Windows PowerShell command on Get-command se

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man se

Devices se(7D)


se - Siemens 82532 ESCC serial communications driver




The se module is a loadable STREAMS driver that provides

basic support for the 82532 ESCC hardware and basic asyn-

chronous and synchronous communication support. This manual page describes the asynchronous protocol interface; for

information on the synchronous interface, please see the

se_hdlc(7D) manual page.

This module is affected by the setting of specific eeprom

variables. For information on parameters that are persistent

across reboots, see the eeprom(1M) man page.

The platform specific device bus address for the se module

is bus_address. The se module's port_name is a single letter


Note -

During boot up, ttya/b characteristics are read from the /kernel/drv/options.conf file and changed from the PROM defaults to reflect Solaris defaults. Messages displayed

on the console after this point are based on settings in

that file. If you switch a characteristic, (for example,

the baud rate of the console terminal), you must revise

the /kernel/drv/options.conf or the console will be con-

figured to an unusable configuration and console messages

will be garbled by the mismatched serial port settings.


The Siemens 82532 provides two serial input/output channels

capable of supporting a variety of communication protocols.

A typical system will use one of these devices to implement

two serial ports (port_name), usually configured for RS-423

(which also supports most RS-232 equipment). The Siemens

82532 uses 64 character input and output FIFOs to reduce

system overhead. When receiving characters, the CPU is noti-

fied when 32 characters have arrived (one-half of receive

buffer is full) or no character has arrived in the time it would take to receive four characters at the current baud rate.

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Devices se(7D)

When sending characters, the Siemens 82532 places the first

64 characters to be sent into its output FIFO and then noti-

fies the CPU when it is half empty (32 characters left).

Because the se module waits for the Siemens 82532 to

transmit the remaining characters within its output FIFO before making requested changes, delays may occur when the port's attributes are being modified.

The se module implements CTS/RTS flow control in hardware.

To prevent data overruns, remove CTS/RTS flow control responsibility from the CPU during periods of high system load.

In async mode (obtained by opening /dev/cua/[a-z],

/dev/term/[a-z] or /dev/tty[a-z]), the driver supports the

termio(7I) device control functions specified by flags in

the c_cflag word of the termios structure, and by the

IGNBRK, IGNPAR, PARMRK, or INPCK flags in the c_iflag word.

All other termio(7I) functions must be performed by STREAMS modules pushed atop the driver. When a device is opened,

the ldterm(7M) and ttcompat(7M) STREAMS modules are automat-

ically pushed on top of the stream, providing the standard termio interface. You can connect a single tty line to a modem for incoming and outgoing calls using a special feature controlled by the

minor device number. By accessing character-special devices

with names of the form /dev/cua/[a-z], it is possible to

open a port without the Carrier Detect signal being

asserted, either through hardware or an equivalent software

mechanism. These devices are commonly known as dial-out


After a /dev/cua/[a-z] line is opened, the corresponding tty

line cannot be opened until the /dev/cua/[a-z] line is

closed. A blocking open will wait until the /dev/cua/[a-z]

line is closed (which will drop Data Terminal Ready and Car-

rier Detect) and carrier is detected again. A non-blocking

open will return an error. If the tty line has been opened successfully (usually only when carrier is recognized on the

modem), the corresponding /dev/cua/[a-z] line cannot be

opened. This allows a modem to be attached to a device, (for

example, /dev/term/ [a-z] renamed from /dev/tty[a-z]) and

used for dial-in (by enabling the line for login in

/etc/inittab) and dial-out (by tip(1) or uucp(1C)) as

/dev/cua/[a-z] when no one is logged in on the line.

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Devices se(7D)

The se driver can be configured to support mice as well as

applications requiring no buffering on the receive fifo. You can do this in one of two ways:

1. Using the se configuration file - To configure the

se device to support mice using this approach,

create an se.conf under /kernel/drv, then add key-

words of the form: disable-rfifo-port

number>. For example, if your system has two se

devices and you want port b on the device (associ-

ated with instance 0) and port a (associated with instance 1) to have their receive fifo disabled,

the se.conf file must contain the following




2. Programmatically - You can also configure the se

device to support mice programatically by using the SERVICEIMM stream call to turn buffering off on the receive fifo, and/or SERVICEDEF to turn it back on again. IOCTLS

The se module supports the standard set of termio ioctl()

calls. Breaks can be generated by the TCSBRK, TIOCSBRK, and TIOCCBRK ioctl() calls. The state of the DCD, CTS, RTS, and DTR interface signals

can be queried through the use of the TIOCM_CAR, TIOCM_CTS,

TIOCM_RTS, and TIOCM_DTR arguments to the TIOCMGET ioctl

command, respectively. Due to hardware limitations, only

the RTS and DTR signals may be set through their respective

arguments to the TIOCMSET, TIOCMBIS, and TIOCMBIC ioctl com-


The input and output line speeds may be set to all baud

rates supported by termio. Input and output line speeds can-

not be set independently; when you set the output speed, the

input speed is automatically set to the same speed.

When using baud rates over 100,000 baud, the software changes the line driver configuration to handle the higher

data rates. This action decreases the theoretical maximum

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Devices se(7D)

cable length from 70 meters to 30 meters.

When the se module is used to service the serial console

port, it supports a BREAK condition that allows the system to enter the debugger or the monitor. The BREAK condition is generated by hardware and it is usually enabled by default.

A BREAK condition originating from erroneous electrical sig-

nals cannot be distinguished from one deliberately sent by

remote DCE. Due to a risk of incorrect sequence interpreta-

tion, SLIP and certain other binary protocols should not be

run over the serial console port when Alternate Break

sequence is in effect. Although PPP is a binary protocol, it

is able to avoid these sequences using the ACCM feature in

RFC 1662. For Solaris PPP 4.0, you do this by adding the

following line to the /etc/ppp/options file (or other confi-

guration files used for the connection; see pppd(1M) for

details): asyncmap 0x00002000

By default, the Alternate Break sequence is a three charac-

ter sequence: carriage return, tilde and control-B (CR ~

CTRL-B), but may be changed by the driver. For information

on breaking (entering the debugger or monitor), see kmdb(1)

and kb(7M).


An open() will fail under the following conditions: ENXIO The unit being opened does not exist.

EBUSY The dial-out device is being opened and the dial-in

device is already open, or the dial-in device is

being opened with a no-delay open and the dial-out

device is already open.

EBUSY The port is in use by another serial protocol.

EBUSY The unit has been marked as exclusive-use by

another process with a TIOCEXCL ioctl() call.

EINTR The open was interrupted by the delivery of a sig-


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Devices se(7D)


/dev/cua/[a-z] dial-out tty lines

/dev/term/[a-z] dial-in tty lines

/dev/tty[a-z] binary compatibility package

device names

/dev/se_hdlc[0-9] synchronous devices - see


/dev/se_hdlc synchronous control clone device

/kernel/drv/options.conf System wide default device driver properties


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Architecture | SPARC |



kmdb(1), tip(1), cu(1C), uucp(1C), eeprom(1M), ports(1M), pppd(1M), ioctl(2), open(2), attributes(5),zs(7D), zsh(7D),

se_hdlc(7D), termio(7I), ldterm(7M), ttcompat(7M), kb(7M)


sen: fifo overrun The Siemens 82532 internal FIFO

received more data than it could handle. This indicates that Solaris

was not servicing data interrupts

fast enough and suggests a system with too many interrupts or a data line with a data rate that is too high.

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Devices se(7D)

sen: buffer overrun The se module was unable to store

data it removed from the Siemens

82532 FIFO. The user process is not

reading data fast enough, and sug-

gests an overloaded system. If pos-

sible, the application should enable flow control (either CTSRTS or XONXOFF) to allow the driver to backpressure the remote system when the local buffers fill up.

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