Ioctl Requests prnio(7I)
prnio - generic printer interface
The prnio generic printer interface defines ioctl commands
and data structures for printer device drivers.prnio defines and provides facilities for five basic phases
of the printing process:o Identification - Retrieve device
information/attributeso Setup - Set device attributes
o Transfer - Transfer data to or from the device
o Cleanup - Transfer phase conclusion
o Abort - Transfer phase interruption
During the Identification phase, the application retrieves a set of device capabilities and additional information usingthe PRNIOC_GET_IFCAP, PRNIOC_GET_STATUS,
PRNIOC_GET_1284_DEVID commands.
During the Setup phase the application sets some interface attributes and probably resets the printer as described inthe PRNIOC_SET_IFCAP, PRNIOC_SET_TIMEOUTS and PRNIOC_RESET
sections. During the Transfer phase, data is transferred in a forward (host to peripheral) or reverse direction (peripheral to host). Transfer is accomplished using write(2) and read(2)system calls. For prnio compliant printer drivers, forward
transfer support is mandatory, while reverse transfer sup-
port is optional. Applications can also usePRNIOC_GET_STATUS and PRNIOC_GET_1284_STATUS commands during
the transfer to monitor the device state. The Cleanup phase is accomplished by closing the deviceusing close(2). Device drivers supporting prnio may set
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non-zero error code as appropriate. Applications should
explicitly close(2) a device before exiting and check errno value. The Abort phase is accomplished by interrupting the write(2) and read(2) system calls. The application can perform some additional cleanup during the Abort phase as described inPRNIOC_GET_IFCAP section.
IOCTLSPRNIOC_GET_IFCAP Application can retrieve printer inter-
face capabilities using this command. The ioctl(2) argument is a pointer touint_t, a bit field representing a set
of properties and services provided bya printer driver. Set bit means sup-
ported capability. The following values are defined:PRN_BIDI - When this bit is set, the
interface operates in a bidirectionalmode, instead of forward-only mode.
PRN_HOTPLUG - If this bit is set, the
interface allows device hot-plugging.
PRN_1284_DEVID - If this bit is set,
the device is capable of returning 1284 device ID (seePRNIOC_GET_1284_DEVID.)
PRN_1284_STATUS - If this bit is set,
the device driver can return device status lines (seePRNIOC_GET_1284_STATUS). Some devices
support this ioctl in unidirectional mode only.PRN_TIMEOUTS - If this bit is set the
peripheral may stall during the transfer phase and the driver can timeout and return from the write(2) and read(2) returning the number of bytes that have been transferred. IfPRN_TIMEOUTS is set, the driver sup-
ports this functionality and the timeout values can be retrieved andmodified via the PRNIOC_GET_TIMEOUTS
and PRNIOC_SET_TIMEOUTS ioctls. Oth-
erwise, applications can implement their own timeouts and abort phase.PRN_STREAMS - This bit impacts the
application abort phase behaviour. Ifthe device claimed PRN_STREAMS capa-
bility, the application must issue anI_FLUSH ioctl(2) before close(2) to
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dismiss the untransferred data. Only STREAMS drivers can support this capability.PRNIOC_SET_IFCAP This ioctl can be used to change inter-
face capabilities. The argument is apointer to uint_t bit field that is
described in detail in thePRNIOC_GET_IFCAP section. Capabilities
should be set one at a time; otherwise the command will return EINVAL. The following capabilities can be changed by this ioctl:PRN_BIDI - When this capability is
set, the interface operates in a bidirectional mode, instead offorward-only mode. Devices that sup-
port only one mode will not return error; applications should usePRNIOC_GET_IFCAP to check if the mode
was successfully changed. Because some capabilities may be altered as aside effect of changing other capa-
bilities, this command should be fol-
PRNIOC_GET_IFINFO This command can be used to retrieve
printer interface info string, which is an arbitrary format string usually describing the bus type. The argument is a pointer to structprn_interface_info as described below.
struct prn_interface_info {
uint_t if_len; /* length of buffer */
uint_t if_rlen; /* actual info length */
char *if_data; /* buffer address */
};The application allocates a buffer and sets if_data and
if_len values to its address and length, respectively. The
driver returns the string to this buffer and sets if_len to
its length. If if_len is less that if_rlen, the driver
must return the first if_len bytes of the string. The appli-
cation may then repeat the command with a bigger buffer.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 2 Jan 2002 3
Ioctl Requests prnio(7I)
Although prnio does not limit the contents of the interface
info string, some values are recommended and defined in
by the following macros: PRN_PARALLEL - Centronics or IEEE 1284 compatible devices
PRN_SERIAL - EIA-232/EIA-485 serial ports
PRN_USB - Universal Serial Bus printers
PRN_1394 - IEEE 1394 peripherals
Printer interface info string is for information only: no implications should be made from its value.PRNIOC_RESET Some applications may want to reset
the printer state during Setup and/or Cleanup phase usingPRNIOC_RESET command. Reset seman-
tics are device-specific, and in
general, applications using this command should be aware of the printer type.Each prnio compliant driver is
required to accept this request,although performed actions are com-
pletely driver-dependent. More
information on the PRNIOC_RESET
implementation for the particular driver is available in the corresponding man page and printer manual.PRNIOC_GET_1284_DEVID This command can be used to
retrieve printer device ID asdefined by IEEE 1284-1994.The
ioctl(2) argument is a pointer tostruct prn_1284_device_id as
described below.struct prn_1284_device_id {
uint_t id_len; /* length of buffer */
uint_t id_rlen; /* actual ID length */
char *id_data; /* buffer address */
};For convenience, the two-byte length field is not considered
part of device ID string and is not returned in the userbuffer. Instead, id_rlen value shall be set to (length - 2)
by the driver, where length is the ID length field value. Ifbuffer length is less than id_rlen, the driver returns the
first id_len bytes of the ID.
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The printer driver must return the most up-to-date value of
the device ID.PRNIOC_GET_STATUS This command can be used by applica-
tions to retrieve current device status. The argument is a pointer touint_t, where the status word is
returned. Status is a combination of the following bits:PRN_ONLINE - For devices that support PRN_HOTPLUG capabil-
ity, this bit is set when the device is online, other-
wise the device is offline. Devices without PRN_HOTPLUG
support should always have this bit set.PRN_READY - This bit indicates if the device is ready to
receive/send data. Applications may use this bit for an outbound flow controlPRNIOC_GET_1284_STATUS Devices that support
PRN_1284_STATUS capability accept
this ioctl to retrieve the device status lines defined in IEEE 1284 for use in Compatibility mode. The following bits may be set by the driver:PRN_1284_NOFAULT - Device is not
in error statePRN_1284_SELECT - Device is
selectedPRN_1284_PE - Paper error
PRN_1284_BUSY - Device is busy
PRNIOC_GET_TIMEOUTS This command retrieves current
transfer timeout values for the driver. The argument is a pointerto struct prn_timeouts as
described below.struct prn_timeouts {
uint_t tmo_forward; /* forward transfer timeout */
uint_t tmo_reverse; /* reverse transfer timeout */
};tmo_forward and tmo_reverse define forward and reverse
transfer timeouts in seconds. This command is only valid fordrivers that support PRN_TIMEOUTS capability.
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Ioctl Requests prnio(7I)
PRNIOC_SET_TIMEOUTS This command sets current transfer
timeout values for the driver. The argument is a pointer to structprn_timeouts. See PRNIOC_GET_TIMEOUTS
for description of this structure. This command is only valid fordrivers that support PRN_TIMEOUTS
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-
| Architecture | SPARC, IA ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
| Interface Stability | Committed ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
close(2), ioctl(2), read(2), write(2), attributes(5), ecpp(7D), usbprn(7D), lp(7D)IEEE Std 1284-1994
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