig-
est, using the SHA1 context structure pointed to by con-
text. The 16-bit SHA1 digest is written to output. After
a call to SHA1Final(), the state of the context struc-
ture is undefined. It must be reinitialized withSunOS 5.11 Last change: 13 Nov 2007 1
Extended Library Functions sha1(3EXT)
SHA1Init() before it can be used again. SECURITY The SHA1 algorithm is also believed to have some weaknesses.Migration to one of the SHA2 algorithms-including SHA256,
SHA386 or SHA512-is highly recommended when compatibility
with data formats and on wire protocols is permitted.RETURN VALUES
These functions do not return a value.EXAMPLES
Example 1 Authenticate a message found in multiple buffersThe following is a sample function that authenticates a mes-
sage found in multiple buffers. The calling function pro-
vides an authentication buffer to contain the result of the SHA1 digest.#include
intAuthenticateMsg(unsigned char *auth_buffer, struct iovec
*messageIov, unsigned int num_buffers)
{SHA1_CTX sha1_context;
unsigned int i;SHA1Init(&sha1_context);
for(i=0; i
{ SHA1Update(&sha1_context, messageIov->iov_base,
messageIov += sizeof(struct iovec); }SHA1Final(auth_buffer, &sha1_context);
return 0; }ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-
butes:SunOS 5.11 Last change: 13 Nov 2007 2
Extended Library Functions sha1(3EXT)
| Interface Stability | Committed ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
| MT-Level | MT-Safe |
sha2(3EXT), libmd(3LIB) RFC 1374SunOS 5.11 Last change: 13 Nov 2007 3