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Networking Services Library Functions rpc_gss_seccreate(3NSL)


rpc_gss_seccreate - create a security context using the

RPCSEC_GSS protocol



AUTH *rpc_gss_seccreate(CLIENT *clnt, char *principal, char *mechanism,

rpc_gss_service_t service_type, char *qop,

rpc_gss_options_req_t *options_req,

rpc_gss_options_ret_t *options_ret);


rpc_gss_seccreate() is used by an appliction to create a

security context using the RPCSEC_GSS protocol, making use

of the underlying GSS-API network layer.

rpc_gss_seccreate() allows an application to specify the

type of security mechanism (for example, Kerberos v5), the type of service (for example, integrity checking), and the Quality of Protection (QOP) desired for transferring data.


Information on RPCSEC_GSS data types for parameters may be

found on the rpcsec_gss(3NSL) man page.

clnt This is the RPC client handle. clnt may be

obtained, for example, from clnt_create().

principal This is the identity of the server princi-

pal, specified in the form service@host, where service is the name of the service the client wishes to access and host is the fully qualified name of the host where the

service resides - for example, mechanism This is an ASCII string which indicates which security mechanism to use with this data. Appropriate mechanisms may be found in the file /etc/gss/mech; additionally,

rpc_gss_get_mechanisms() returns a list of

supported security mechanisms (as null-

terminated strings).

service_type This sets the initial type of service for

the session - privacy, integrity, authenti-

cation, or none.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 29 Jun 2001 1

Networking Services Library Functions rpc_gss_seccreate(3NSL)

qop This is an ASCII string which sets the qual-

ity of protection (QOP) for the session. Appropriate values for this string may be

found in the file /etc/gss/qop. Addition-

ally, supported QOPs are returned (as null-

terminated strings) by


options_req This structure contains options which are

passed directly to the underlying GSS_API

layer. If the caller specifies NULL for this parameter, defaults are used. (See NOTES, below.)

options_ret These GSS-API options are returned to the

caller. If the caller does not need to see these options, then it may specify NULL for this parameter. (See NOTES, below.)


rpc_gss_seccreate() returns a security context handle (an

RPC authentication handle) of type AUTH. If

rpc_gss_seccreate() cannot return successfully, the applica-

tion can get an error number by calling rpc_gss_get_error().

FILES /etc/gss/mech File containing valid security mechanisms /etc/gss/qop File containing valid QOP values.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-


SunOS 5.11 Last change: 29 Jun 2001 2

Networking Services Library Functions rpc_gss_seccreate(3NSL)




| MT-Level | MT-Safe |


| Availability | system/library/security/rpcsec (32-bits)|


| | SUNWrsgx (64-bits) |



auth_destroy(3NSL), rpc(3NSL), rpc_gss_get_error(3NSL),

rpc_gss_get_mechanisms(3NSL), rpcsec_gss(3NSL), mech(4),

qop(4), attributes(5) ONC+ Developer's Guide

Linn, J. RFC 2743, Generic Security Service Application Pro-

gram Interface Version 2, Update 1. Network Working Group. January 2000. NOTES

Contexts may be destroyed normally, with auth_destroy().

See auth_destroy(3NSL)

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 29 Jun 2001 3

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