Windows PowerShell command on Get-command projmod

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man projmod

System Administration Commands projmod(1M)


projmod - modify a project's information on the system


projmod [-n] [-A|-f filename | -]

projmod [-n] [-A|-f filename | -] [-p projid [-o]]

[-c comment] [-a|-s|-r] [-U user [,user]... ]

[-G group [,group]... ]

[ [-K name [=value [,value]...]...]]

[-l new_projectname] project


The projmod utility modifies a project's definition on the

system. projmod changes the definition of the specified pro-

ject and makes the appropriate project-related system file

and file system changes. OPTIONS The following options are supported:

-A Apply the project's resource

controls, as defined in the system's project database, to the project if it is active.

-a Specify that the users, groups,

attributes, or attribute values

specified by the -U, -G or -K

options should be added to the project, rather than replacing

the existing member or attri-

bute list.

-c comment Specify comment as a text

string. Generally, comment con-

tains a short description of the project. This information is stored in the project's /etc/project entry.

-f filename | - Specify the project file to

modify or validate or specify

input from stdin for valida-

tion. As noted under OPERANDS, if you do not specify a project

in a projmod command line,

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System Administration Commands projmod(1M)

projmod validates the argument

to -f. If you do not use this

option, the system project

file, /etc/project, is modi-


-G group [,group...] Specify a replacement list of

member groups of the project. When used in conjunction with

the -a or -r options, this

option specifies a list of groups to be added or removed from the project.

-K name[=value[,value...] Specify a replacement list of

project attributes for the pro-

ject. When used in conjunction

with the -a, -r, or -s options,

this option specifies a list of attribute values to be added, removed, or replaced in the project. Attributes must be delimited by semicolons (;).

Multiple -K options can be

specified to set, add, remove,

or substitute values on multi-

ple keys, such as:

-K key1=value1 -K "key2=(value2a),(value2b)"

Resource control attributes use parentheses to specify values for a key. Because many user shells interpret parentheses as special characters, it is best

to enclose an argument to -K

that contains parentheses with double quotes, as shown above

and in EXAMPLES, below. See

resource_controls(5) for a

description of the resource controls you can specify for a project.

-l new_projectname Specify the new project name

for the project. The

new_projectname argument is a

string consisting of characters from the set of alphabetic

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System Administration Commands projmod(1M)

characters, numeric characters,

period (.), underline (_), and

hyphen (-). The first character

should be alphabetic. An error message is written if these restrictions are not met. The project name must also be unique within the project file.

-n Syntax check. Check the format

of the existing system project file and modifications only. The contents of the existing project file, such as user names, group names, and resources that are specified in the project attributes are not checked.

-o This option allows the project

ID specified by the -p option

to be non-unique within the

project file.

-p projid Specify a new project ID for

the project. It must be a non-

negative decimal integer less than MAXUID as defined in param.h. This value must be unique within the project file

if the -o option is not speci-


-r Specify that the users, groups,

attributes, or attribute values

specified by the -U, -G or -K

options should be removed from the project, rather than replacing the existing member or attribute list.

-s Specify that the list of attri-

butes specified by the -K

option should have their values replaced. If the attributes do not exist, they are added as if the a option was used. This

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option has no effect the -U or

-G options.

-U user [,user...] Specify a replacement list of

member users of the project. When used in conjunction with

the -a or -r options, this

option specifies a list of users to be added or removed from the project. OPERANDS The following operands are supported: project An existing project name to be modified or displayed.

(none) If no operand is given, the project file is vali-

dated without modifying any project.


Example 1 Using the -K Option for Addition of an Attribute

Value Consider the following project(4) entry: salesaudit:111:Auditing Project::sales,finance: \

process.max-file-size=(priv,52428800,deny); \


The preceding would appear as one line in /etc/project. For

this and the following examples, the focus is on the attri-

butes field in the project entry. That is, the last field, the field following the last semicolon. The attributes field for the project salesaudit lists the following resource control:


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The following projmod command adds an action clause to the

preceding entry:

# projmod -a -K "task.max-lwps=(priv,100,deny)" salesaudit

...with the resulting attributes field in the entry for salesaudit:


Example 2 Using the -K Option for the Substitution of an

Attribute Value Assume an attributes field in a project(4) entry for the

project salesaudit that lists the following resource con-



The following projmod command substitutes the action clause

specified in the command for the action clauses in the preceding entry:

# projmod -s -K "task.max-lwps=(priv,500,signal=SIGSTOP)" salesaudit

...with the resulting attributes field in the entry for salesaudit:


Example 3 Using the -K Option for Removal of an Attribute


Assume an attributes field in a project(4) entry for a pro-

ject salesaudit that lists the following resource control:

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The following projmod command removes the first action

clause from the preceding entry:

# projmod -r -K "task.max-lwps=(priv,100,deny)" salesaudit

...with the resulting attributes field in the entry for salesaudit:


Example 4 Specifying Multiple Attribute Values Suppose you want to achieve the following resource controls for the project salesaudit:



The following projmod command adds these resource controls

for salesaudit:

# projmod -a -K "task.max-lwps=(priv,100,deny)" \

-K "process.max-file-size=(priv,50MB,deny)" salesaudit

...with the resulting attributes field in the entry for salesaudit:


In this example, note the effect of the use of the modifier

and scaling factor for the resource control process.max-

file-size. The specification in projmod:

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...becomes, in /etc/project:


That is, 50MB is expanded to 52428800. The modifiers, such as MB, and scaling factors you can use for resource controls

are specified in resource_controls(5).

Example 5 Binding a Pool to a Project The following command sets the project.pool attribute for the project sales.

# projmod -a -K project.pool=salespool sales

Example 6 Evaluating Input from stdin

The following command uses the -f option without a project

name operand to evaluate the contents of an NIS projects map.

# ypcat project | projmod -f -


In case of an error, projmod prints an error message and

exits with one of the following values: The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion. 2 The command syntax was invalid. A usage message for

projmod is displayed.

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3 An invalid argument was provided to an option.

4 The projid given with the -p option is already in use.

5 The project files contain an error. See project(4). 6 The project to be modified, group, user, or resource does not exist. 9 The project is already in use. 10 Cannot update the /etc/project file. FILES /etc/group System file containing group definitions /etc/project System project file /etc/passwd System password file /etc/shadow System file containing users' encrypted passwords and related information


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Availability | system/extended-system-utilities|


| Interface Stability | See below. |


Invocation is evolving. Human readable output is unstable.

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System Administration Commands projmod(1M)


groupadd(1M), groupdel(1M), groupmod(1M), projadd(1M), projdel(1M), useradd(1M), userdel(1M), usermod(1M),

passwd(4), project(4), attributes(5), resource_controls(5)


The projmod utility modifies project definitions only in the

local /etc/project file. If a network name service such as NIS or LDAP is being used to supplement the local files with

additional entries, projmod cannot change information sup-

plied by the network name service. However projmod verifies

the uniqueness of project name and project ID against the external name service.

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