Windows PowerShell command on Get-command scsi_inquiry

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man scsi_inquiry

Data Structures for Drivers scsi_inquiry(9S)


scsi_inquiry - SCSI inquiry structure




Solaris DDI specific (Solaris DDI).


The scsi_inquiry structure contains 36 required bytes, fol-

lowed by a variable number of vendor-specific parameters.

Bytes 59 through 95, if returned, are reserved for future

standardization. This structure is part of scsi_device(9S)

structure and typically filled in by scsi_probe(9F).

STRUCTURE MEMBERS Lines that start with an 'X' will be deleted before submission; they are being classified as unstable at this time.

uchar_t inq_dtype; /* Periph. qualifier, dev. type */

uchar_t inq_rmb :1; /* Removable media */

uchar_t inq_qual :7; /* Dev. type qualifier */

uchar_t inq_iso :2; /* ISO version */

uchar_t inq_ecma :3; /* EMCA version */

uchar_t inq_ansi :3; /* ANSII version */

uchar_t inq_aenc :1; /* Async event notif. cap. */

uchar_t inq_trmiop :1; /* Supports TERMINATE I/O PROC msg */

uchar_t inq_normaca :1; /* setting NACA bit supported */

uchar_t inq_hisup :1; /* hierarchical addressing model */

uchar_t inq_rdf :4; /* Response data format */

uchar_t inq_len /* Additional length */

uchar_t inq_sccs :1; /* embedded storage array */

Xuchar_t inq_acc :1; /* access controls coordinator */

uchar_t inq_tpgse :1; /* explicit asymmetric lun access */

uchar_t inq_tpgsi :1; /* implicit asymmetric lun access */

Xuchar_t inq_3pc :1; /* third-party copy */

Xuchar_t inq_protect :1; /* supports protection information */

uchar_t inq_bque :1; /* basic queueing */

uchar_t inq_encserv :1; /* embedded enclosure services */

uchar_t inq_dualp :1; /* dual port device */

uchar_t inq_mchngr :1; /* embedded/attached to medium chngr */

uchar_t inq_addr16 :1; /* SPI: supports 16 bit wide SCSI addr */

uchar_t inq_wbus16 :1; /* SPI: Supports 16 bit wide data xfers */

uchar_t inq_sync :1; /* SPI: Supports synchronous data xfers */

uchar_t inq_linked :1; /* Supports linked commands */

uchar_t inq_cmd_que :1; /* Supports command queueing */

uchar_t inq_sftre :1; /* Supports Soft Reset option */

char inq_vid[8]; /* Vendor ID */

char inq_pid[16]; /* Product ID */

char inq_revision[4]; /* Revision level */

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Data Structures for Drivers scsi_inquiry(9S)

uchar_t inq_clk :2; /* SPI3 clocking */

uchar_t inq_qas :1; /* SPI3: quick arb sel */

uchar_t inq_ius :1; /* SPI3: information units */

inq_dtype identifies the type of device. Bits 0 - 4

represent the Peripheral Device Type and bits 5 - 7

represent the Peripheral Qualifier. The following values are appropriate for Peripheral Device Type field:

DTYPE_DIRECT Direct-access device (for example, mag-

netic disk).

DTYPE_SEQUENTIAL Sequential-access device (for example,

magnetic tape).

DTYPE_PRINTER Printer device.

DTYPE_PROCESSOR Processor device.

DTYPE_WORM Write-once device (for example, some

optical disks).


DTYPE_SCANNER Scanner device.

DTYPE_OPTICAL Optical memory device (for example, some

optical disks).

DTYPE_CHANGER Medium Changer device (for example,


DTYPE_COMM Communications device.

DTYPE_ARRAY_CTRL Array controller device (for example,


DTYPE_ESI Enclosure services device.

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Data Structures for Drivers scsi_inquiry(9S)

DTYPE_RBC Simplified direct-access device.

DTYPE_OCRW Optical card reader/writer device.


DTYPE_OSD Object-based storage device.

DTYPE_UNKNOWN Unknown or no device type.

DTYPE_MASK Mask to isolate Peripheral Device Type

field. The following values are appropriate for the Peripheral Qualifier field:

DPQ_POSSIBLE The specified peripheral device type is

currently connected to this logical unit. If the target cannot determine whether or

not a physical device is currently con-

nected, it uses this peripheral qualifier

when returning the INQUIRY data. This peri-

pheral qualifier does not imply that the

device is ready for access by the initia-


DPQ_SUPPORTED The target is capable of supporting the

specified peripheral device type on this logical unit. However, the physical device is not currently connected to this logical unit.

DPQ_NEVER The target is not capable of supporting a

physical device on this logical unit. For this peripheral qualifier, the peripheral

device type shall be set to DTYPE_UNKNOWN

to provide compatibility with previous ver-

sions of SCSI. For all other peripheral

device type values, this peripheral qualif-

ier is reserved.

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Data Structures for Drivers scsi_inquiry(9S)

DPQ_VUNIQ This is a vendor-unique qualifier.

DPQ_MASK Mask to isolate Peripheral Qualifier field.

DTYPE_NOTPRESENT is the peripheral qualifier DPQ_NEVER and

the peripheral device type DTYPE_UNKNOWN combined.

inq_rmb, if set, indicates that the medium is removable.

inq_qual is a device type qualifier.

inq_iso indicates ISO version.

inq_ecma indicates ECMA version.

inq_ansi indicates ANSI version.

inq_aenc, if set, indicates that the device supports asyn-

chronous event notification capability as defined in SCSI-2


inq_trmiop, if set, indicates that the device supports the


inq_normaca, if set, indicates that the device supports set-

ting the NACA bit to 1 in CDB.

inq_hisip, if set, indicates the SCSI target device uses the

hierarchical addressing model to assign LUNs to logical units.

inq_rdf, if set, indicates the INQUIRY data response data

format: "RDF_LEVEL0" means that this structure complies with

the SCSI-1 spec, "RDF_CCS" means that this structure com-

plies with the CCS pseudo-spec, and "RDF_SCSI2" means that

the structure complies with the SCSI-2/3 spec.

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Data Structures for Drivers scsi_inquiry(9S)

inq_len, if set, is the additional length field that speci-

fies the length in bytes of the parameters.

inq_sccs, if set, indicates the target device contains an

embedded storage array controller component.

inq_acc, if set, indicates that the logical unit contains an

access controls coordinator (this structure member will be deleted before submission. It is being classified as unstable at this time).

inq_tpgse, if set, indicates that implicit asymmetric logi-

cal unit access is supported.

inq_tpgsi, if set, indicates that explicit asymmetric logi-

cal unit access is supported.

inq_3pc, if set, indicates that the SCSI target device sup-

ports third-party copy commands (this structure member will

be deleted before submission. It is being classified as unstable at this time).

inq_protect, if set, indicates that the logical unit sup-

ports protection information (this structure member will be deleted before submission. It is being classified as unstable at this time).

inq_bque, if set, indicates that the logical unit supports

basic task management.

inq_encserv, if set, indicates that the device contains an

embedded enclosure services component (ses(7D)).

inq_dualp, if set, indicates that the SCSI target device

supports two or more ports.

inq_mchngr, if set, indicates that the SCSI target device

supports commands to control an attached media changer.

inq_addr16, if set, indicates that the device supports 16-

bit wide SCSI addresses.

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Data Structures for Drivers scsi_inquiry(9S)

inq_wbus16, if set, indicates that the device supports 16-

bit wide data transfers.

inq_sync, if set, indicates that the device supports syn-

chronous data transfers.

inq_linked, if set, indicates that the device supports

linked commands for this logical unit.

inq_cmdque, if set, indicates that the device supports

tagged command queueing.

inq_sftre, if reset, indicates that the device responds to

the RESET condition with the hard RESET alternative. If this bit is set, this indicates that the device responds with the soft RESET alternative.

inq_vid contains eight bytes of ASCII data identifying the

vendor of the product.

inq_pid contains sixteen bytes of ASCII data as defined by

the vendor.

inq_revision contains four bytes of ASCII data as defined by

the vendor.

inq_clk clocking of the SPI3 target port.

inq_gas the SPI3 target port supports quick arbitration and


inq_ius the SPI3 target device supports information unit



scsi_probe(9F), scsi_device(9S)

ANSI Small Computer System Interface-2 (SCSI-2)

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Data Structures for Drivers scsi_inquiry(9S)

ANSI SCSI Primary Commands-3 (SPC-3)

Writing Device Drivers

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