Windows PowerShell command on Get-command sasinfo

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man sasinfo

System Administration Commands sasinfo(1M)


sasinfo - Serial Attached SCSI HBA port command line inter-



sasinfo hba [-v] [HBA_Name]...

sasinfo hba-port [-lvy] [-a HBA_Name] [HBA_port_nam]...

sasinfo expander [-vt] [-p HBA_port_Name] [Expander_SAS_Addr]...

sasinfo target-port [-s | -v] [Target_port_SAS_Addr]...

sasinfo logical-unit | lu [-v] [device_path]...

sasinfo [-V]

sasinfo [-?]


The sasinfo utility is a command line interface that col-

lects administrative information on Serial Attached SCSI-2

(SAS-2) host bus adapter (HBA) that supports the Storage

Management HBA API (SM-HBA). The utility reports attributes

of HBA ports and of expander devices and SCSI target devices that might be connected to those HBA ports.

sasinfo is implemented as a set of subcommands, described



The following subcommands are supported by sasinfo.


Lists information for the HBA referenced by the speci-

fied HBA_name. If HBA_name is not specified, all HBAs

on the host will be listed.


Lists information for the HBA port referenced by the

specified HBA_port_Name. If HBA_port_Name is not

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System Administration Commands sasinfo(1M)

specified, all HBA ports on the host will be listed. Note that HBA ports can be dynamically configured/unconfigured so that the number of HBA ports on an HBA can change as connections to target devices

are established. With no connections to a storage dev-

ice, no HBA port is configured. expander Lists hierarchical view of the expander referenced by

the specified Expander_SAS_Addr. If no argument is

specified, all expanders that are visible across all HBA ports on the host will be listed.


Lists information for those target ports referenced by

Target_port_SAS_Addr address. If no argument is speci-

fied, all target ports that are visible on the host will be listed.

logical-unit | lu

Lists the logical unit referenced by the specified

device_path. If device_path is not specified, all SAS

logical units will be listed, including the SAS Manage-

ment Protocol (SMP) target port. OPTIONS The following options are supported.

-?, --help

Displays usage information

-a, --hba HBA_Name

Retrieve HBA port information from the HBA_Name of an

HBA on the host. The -a option can only be used with the

hba-port subcommand.

-l, --phy-linkstat

Lists the link error statistics information for the phys on the HBA port referenced by the specified

HBA_port_Name or all HBA ports if no HBA port is

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System Administration Commands sasinfo(1M)

specified. This option is used only with the hba-port


-p HBA_port_SAS_Addr, --port HBA_port_SAS_Addr

Retrieve remote port information from the

HBA_port_SAS_Addr of the local HBA port on the host. The

-p option can be used only with the expander subcommand.

-s, --scsi

Lists SCSI attributes for target ports that are requested for display. This option is only used for the

target-port subcommand.

-v, --verbose

Display details on hardware information, such as SAS address, topology device, and so forth, based on which subcommand is invoked.

-V, --version

Displays the version information.

-y, --phy

Lists the phy information on the HBA port specified by

HBA_port_Name or all HBA ports if no HBA port is speci-

fied. This option is used only with the hba-port subcom-



Example 1 Listing All HBAs The following command lists all HBAs on the host.

# sasinfo hba

HBA Name: SUNW-pmcs-0

HBA Name: SUNW-pmcs-1

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Example 2 Listing All HBAs with Details The following command lists all HBAs on the host, along with

related details. Note that each HBA has two HBA ports con-

figured, with each HBA port connected to a storage device.

# sasinfo hba -v

HBA Name: SUNW-pmcs-0

Manufacturer: sun

Model: SAS Gen-2

Firmware Version: 1.1

FCode/BIOS Version: 1.1

Serial Number: 111-11111

Driver Name: smvsl Driver Version: 1.1 Number of HBA Ports: 2

HBA Name: SUNW-pmcs-1

Manufacturer: sun

Model: SAS Gen-2

Firmware Version: 1.1

FCode/BIOS Version: 1.1

Serial Number: 111-11111

Driver Name: smvsl Driver Version: 1.1 Number of HBA Ports: 2 Example 3 Listing All HBA Ports The following command lists all HBA ports on the host.

# sasinfo hba-port

HBA Name: SUNW-pmcs-0

HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c1 HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c2

HBA Name: SUNW-pmcs-1

HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c3 HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c4 Example 4 Listing all HBA Ports with Details The following command lists all HBA ports, with accompanying details.

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System Administration Commands sasinfo(1M)

# sasinfo hba-port -v

HBA Name: SUNW-pmcs-0

HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c1

Type: sas-device

State: online Local SAS Address: 5000c50000d756aa Attached Port SAS Address: 50800201a5a502bf Number of Phys: 4 HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c25000c50000d756cc

Type: sas-device

State: online Local SAS Address: 5000c50000d756aa Attached Port SAS Address: 50800201a5a503bf Number of Phys: 4

HBA Name: SUNW-pmcs-1

HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c3

Type: sas-device

State: online Local SAS Address: 5000c50000d756cc Attached Port SAS Address: 50800201a5a504bf Number of Phys: 4 HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c4

Type: sas-device

State: online Local SAS Address: 5000c50000d756cc Attached Port SAS Address: 50800201a5a505bf Number of Phys: 4 Example 5 Listing phy Information for All HBA Ports The following command lists phy information for all HBA ports.

# sasinfo hba-port -y

HBA Name: SUNW-pmcs-0

HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c1 Phy Information: Identifier: 0 State: enabled

HardwareLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit

ProgrammedLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit NegotiatedLinkRate: 3Gbit Identifier: 1 State: enabled

HardwareLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit

ProgrammedLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit NegotiatedLinkRate: 3Gbit Identifier: 2

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State: enabled

HardwareLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit

ProgrammedLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit NegotiatedLinkRate: 3Gbit Identifier: 3 State: enabled

HardwareLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit

ProgrammedLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit NegotiatedLinkRate: 3Gbit HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c2 Phy Information: Identifier: 4 State: enabled

HardwareLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit

ProgrammedLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit NegotiatedLinkRate: 3Gbit Identifier: 5 State: enabled

HardwareLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit

ProgrammedLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit NegotiatedLinkRate: 3Gbit Identifier: 6 State: enabled

HardwareLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit

ProgrammedLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit NegotiatedLinkRate: 3Gbit Identifier: 7 State: enabled

HardwareLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit

ProgrammedLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit NegotiatedLinkRate: 3Gbit

HBA Name: SUNW-pmcs-1

HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c3 Phy Information: Identifier: 0 State: enabled

HardwareLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit

ProgrammedLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit NegotiatedLinkRate: 3Gbit Identifier: 1 State: enabled

HardwareLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit

ProgrammedLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit NegotiatedLinkRate: 3Gbit Identifier: 2 State: enabled

HardwareLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit

ProgrammedLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit NegotiatedLinkRate: 3Gbit Identifier: 3 State: enabled

HardwareLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit

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ProgrammedLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit NegotiatedLinkRate: 3Gbit HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c4 Phy Information: Identifier: 4 State: enabled

HardwareLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit

ProgrammedLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit NegotiatedLinkRate: 3Gbit Identifier: 5 State: enabled

HardwareLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit

ProgrammedLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit NegotiatedLinkRate: 3Gbit Identifier: 6 State: enabled

HardwareLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit

ProgrammedLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit NegotiatedLinkRate: 3Gbit Identifier: 7 State: enabled

HardwareLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit

ProgrammedLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit NegotiatedLinkRate: 3Gbit Example 6 Listing phy Link Error Statistics for a Specific HBA Port The following command lists phy link error statistics for a particular port.

# sasinfo hba-port -ly /dev/cfg/c1

HBA Name: SUNW-pmcs-0

HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c1 Phy Information: Identifier: 0 State: enabled

HardwareLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit

ProgrammedLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit NegotiatedLinkRate: 3Gbit Link Error Statistics: Invalid Dword: 0 Running Disparity Error: 0 Loss of Dword Sync: 0 Reset Problem: 0 Identifier: 1 State: enabled

HardwareLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit

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ProgrammedLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit NegotiatedLinkRate: 3Gbit Link Error Statistics: Invalid Dword: 0 Running Disparity Error: 0 Loss of Dword Sync: 0 Reset Problem: 0 Identifier: 2 State: enabled

HardwareLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit

ProgrammedLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit NegotiatedLinkRate: 3Gbit Link Error Statistics: Invalid Dword: 0 Running Disparity Error: 0 Loss of Dword Sync: 0 Reset Problem: 0 Identifier: 3 State: enabled

HardwareLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit

ProgrammedLinkRate(Min/Max): 1.5Gbit/3Gbit NegotiatedLinkRate: 3Gbit Link Error Statistics: Invalid Dword: 0 Running Disparity Error: 0 Loss of Dword Sync: 0 Reset Problem: 0 Example 7 Listing Expanders Connected to an HBA Port The following command lists all expanders that are visible through the specified HBA port.

# sasinfo expander -p /dev/cfg/c1

HBA Name: SUNW-pmcs-0

HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c1 Expander SAS Address(Tier 1): 50800201a5a502bf Expander SAS Address(Tier 2): 50800201a5a50233 Expander SAS Address(Tier 2); 5000c5000d2da812 Expander SAS Address(Tier 1): 50800201a5a503bf Expander SAS Address(Tier 2): 50800201a5a502d2 Expander SAS Address(Tier 2); 5000c5000d2da823 Example 8 Listing Detailed Information on Expanders

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The following command lists detailed information on all expanders that are visible through the specified HBA port.

# sasinfo expander -v -p /dev/cfg/c1

HBA Name: SUNW-pmcs-0

HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c1 Expander SAS Address(Tier 1): 50800201a5a502bf OS Device Name: /dev/smp/expd0 State: online Expander SAS Address(Tier 2): 50800201a5a50233 OS Device Name: /dev/smp/expd2 State: online Expander SAS Address(Tier 2); 5000c5000d2da812 OS Device Name: /dev/smp/expd3 State: online Expander SAS Address(Tier 1): 50800201a5a503bf OS Device Name: /dev/smp/expd1 State: online Expander SAS Address(Tier 2): 50800201a5a502d2 OS Device Name: /dev/smp/expd3 State: online Expander SAS Address(Tier 2); 5000c5000d2da823 OS Device Name: /dev/smp/expd4 State: online Example 9 Listing Target Ports Attached to Expanders The following command lists all target ports that are attached to expanders connected to a specified HBA port.

# sasinfo expander -t -p /dev/cfg/c1

HBA Name: SUNW-pmcs-0

HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c1 Expander SAS Address(Tier 1): 50800201a5a502bf Target Port SAS Address: 50800201a5a504f1 Expander SAS Address(Tier 2): 50800201a5a50233 Target Port SAS Address: 50800201a5a502be Target Port SAS Address: 5000c5000d2da8b2 Expander SAS Address(Tier 2); 5000c5000d2da812 Target Port SAS Address: 50800201a5a502be Target Port SAS Address: 50800201a5a508b2 Expander SAS Address(Tier 1): 50800201a5a503bf Target Port SAS Address: 50800201a5a50421 Expander SAS Address(Tier 2): 50800201a5a502d2 Target Port SAS Address: 50800201a5a503be Target Port SAS Address: 5000c5000d2da7be Expander SAS Address(Tier 2); 5000c5000d2da823

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Target Port SAS Address: 50800201a5a503be Target Port SAS Address: 5000c5000d2da7be Example 10 Listing Target Port Information The following command lists all target ports discovered on the host.

# sasinfo target-port

Target Port SAS Address: 5000c5000bae4009 Target Port SAS Address: 5000c5000baef4b1 Target Port SAS Address: 5000c5000bae3fe1 Target Port SAS Address: 5000c5000bae49d9 Target Port SAS Address: 5000c5000bae36c5 Example 11 Listing Target Port Information with Topology Details The following command lists all target ports with the HBA port and expander that they are connected to.

# sasinfo target-port -v

Target Port SAS Address: 5000c5000bae4009 Type: SAS Device HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c7 Expander Device SAS Address: 500e004aaaaaaa3f HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c5 Expander Device SAS Address: 500e004aaaaaaa3f Target Port SAS Address: 5000c5000baef4b1 Type: SAS Device HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c7 Expander Device SAS Address: 500e004aaaaaaa3f HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c5 Expander Device SAS Address: 500e004aaaaaaa3f Target Port SAS Address: 5000c5000bae3fe1 Type: SAS Device HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c7 Expander Device SAS Address: 500e004aaaaaaa3f HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c5 Expander Device SAS Address: 500e004aaaaaaa3f Target Port SAS Address: 5000c5000bae49d9 Type: SAS Device HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c7 Expander Device SAS Address: 500e004aaaaaaa3f

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HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c5 Expander Device SAS Address: 500e004aaaaaaa3f Target Port SAS Address: 5000c5000bae36c5 Type: SAS Device HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c7 Expander Device SAS Address: 500e004aaaaaaa3f HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c5 Expander Device SAS Address: 500e004aaaaaaa3f Example 12 Listing Target Ports with SCSI Information

The following command lists all target port details, includ-

ing SCSI information for each target port.

# sasinfo target-port -s 5000c5000bae4009

Target Port SAS Address: 5000c5000bae4009 Type: SAS Device HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c7 Expander Device SAS Address: 500e004aaaaaaa3f LUN : 0 OS Device Name : /dev/rdsk/c6t5000C5000BAE400Bd0s2 Vendor: Sun Product: J4400 Device Type: Disk HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c5 Expander Device SAS Address: 500e004aaaaaaa3f LUN : 0 OS Device Name : /dev/rdsk/c6t5000C5000BAE400Bd0s2 Vendor: Sun Product: J4400 Device Type: Disk Example 13 Listing the Logical Units The following command lists the logical units on a host.

# sasinfo logical-unit

OS Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c4t50020F2300B4904Ed0s2 OS Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c4t50020F230000B4AFd0s2 Example 14 Listing Additional Information on Logical Units

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The following command displays additional logical unit

information using the -v option for device /dev/rmt/On.

# sasinfo lu -v

OS Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c4t50020F2300B4904Ed0s2 HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c1 Target Port SAS Address: 50020f2300b4904e LUN: 0 Vendor: Sun Product: J4400 Device Type: Disk OS Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c4t50020F230000B4AFd0s2 HBA Port Name: /dev/cfg/c1 Target Port SAS Address: 50020f230063100b LUN: 0 Vendor: Sun Product: J4400 Device Type: Disk


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Availability | system/storage/sasinfo |


| Interface Stability | Committed |




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