Standards, Environments, and Macros pkcs11_tpm(5)
pkcs11_tpm - RSA PKCS#11 token for Trusted Platform Modules
The object implements the RSA PKCS#11 v2.20
specification using Trusted Computing Group protocols to talk to a TPM security device. This provider implements thePKCS#11 specification and uses the TCG Software Stack (TSS)
APIs in the SUNWtrousers package. Application developers should link to ratherthan link directly with See libpkcs11(3LIB).
The following cryptographic algorithms are implemented: RSA, SHA1, and MD5.All of the standard PKCS#11 functions listed in
libpkcs11(3LIB) are implemented except for the following:C_EncryptUpdate
The following RSA PKCS#11 v2.20 mechanisms are supported:
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Standards, Environments, and Macros pkcs11_tpm(5)
Per-User Initialization
The pkcs11_tpm provider can only be used on a system which
has a TPM device and which also has the SUNWtrousers package installed. If those prerequisites are met, users can create their own private tokens using pktool(1), which will allow them to perform operations using the TPM device and protecttheir private data with TPM-protected keys.
To prepare and initialize a user's TPM token, the following steps must be performed: 1. Initialize the token. 2. Set the SO (security officer) PIN. 3. Set the user's unique PIN. Initializing the token is done using the pktool(1) command as follows:$ pktool inittoken currlabel=TPM newlabel=tpm/myname
o By default, an uninitialized TPM is recognized by the name TPM. When a user initializes their ownprivate token, it can either be renamed to some-
thing else (for example, tpm/joeuser) or kept as TPM (in which case the newlabel argument would be omitted). o The user will have to supply the default SO PIN before being able to initialize his or her token. The default SO PIN is 87654321. It is changed in step 2, above.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 20 Mar 2009 2
Standards, Environments, and Macros pkcs11_tpm(5)
Once the token is initialized, the SO and user PINs must be changed from the default values. Again, pktool(1) is used to change these PIN values. Changing the SO PIN:$ pktool setpin token=tpm/joeuser so
The so option indicates that this "setpin" operation is to change the SO PIN and must be present. The user must thenenter the default SO PIN (87654321) and then enter (and con-
firm) a new PIN. Once the SO PIN is reset from the default, the user's unique PIN must also be changed. Changing the user's PIN:$ pktool setpin token=tmp/joeuser
The default PIN for a non-SO user is 12345678. The user must
enter the default PIN and then enter (and confirm) a new, unique PIN.The PIN provided for the pktool setpin operation or by cal-
ling C_Login() and C_SetPIN() functions can be any string of
characters with a length between 1 and 256 and no embedded nulls. Accessing the Token After a user initializes their token, they can begin using it with pktool(1) or by writing PKCS11 applications and locating the token using the name created above (tpm/joeuser in the examples above). Examples:$ pktool gencert token=tpm/joeuser -i
$ pktool list token=tpm/joeuser
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Standards, Environments, and Macros pkcs11_tpm(5) provides object storage in a filesystem-
specific token object storage area. Private objects are pro-
tected by encryption with private keys and can only be decrypted by loading the token's private key into the TPM and performing the decryption entirely in the TPM. The user's private key is generated by the TPM when the user sets their personal PIN (see above). The keys for both theSO and users are stored in the TSS persistent storage data-
base and are referenced by a unique UUID value. All user tokens have a unique SO key and unique user key so that the PINs for one user's token will not unlock private data in another user's token on the same machine. Each TPM is unique and the token keys created on one TPM maynot be used on another TPM. The token data is
all managed on the system where the TPM resides and may not be moved to other systems. If the TPM is reset and the SRK (Storage Root Key) is changed, all of the keys previously generated for that TPM will no longer be creates a private workspace to manage adminis-
trative files for each token created. By default, this areais created as /var/tpm/pkcs11/$USERNAME. However, users may
override this by setting the PKCS11_TPM_DIR environment
variable prior to initializing or using the token.RETURN VALUES
The return values for each of the implemented functions aredefined and listed in the RSA PKCS#11 v2.20 specification.
See FILES/var/tpm/pkcs11/USERNAME
User's default token object store.${PKCS11_TPM_DIR}
Alternate token object store.ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-
butes:SunOS 5.11 Last change: 20 Mar 2009 4
Standards, Environments, and Macros pkcs11_tpm(5)
| Interface Stability | Committed ||_____________________________|____________________________________|
| MT-Level | MT-Safe with Exceptions (see below)|
| Standard | PKCS#11 v2.20 |
Exceptions to MT-Safe attribute are documented in section
6.5.2 of RSA PKCS#11 v2.20.
pktool(1), cryptoadm(1M), libpkcs11(3LIB), attributes(5) TCG Software Stack (TSS) Specifications:https://www.trustedcomputinggroup. org/specs/TSS (as of the date of publication)
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