Windows PowerShell command on Get-command qassociate

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man qassociate

Kernel Functions for Drivers qassociate(9F)


qassociate - associate STREAMS queue with driver instance







int qassociate(queue_t *q, int instance


Solaris DDI specific (Solaris DDI).


queue_t *q Pointer to a queue(9S) structure. Either the

read or write queue can be used.

int instance Driver instance number or -1.


The qassociate() function must be used by DLPI style 2 dev-

ice drivers to manage the association between STREAMS queues and device instances. The gld(7D) does this automatically on behalf of drivers based on it. It is recommended that the

gld(7D) be used for network device drivers whenever possi-


The qassociate() function associates the specified STREAMS

queue with the specified instance of the bottom driver in the queue. Upon successful return, the stream is associated with the instance with any prior association dissolved.

A DLPI style 2 driver calls qassociate() while processing

the DL_ATTACH_REQ message. The driver is also expected to

call this interface while performing stream associations through other means, such as ndd(1M) ioctl commands.

If instance is -1, the stream is left unassociated with any

hardware instance.

If the interface returns failure, the stream is not associ-

ated with the specified instance. Any prior association is left untouched.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 01 Feb 2007 1

Kernel Functions for Drivers qassociate(9F)

The interface typically fails because of failure to locate and attach the device instance. The interface never fails if

the specified instance is -1.


The qassociate() function can be called from the stream's

put(9E) entry point.


0 Success.

-1 Failure.


DLPI style 2 network driver DL_ATTACH_REQ code specifies:

if (qassociate(q, instance) != 0)

goto fail; The association prevents Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR) from detaching the instance.

DLPI style 2 network driver DL_DETACH code specifies:

(void) qassociate(q, -1);

This dissolves the queue's association with any device instance. DLPI style 2 network driver open(9E) code must call:

qassociate(q, -1);

This informs the framework that this driver has been modi-

fied to be DDI-compliant.


dlpi(7P), gld(7D), open(9E), put(9E), ddi_no_info(9F),


SunOS 5.11 Last change: 01 Feb 2007 2

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