Windows PowerShell command on Get-command prctl

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man prctl

User Commands prctl(1)


prctl - get or set the resource controls of running

processes, tasks, and projects


prctl [-P] [-t [basic | privileged | system]]

[-n name [-srx] [-v value] [-e | -d action] [-p pid]]

[-i idtype] id...


The prctl utility allows the examination and modification of

the resource controls associated with an active process, task, or project on the system. It allows access to the basic and privileged limits and the current usage on the specified entity.

See resource_controls(5) for a description of the resource

controls supported in the current release of the Solaris operating system. OPTIONS

If none of the -s, -r, -x, -v, -d, or -e options are speci-

fied, the invocation is considered a get operation. Other-

wise, it is considered a modify operation. The following options are supported:

-d | -e action

Disables (-d) or enables (-e) the specified action on

the resource control value specified by -v, -t, and -p.

If any of the -v, -t, or -p options are unspecified,

they match any value, privilege, or recipient pid. For

example, specifying only -v modifies the first resource

control with matching value, matching any privilege and recipient pid. If no matching resource control value is

found, a new value is added as if -s were specified.


all This action is only available with -d.

It disables all actions. This fails on resource control values that have the deny global flag. deny Indicates that the resource control attempts to deny granting the resource to the process, task, project, or zone

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User Commands prctl(1)

on a request for resources in excess of the resource control value. deny actions can not be enabled if the

resource control has the no-deny global

flag. deny actions can not be disabled if the resource control has the deny global flag.

signal This action is only available with -d.

It deactivates the signal action. signal=signum In the signal=signum action, signum is

a signal number (or string representa-

tion of a signal). Setting a signal action on a resource control with the

no-local-action global flag fails. A

limited set of signals can be sent. See NOTES for additional details.

-i idtype

Specifies the type of the id operands. Valid idtypes are process, task, project, or zone. Also allowed are pid, taskid, projid, and zoneid. The default id type, if the

-i option is omitted, is process.

For a modify operation, the entity to which id operands are members is the target entity. For instance, setting

a project resource control on an -i process sets the

resource control on the project to which each given pro-

cess argument is a member. For a get operation, the resource controls are listed for all entities to which the id operands are members.

For example, -i task taskid lists the task, project, and

zone resource controls for the task, and for the project and zone to which that task is a member.

-n name

Specifies the name of the resource control to get or set. If the name is unspecified, all resource controls are retrieved.

-p pid

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User Commands prctl(1)

When manipulating (using -s, -r, -x, -d, or -e) a basic

task project, or zone resource control values, a reci-

pient pid can be specified using -p. When setting a new

basic resource control or controls on a task, project,

or zone, the -p option is required if the -i idtype

option argument is not process.


Display resource control values in space delimited for-



Replaces the first resource control value (matching with

the -t privilege) with the new value specified through

the -v option.


Set a new resource control value.

This option requires the -v option.

If you do not specify the -t option, basic privilege is

used. If you want to set a basic task, process, or zone

rctl, -p is required. If -e or -d are also specified,

the action on the new rctl is set as well. For compatibility with prior releases, this option is

implied if -v is specified, without any of -e, -d, -r,

or -x.

See resource_controls(5) for a description of unit

modifiers and scaling factors you can use to express large values when setting a resource control value.

-t [ basic | privileged | system ]

Specifies which resource control type to set. Unless the "lowerable" flag is set for a resource control, only invocations by users (or setuid programs) who have privileges equivalent to those of root can modify

privileged resource controls. See rctlblk_set_value(3C)

for a description of the RCTL_GLOBAL_LOWERABLE flag. If

the type is not specified, basic is assumed. For a get operation, the values of all resource control types, including system, are displayed if no type is specified.

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User Commands prctl(1)

-v value

Specifies the value for the resource control for a set

operation. If no value is specified, then the modifica-

tion (deletion, action enabling or disabling) is carried

out on the lowest-valued resource control with the given


See resource_controls(5) for a description of unit

modifiers and scaling factors you can use to express large values when setting a resource control value.


Deletes the specified resource control value. If the delete option is not provided, the default operation of

prctl is to modify a resource control value of matching

value and privilege, or insert a new value with the given privilege. The matching criteria are discussed more fully in setrctl(2).

If none of the -d, -e, -v, or -x options is specified, the

invocation is considered a get operation. OPERANDS The following operand is supported: id The ID of the entity (process, task, project, or zone) to interrogate. If the invoking user's credentials are unprivileged and the entity being interrogated possesses different credentials, the operation fails. If no id is specified, an error message is returned.


Example 1 Displaying Current Resource Control Settings

The following example displays current resource control set-

tings for a task to which the current shell belongs:

example$ ps -o taskid -p $$


example$ prctl -i task 8

136150: /bin/ksh



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User Commands prctl(1)

usage 8s

system 18.4Es inf none -


usage 39

system 2.15G max deny -


privileged 10.0K - deny -


usage 0B

privileged 508MB - deny -


privileged 8.19K - deny -


privileged 508MB - deny -


privileged 128 - deny -


privileged 128 - deny -


privileged 128 - deny -


usage 0B

privileged 508MB - deny -


usage 2

system 2.15G max deny -


usage 39

system 2.15G max deny -


usage 1

privileged 1 - none -


system 16.0EB max deny -


system 16.8M max deny -


system 16.8M max deny -


system 16.8M max deny -


system 2.15G max deny -


privileged 1 - none -


usage 0B

privileged 508MB - deny -

Example 2 Displaying, Replacing, and Verifying the Value of a Specific Control

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User Commands prctl(1)

The following examples displays, replaces, and verifies the value of a specific control on an existing project:

example# prctl -n project.cpu-shares -i project group.staff

project: 10: group.staff



usage 1

privileged 1 - none -

system 65.5K max none -

example# prctl -n project.cpu-shares -v 10 -r -i project group.staff

example# prctl -n project.cpu-shares -i project group.staff

project: 10: group.staff



usage 10

privileged 10 - none -

system 65.5K max none -

Example 3 Adjusting Resources

The following example uses the project.max-locked-memory


First, use id -p to find out which project the current shell

is a member of:

/home/garfield> id -p

uid=77880(garfield) gid=10(staff) projid=10(group.staff) Using the target project, identify the resource limit value before the change:

/home/garfield> prctl -n project.max-locked-memory -i project \

group.staff project 10: group.staff


privileged 256MB - deny -

system 16.0EB max deny -

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User Commands prctl(1)

current limit is 256 Megabytes.

Next, adjust the project.max-locked-memory limit to 300

Megabytes for the target project:

# prctl -n project.max-locked-memory -v 300M -r -i project group.staff

The resource limit value after the change shows a new value of 300 Megabytes:

# prctl -n project.max-locked-memory -i project group.staff

project 10:group.staff


usage 200MG

privileged 300MB - deny -

system 16.0EB max deny -

Example 4 Modifying CPU Caps for a Project

The prctl command can use the project.cpu-cap resource con-

trol (see resource_controls(5)) to set and modify CPU caps

for a project. (The same resource control can be used in the /etc/project file. See project(4)) The following command modifies the CPU cap to limit user.smith to three CPUs:

# prctl -r -t privileged -n project.cpu-cap -v 300 -i project user.smith

The prctl -r option, used above, is used to dynamically

change a CPU cap for a project or zone. For example, the following command will change the cap set in the preceding command to 80 percent:

# prctl -r -t privileged -n project.cpu-cap -v 80 -i project user.smith

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User Commands prctl(1)

To remove a CPU cap, enter:

# prctl -x -n project.cpu-cap $$

Example 5 Modifying CPU Caps for a Zone

The prctl command can use the zone.cpu-cap resource control

(see resource_controls(5)) to set and modify CPU caps for a

zone. (The same resource control can be manipulated using the zonecfg(1M) command.) The following command modifies the CPU cap to limit the global zone to 80 percent of a CPU:

# prctl -t privileged -n zone.cpu-cap -v 80 -i zone global

The cap can be lowered to 50% using:

# prctl -r -t privileged -n zone.cpu-cap -v 50 -i zone global

EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 Success. 1 Fatal error encountered. 2 Invalid command line options were specified. FILES /proc/pid/* Process information and control files


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-


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User Commands prctl(1)




| Availability | system/extended-system-utilities|


| Interface Stability | See below. |


The command-line syntax is Committed. The human-readable

output is Uncommitted. The parseable output is Committed.


rctladm(1M), zonecfg(1M), setrctl(2),

rctlblk_get_local_action(3C), project(4), attributes(5),


NOTES The valid signals that can be set on a resource control block allowing local actions are SIGABRT, SIGXRES, SIGHUP, SIGSTOP, SIGTERM, and SIGKILL. Additionally, CPU time related controls can issue the SIGXCPU signal, and file size related controls can send the SIGXFSZ signal.

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