Data Structures for Drivers scsi_pkt(9S)
scsi_pkt - SCSI packet structure
Solaris DDI specific (Solaris DDI).DESCRIPTION
A scsi_pkt structure defines the packet that is allocated by
scsi_init_pkt(9F). The target driver fills in some informa-
tion and passes it to scsi_transport(9F) for execution on
the target. The host bus adapter (HBA) fills in other infor-
mation as the command is processed. When the command com-
pletes or can be taken no further, the completion function specified in the packet is called with a pointer to the packet as its argument. From fields within the packet, the target driver can determine the success or failure of the command. STRUCTURE MEMBERSopaque_t pkt_ha_private; /* private data for
host adapter */struct scsi_address pkt_address; /* destination packet */
opaque_t pkt_private; /* private data
for target driver */void (*pkt_comp)(struct scsi_pkt *); /* callback */
uint_t pkt_flags; /* flags */
int pkt_time; /* time allotted to
complete command */uchar_t *pkt_scbp; /* pointer to
status block */uchar_t *pkt_cdbp; /* pointer to
command block */ssize_t pkt_resid; /* number of bytes
not transferred */uint_t pkt_state; /* state of command */
uint_t pkt_statistics; /* statistics */
uchar_t pkt_reason; /* reason completion
called */uint_t pkt_cdblen; /* length of pkt_cdbp */
uint_t pkt_scdblen; /* length of pkt_scbp */
uint_t pkt_tgtlen; /* length of pkt_private */
uint_t pkt_numcookies; /* number of DMA cookies */
ddi_dma_cookie_t *pkt_cookies; /* array of DMA cookies */
uint_t pkt_dma_flags; /* DMA flags */
pkt_ha_private Opaque pointer that the HBA uses to refer-
ence a private data structure thatSunOS 5.11 Last change: 29 Oct 2009 1
Data Structures for Drivers scsi_pkt(9S)
transfers scsi_pkt requests.
pkt_address Initialized by scsi_init_pkt(9F),
pkt_address records the intended route and
the recipient of a request.pkt_private Reserved for the use of the target driver,
pkt_private is not changed by the HBA
driver.pkt_comp Specifies the command completion callback
routine. When the host adapter driver has gone as far as it can in transporting a command to a SCSI target, and the command has either run to completion or can go no further for some other reason, the host adapter driver calls the function pointed to by this field and passes a pointer tothe packet as argument. The callback rou-
tine itself is called from interrupt con-
text and must not sleep or call any func-
tion that might sleep.pkt_flags Provides additional information about how
the target driver expects the command tobe executed. See pkt_flag Definitions.
pkt_time Set by the target driver to represent the
maximum time allowed in seconds for this command to complete. Timeout starts when the command is transmitted on the SCSIbus. The pkt_time may be 0 if no timeout
is required.pkt_scbp Points to either a struct scsi_status(9S)
or, if auto-rqsense is enabled and
pkt_state includes STATE_ARQ_DONE, a
struct scsi_arq_status. If scsi_status is
returned, the SCSI status byte resulting from the requested command is available.If scsi_arq_status(9S) is returned, the
sense information is also available.pkt_cdbp Points to a kernel-addressable buffer with
a length specified by a call to the properSunOS 5.11 Last change: 29 Oct 2009 2
Data Structures for Drivers scsi_pkt(9S)
resource allocation routine,scsi_init_pkt(9F).
pkt_resid Contains a residual count, either the
number of data bytes that have not beentransferred (scsi_transport(9F)) or the
number of data bytes for which DMA resources could not be allocatedscsi_init_pkt(9F). In the latter case,
partial DMA resources can be allocatedonly if scsi_init_pkt(9F) is called with
pkt_state Has bit positions that represent the six
most important states that a SCSI commandcan go through. See pkt_state Definitions.
pkt_statistics Maintains some transport-related statis-
tics. See pkt_statistics Definitions.
pkt_reason Contains a completion code that indicates
why the pkt_comp function was called. See
pkt_reason Definitions.
pkt_cdblen Length of buffer pointed to by pkt_cdbp.
See tran_setup_pkt.
pkt_scblen Length of buffer pointed to by pkt_scbp.
See tran_setup_pkt.
pkt_tgtlen Length of buffer pointed to by
pkt_private. See tran_setup_pkt.
pkt_numcookies Length pkt_cookies array. See
pkt_cookies Array of DMA cookies. See tran_setup_pkt.
pkt_dma_flags DMA flags used, such as DDI_DMA_READ and
DDI_DMA_WRITE. See tran_setup_pkt.
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Data Structures for Drivers scsi_pkt(9S)
The host adapter driver will update the pkt_resid,
pkt_reason, pkt_state, and pkt_statistics fields.
pkt_flags Definitions
The appropriate definitions for the structure memberpkt_flags are:
FLAG_NOINTR Run command with no command
completion callback. Command is complete upon return fromscsi_transport(9F).
FLAG_NODISCON Run command without discon-
nects.FLAG_NOPARITY Run command without parity
checking.FLAG_HTAG Run command as the head-of-
queue-tagged command.
FLAG_OTAG Run command as an ordered-
queue-tagged command.
FLAG_STAG Run command as a simple-
queue-tagged command.
FLAG_SENSING Indicates a request sense com-
mand.FLAG_HEAD Place command at the head of
the queue.FLAG_RENEGOTIATE_WIDE_SYNC Before transporting this com-
mand, the host adapter should initiate the renegotiation of wide mode and synchronous transfer speed. Normally, theHBA driver manages negotia-
tions but under certain condi-
tions forcing a renegotiation is appropriate. Renegotiation is recommended before Request Sense and Inquiry commands.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 29 Oct 2009 4
Data Structures for Drivers scsi_pkt(9S)
Refer to the SCSI 2 standard, sections 6.6.21 and 6.6.23. This flag should not be set for every packet as this will severely impact performance.FLAG_TLR Run command with Transport
Layer Retries support.pkt_reason Definitions
The appropriate definitions for the structure memberpkt_reason are:
CMD_CMPLT No transport errors; normal completion.
CMD_INCOMPLETE Transport stopped with abnormal state.
CMD_DMA_DERR DMAd irection error.
CMD_TRAN_ERR Unspecified transport error.
CMD_RESET SCSI bus reset destroyed command.
CMD_ABORTED Command transport aborted on request.
CMD_TIMEOUT Command timed out.
CMD_DATA_OVR Data overrun.
CMD_CMD_OVR Command overrun.
CMD_STS_OVR Status overrun.
CMD_BADMSG Message not command complete.
CMD_NOMSGOUT Target refused to go to message out
phase.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 29 Oct 2009 5
Data Structures for Drivers scsi_pkt(9S)
CMD_XID_FAIL Extended identify message rejected.
CMD_IDE_FAIL "Initiator Detected Error" message
rejected.CMD_ABORT_FAIL Abort message rejected.
CMD_REJECT_FAIL Reject message rejected.
CMD_NOP_FAIL "No Operation" message rejected.
CMD_PER_FAIL "Message Parity Error" message rejected.
CMD_BDR_FAIL "Bus Device Reset" message rejected.
CMD_ID_FAIL Identify message rejected.
CMD_UNX_BUS_FREE Unexpected bus free phase.
CMD_TAG_REJECT Target rejected the tag message.
CMD_DEV_GONE The device has been removed.
CMD_TLR_OFF Transport Layer Retries turn off.
pkt_state Definitions
The appropriate definitions for the structure memberpkt_state are:
STATE_GOT_BUS Bus arbitration succeeded.
STATE_GOT_TARGET Target successfully selected.
STATE_SENT_CMD Command successfully sent.
STATE_XFERRED_DATA Data transfer took place.
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Data Structures for Drivers scsi_pkt(9S)
STATE_GOT_STATUS Status received.
STATE_ARQ_DONE The command resulted in a check condi-
tion and the host adapter driver exe-
cuted an automatic request sense com-
mand.STATE_XARQ_DONE The command requested in extra sense
data using a PKT_XARQ flag got a check
condition. The host adapter driver was able to successfully request andreturn this. The scsi_pkt.pkt_scbp-
>sts_rqpkt_resid returns the sense
data residual based on the statuslenparameter of the scsi_init_pkt(9F)
call. The sense data begins atscsi_pkt.pkt_scbp->sts_sensedata.
pkt_statistics Definitions
The definitions that are appropriate for the structuremember pkt_statistics are:
STAT_DISCON Device disconnect.
STAT_SYNC Command did a synchronous data transfer.
STAT_PERR SCSI parity error.
STAT_DEV_RESET Device reset.
STAT_ABORTED Command was aborted.
STAT_TIMEOUT Command timed out.
tran_init_pkt(9E), tran_setup_pkt(9E), scsi_arq_status(9S),
scsi_init_pkt(9F), scsi_transport(9F), scsi_status(9S),
SunOS 5.11 Last change: 29 Oct 2009 7
Data Structures for Drivers scsi_pkt(9S)
Writing Device Drivers NOTESHBA drivers should signal scsi_pkt completion by calling
scsi_hba_pkt_comp(9F). This is mandatory for HBA drivers
that implement tran_setup_pkt(9E). Failure to comply results
in undefined behavior.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 29 Oct 2009 8