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Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man raidctl

System Administration Commands raidctl(1M)


raidctl - RAID hardware utility


raidctl -C "disks" [-r raid_level] [-z capacity] [-s stripe_size] [-f]


raidctl -d [-f] volume

raidctl -F filename [-f] controller...

raidctl -a {set | unset} -g disk {volume | controller}

raidctl -p "param=value" [-f] volume

raidctl -c [-f] [-r raid_level] disk1 disk2 [disk3...]

raidctl -l -g disk controller

raidctl -l volume

raidctl -l controller...

raidctl [-l]

raidctl -S [volume | controller]

raidctl -S -g disk controller

raidctl -h


The raidctl utility is a hardware RAID configuration tool

that supports different RAID controllers by providing a CLI

(command-line interface) to end-users to create, delete or

display RAID volume(s). The utility can also used to set

properties of a volume, assign hot-spare (HSP) disks to

volumes or controllers, and to update firmware/fcode/BIOS for RAID controllers.

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System Administration Commands raidctl(1M)

The raidctl utility requires privileges that are controlled

by the underlying file-system permissions. Only privileged

users can manipulate the RAID system configuration. If a

non-privileged user attempts to run raidctl, the command

fails with an exit status of 1.

The raidctl utility, as described in this man page, defines

a broad set of command line options to provide management

for full-featured RAID controllers. However, support for a

given option depends on two elements: o the presence of a software driver o the firmware level of the RAID device The dependency on a software driver is due to the design of

raidctl. The utility is built on a common library that

enables the insertion of plug-in modules for different

drivers. Currently, the Solaris operating system is shipped

with a plug-in for the mpt driver. This plug-in does not

support all of the raidctl options. On a given storage dev-

ice, options might be further limited by the device's firmware level.

The level of support for the various raidctl options cannot

be determined by raidctl. The user must rely on the documen-

tation for his RAID controller or hardware platform.

Currently, raidctl Currently, raidctl provides some level of

support for the following RAID controllers: o LSI1020 SCSI HBA o LSI1030 SCSI HBA o LSI1064 SAS HBA o LSI1068 SAS HBA All of the above HBAs are maintained by the mpt driver, on

X86-32/64 and SPARC platforms.

OPTIONS The following options are supported:

-C "disks" [-r raid_level] [-z capacity] [-s stripe_size]

[-f] controller

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System Administration Commands raidctl(1M)

Create a RAID volume using specified disks.

When creating a RAID volume using this option, the iden-

tity of the newly created volume is automatically gen-

erated and raidctl reports it to the user.

The argument specified by this option contains the ele-

ments used to form the volume that will be created. Ele-

ments can be either disks or sub-volumes, where disks

are separated by space(s) and a sub-volume is a set of

disks grouped by parenthesis. All disks should be in

C.ID.L expression (for example, 0.1.2 represents a phy-

sical disk of channel 0, target id 1, and logical unit

number 2). The argument must match the RAID level speci-

fied by the -r option, even if it's omitted. This means

the argument can only be: for RAID 0 At least 2 disks for RAID 1 Only 2 disks for RAID 1E At least 3 disks for RAID 5 At least 3 disks for RAID 10

At least 2 sub-volumes, each sub-volume must be

formed by 2 disks for RAID 50

At least 2 sub-volumes, each sub-volume must be

formed by at least 3 disks, and the disk amount in

each sub-volume should be the same

For example, the expression "0.0.0 0.1.0" means that the 2 specified disks form a RAID volume, which can either be a RAID 0 or a RAID 1 volume. "(0.0.0 0.1.0)(0.2.0

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System Administration Commands raidctl(1M)

0.3.0)" means that the first 2 disks and the last 2

disks form 2 sub-volumes, and that these 2 sub-volumes

form a RAID 10 volume. See the EXAMPLES section for more


The -r option specifies the RAID level of the volume

that will be created. Possible levels are 0, 1, 1E, 5,

10, 50. If this option is omitted, raidctl creates a

RAID 1 volume by default.

The -z option specifies the capacity of the volume that

will be created. The unit can be tera-bytes, giga-bytes,

or mega-bytes (for example, 2t, 10g, 20m, and so on). If

this option is omitted, raidctl calculates the maximum

capacity of the volume that can be created by the speci-

fied disks and uses this value to create the volume.

The -s option specifies the stripe size of the volume

that will be created. The possible values are 512, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k, 32k, 64k, or 128k. If this option is

omitted, raidctl chooses an appropriate value for the

volume (for example, 64k). In some cases, the creation of a RAID volume may cause data on specified disks to be lost (for instance, on

LSI1020, LSI1030, SAS1064, or SAS1068 HBAs), and raidctl

prompts the user for confirmation about the creation.

Use the -f option to force the volume creation without

prompting the user for confirmation. The controller argument is used to identify which RAID

controller the specified disks belongs. The -l option

can be used to list the controller's ID number.

-d [-f] volume

Delete the RAID volume specified as volume. The volume is specified in canonical form (for example, c0t0d0). When a volume is deleted, all data is lost. Therefore,

unless the -f option is specified, raidctl prompts the

user for confirmation before deleting the volume. When a RAID 1 volume is deleted from a LSI1020, LSI1030, SAS1064, or SAS1068 HBA, the primary and secondary disks are "split". If the volume was in SYNCING state, the primary will contain the data, and the secondary will not. If the volume state was OPTIMAL, both disks will contain a complete image of the data.

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System Administration Commands raidctl(1M)

-F filename [-f] controller...

Update the firmware running on the specified

controller(s). The raidctl utility prompts the user for

confirmation of this action, unless the -f option is


-a {set | unset} -g disk {volume | controller}

If the volume is specified, raidctl sets or unsets the

disk as a local hot-spare disk dedicated to the volume,

depending on the value specified by the -a option. If

the controller is specified, raidctl sets or unsets the

disk as a global hot-spare disk.

-p "param=value" [-f] volume

Change the property value for a given RAID volume. This option can be used to change cache write policy or to activate a volume. When changing the cache write policy,

param should be the string wp (SET_WR_POLICY), and value

can be either on or off. When used to activate a volume, param should be state and value should be activate.

Changing a RAID volume's property may affect the inter-

nal behavior of the RAID controller, so raidctl prompts

the user for a confirmation before applying the change,

unless the -f option is specified.

-c [-f] [-r raid_level] disk1 disk2 [disk3...]

Create a volume using the specified disks. This is an

alternative to the -C option with similar functionality.

This option is preserved for compatibility reasons, but only works with LSI1020, LSI1030, SAS1064, and SAS1068 HBAs to create RAID 0, RAID 1, or RAID 1E volumes. For

other HBAs, the user can only use the -C option.

The -r option can be used to specify the RAID level of

the target volume. If the -r option is omitted, raidctl

will create a RAID 1 volume. Disks must be specified in Solaris canonical format (for example, c0t0d0). Creating a RAID 1 volume with this option replaces the contents of disk2 with the contents of disk1. When the user creates a RAID volume with this option,

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System Administration Commands raidctl(1M)

the RAID volume assumes the identity of disk1. Other disks become invisible and the RAID volume appears as one disk. Creating a volume with this option is by default interactive. The user must answer a prompt affirmatively

to create the volume. Use the -f option to force the

volume creation without prompting the user for confirma-


-l -g disk controller

Display information about the specified disk of the given controller. The output includes the following information: Disk Displays the disk in C.ID.L expression disk. Vendor Displays the vendor ID string. Product Displays the product ID string. Capacity Displays the total capacity of the disk. Status Displays the current status of disk. The status can be either "GOOD" (operating normally), "FAILED"

(non-functional), or "MISSING" (disk not present).


Indicates if the disk has been set as a global hot-

spare disk, local hot-spare disk, or a normal one.

If it is a local hot-spare disk, all volumes which

this disk is assigned to are displayed.

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System Administration Commands raidctl(1M)


GUID string for the specified disk. This is an addi-

tional datum and might be unavailable in some cases.

-l volume

Display information about the specified volume. The out-

put includes the following information: Volume Displays volume in canonical format. Sub

Displays sub-volumes, if the specified volume is of

RAID 10 or RAID 50 volume. Disk Displays all disks that form the specified volume. Stripe Size Displays the stripe size of the volume. Status Displays the status of the specified volume, or the

sub-volumes or disks that form the specified

volume. For an inactive volume, the status should be INACTIVE; otherwise it can be OPTIMAL (operating

optimally), DEGRADED (operating with reduced func-

tionality), FAILED (non-functional), or SYNC (disks

are syncing). For a disk, the status can be GOOD, FAILED, or MISSING. Cache

Indicates whether the cache is applied to I/O write activities. The cache can be either "ON" or "OFF".

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System Administration Commands raidctl(1M)

RAID level Displays the RAID level. The RAID level can be either 0, 1, 1E, 5, 10, or 50.

-l controller ...

Display information about the specified controller(s). The output includes the following information: Controller Displays the RAID controller's ID number. Type Displays the RAID controller's product type.


Displays the controller's firmware version.


List all RAID related objects that the raidctl utility

can manipulate, including all available RAID controll-

ers, RAID volumes, and physical disks. The -l option can

be omitted. The output includes the following information: Controller Displays the RAID controller's ID number. Volume Displays the logical RAID volume name. Disk Displays the RAID disk in C.ID.L expression.

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System Administration Commands raidctl(1M)

-S [volume | controller]

Takes a snapshot of the RAID configuration information including all available RAID devices, RAID controllers, volumes, and disks. Each line of the output specifies a RAID device and its related information, separated by space(s). All volumes and disks belong to the last specified controller. The output lists the following information: Controller

Displays the controller ID number, and the con-

troller type string in double-quotation marks.

Volume Displays the RAID volume name, number of component disks, the C.ID.L expression of the component disks, the RAID level, and the status. The status can be either OPTIMAL, DEGRADED, FAILED, or SYNCING. Disk Displays the C.ID.L expression of the disk, and the status. The status can be either GOOD, FAILED, or

HSP (disk has been set as a stand-by disk).

If a volume or a controller is specified, a snapshot is only taken of the information for the specified volume or controller.

-S -g disk controller

Takes a snapshot of the information for the specified disk.


Print out the usage string.


Example 1 Creating the RAID Configuration

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System Administration Commands raidctl(1M)

The following command creates a RAID 0 volume of 10G on con-

troller 0, and the stripe size will be set to 64k:

# raidctl -C "0.0.0 0.2.0" -r 0 -z 10g -s 64k 0

The following command creates a RAID 1 volume on controller 2:

# raidctl -C "0.0.0 1.1.0" -r 1 2

The following command creates a RAID 5 volume on controller 2:

# raidctl -C "0.0.0 0.1.0 0.2.0" -r 5 2

The following command creates a RAID 10 volume on controller 0:

# raidctl -C "(0.0.0 0.1.0)(0.2.0 0.3.0)" -r 10 0

The following command creates a RAID 50 volume on controller 0:

# raidctl -C "(0.0.0 0.1.0 0.2.0)(0.3.0 0.4.0 0.5.0)" -r 50 0

Example 2 Displaying the RAID Configuration The following command displays all available controllers, volumes, and disks:

# raidctl -l

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System Administration Commands raidctl(1M)

Controller: 0 Controller: 2 Volume:c2t0d0 Disk: 0.0.0 Disk: 0.1.0 Disk: 0.2.0 Disk: 0.3.0(HSP) The following command displays information about controller 2:

# raidctl -l 2

Controller Type Fw_version


c2 LSI 1030

The following command displays information about the speci-

fied volume:

# raidctl -l c2t0d0

Volume Size Stripe Status Cache RAID Sub Size Level Disk


c2t0d0 10240M 64K OPTIMAL ON RAID5 0.0.0 5120M GOOD 0.1.0 5120M GOOD 0.2.0 5120M GOOD The following command displays information about disk 0.0.0 on controller 0:

# raidctl -l -g 0.0.0 0

Disk Vendor Product Firmware Capacity Status HSP


0.0.0 HITACHI H101473SCSUN72G SQ02 68.3G GOOD N/A GUID:2000000cca02536c

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System Administration Commands raidctl(1M)

Example 3 Deleting the RAID Configuration The following command deletes a volume:

# raidctl -d c0t0d0

Example 4 Updating Flash Images on the Controller The following command updates flash images on the controller 0:

# raidctl -F lsi_image.fw 0

Example 5 Setting or Unsetting a Hot-Spare Disk

The following command sets disk 0.3.0 on controller 2 as a

global hot-spare disk:

# raidctl -a set -g 0.3.0 2

The following command sets disk 0.3.0 on controller 2 as a

local hot-spare disk to volume c2t0d0:

# raidctl -a set -g 0.3.0 c2t0d0

The following command converts disk 0.3.0 on controller 2

from a global hot-spare disk to a normal one:

# raidctl -a unset -g 0.3.0 2

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System Administration Commands raidctl(1M)

The following command removes disk 0.3.0 from being a local

hot-spare disk from volume c2t0d0:

# raidctl -a unset -g 0.3.0 c2t0d0

Example 6 Setting the Volume's Property The following command sets the write policy of the volume to "off":

# raidctl -a set -p "wp=off" c0t0d0

Example 7 Creating Volumes with the -c Option

The following command creates a RAID 1 volume:

# raidctl -c c0t0d0 c0t1d0

The following command creates a RAID 0 volume:

# raidctl -c -r 0 c0t1d0 c0t2d0 c0t3d0

Example 8 Taking a Snapshot of the RAID Configuration The following command takes a snapshot of all RAID devices:

# # raidctl -S

1 "LSI 1030" c1t1d0 2 0.2.0 0.3.0 1 DEGRADED 0.2.0 GOOD 0.3.0 FAILED

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System Administration Commands raidctl(1M)

The following command takes a snapshot about volume c1t0d0:

# raidctl -S c1t0d0

c1t0d0 2 0.0.0 0.1.0 1 OPTIMAL The following command takes a snapshot about disk 0.1.0 on controller 1:

# raidctl -S -g 0.1.0 1

0.1.0 GOOD EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion. 1 Invalid command line input or permission denied. 2 Request operation failed.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-


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System Administration Commands raidctl(1M)




| Availability | SUNWcs |


| Interface Stability | Committed |



attributes(5), mpt(7D) System Administration Guide: Basic Administration WARNINGS Do not create raid volumes on internal SAS disks if you are

going to use the Solaris Multipathing I/O feature (also known as MPxIO). Creating a new raid volume under Solaris Multipathing will give your root device a new GUID which does not match the GUID for the existing devices. This will cause a boot failure since your root device entry in /etc/vfstab will not match. NOTES

The -z option is not supported on systems that use the mpt

driver and LSI RAID controllers.

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