PILOT-LINK pilot-xfer(1)
pilot-xfer - Backup, sync, and restore databases from a Palm
handheld device. SECTIONpilot-link: Userland conduits
pilot-xfer [-p
] [-e ] [-b] [-u] [-s] tory> or pilot-xfer [-p
] [-r ] [-l] [-L] [-P] [-f
] [-d ] [-i ] [-m ] ... Use exactly one of -brsudfimlI; mix in -aexDPv, --rom and
This is the swiss-army-knife of the entire pilot-link suite.
pilot-xfer allows the user to install databases contained
in the standard .prc (Palm Resource Database), .pdb (Palm Record Database), and .pqa (Palm Query Application) formats onto a Palm, retrieve databases from the Palm, list the databases contained in a Palm, backup or restore all of the databases at once as well as many other powerful operations performed on a Palm handheld device. OPTIONSpilot-xfer options
Archive files which have been removed from the Palm toinstead of just deleting (unlinking) them. -a, --archive
Back up the Palm into the specified directory (which will be created if it does not already exist). 0.12.4 Last change: Copyright 1996-2007 FSF 1
PILOT-LINK pilot-xfer(1)
-b, --backup
Show information on available cards -C, --cardinfo
Permanently delete the specified database(s) by name (without extension). Obviously, be very careful with this one.--delete
Modify -l, -i or -f to use VFS dir instead of internal
storage (see examples section for usage)-D,
Reads a list of databases from
and prevents --backup, --sync, or --update from operating on the listed
database(s). A maximum of 100 databases can be excluded. Databases should be specified by name without the extension,as displayed with --list, in any order.
-e, --exclude=
Fetch each specified database out of the Palm into the current directory. Obsolete. Replaced by --rom in v0.12.
-F, --Flash
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PILOT-LINK pilot-xfer(1)
Install each specified file into the Palm. Wildcards are valid with this syntax and multiple files may be listed at once.-i, --install
[...] Note: the behavior of list has changed in version 0.12 and later List all the databases in the Palm, including OS-specific
native databases.-l, --list
Unsupported in 0.12 - see -l
-L, --Listall
Adds the records in each specified file into the correspond-
ing Palm database.-m, --merge
[...] Obsolete. Replaced by --with-os in v0.12 and later
-O, --Osflash
Purge any deleted data that haven't been cleaned up by a full synchronization (this is a safe operation, and will prevent your Palm from accumulating unused data if you delete records but aren't syncing with a PIM.) The onlyinformation you can lose is archived but un-synchronized
records.0.12.4 Last change: Copyright 1996-2007 FSF 3
PILOT-LINK pilot-xfer(1)
-P, --Purge
Installs all files contained in the named directory to the Palm. (Use this to restore your Palm after a hard reset has cleared and wiped its memory, using your backup directory as a baseline).-r, --restore
Modifies -b, -u, and s , to back up non-OS dbs from the
internal Flash ROM--rom
Backs up the Palm into the specified directory (which will be created if it does not already exist). Any Palm databases which have not been modified or created since the versions stored in the specified directory will not be backed up. NOTE: Any Palm databases which have been deleted will have their corresponding backup file removed.-s, --sync
Not supported in v0.12. No replacement. -S, --novsf
Modifies -b, -u, and s , to back up OS databases from
internal Flash ROM.--with-os
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PILOT-LINK pilot-xfer(1)
Backs up the Palm into the specified directory (which will be created if it does not already exist). Any Palm databases which have not been modified or created since the versions stored in the specified directory will not be backed up.-u, --update
This will back up the UnsavedPreferences.prc file from the Palm. Normally this file is not backed up by normal means(Palm recommends that you do not restore this file upon res-
toration of your device using --restore.
This also modifies the behavior of --backup, --sync, and
-I, --Illegal
Execute a shell command for intermediate processing. All commands will be done, from left to right on thecommand-line, before the connection to the Palm device is
made.-x, --exec=command
Conduit OptionsUse device file
to communicate with the Palm han- dheld. If this is not specified, pilot-xfer will look for
the $PILOTPORT environment variable. If neither are found,
pilot-xfer will print the usage information.
-p, --port
Display version of pilot-xfer and exit without connecting.
-v, --version
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PILOT-LINK pilot-xfer(1)
Help OptionsDisplay the help synopsis for pilot-xfer and exit without
connecting.-h, --help
Display a brief usage message and exit without connecting.--usage
The program will attempt to connect to a target Palm han-
dheld device and specified port and perform the requested options specified by the user on the commandline.EXAMPLES
To perform a full backup of your Palm handheld:# using long options
pilot-xfer --port /dev/pilot --backup $HOME/pilot/Backup
# or over IrDA, using short options
pilot-xfer -p /dev/ircomm0 -b $HOME/pilot/Backup
To restore that backup to a non-standard serial port (for
example, to a xcopilot or POSE session, assuming you have xcopilot or POSE configured properly for this operation, see the appropriate man pages for details on configuring your emulator):pilot-xfer -p /dev/ttyqe --restore $HOME/pilot/Backup
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PILOT-LINK pilot-xfer(1)
To fetch a file that is on your Palm handheld, such as the Palm Address Book database, you could do the following. This will connect to /dev/pilot and retrieve the records found in AddressDB and place them in a local file called AddressDB.pdb (Palm Record Database).pilot-xfer -p /dev/pilot --fetch AddressDB
This will connect to your Palm device and install the appli-
cation Foo (in Foo.prc) to your external storage card (typi-
cally an SD or MMC card) in the directory /Palm/Launcher on that card, using VFS.
pilot-xfer -p /dev/pilot -i Foo.prc -D /Palm/Launcher
AUTHORpilot-xfer written by Kenneth Albanowski. This manual page
was originally written by Kenneth Albanowski and David H. Silber. Completely rewritten by David A. Desrosiers. Updated for 0.12 by Neil Williams < linux@codehelp.co.uk > .BUGS
Known Bugs--backup will currently truncate/corrupt pdb/prc files if
the communication to the device is interrupted during sync (such as removing the Palm from the cradle, or a temporary network hiccup during a NetSync). Ideally, this should restore the original file, or delete the corrupted version and restore the original version back into place, but presently.. it does not. Reporting Bugs We have an online bug tracker. Using this is the only way to ensure that your bugs are recorded and that we can track them until they are resolved or closed. Reporting bugs viaemail, while easy, is not very useful in terms of accounta-
bility. Please point your browser tohttp://bugs.pilot-link.org: http://bugs.pilot-link.org and
report your bugs and issues there.0.12.4 Last change: Copyright 1996-2007 FSF 7
PILOT-LINK pilot-xfer(1)
COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; eitherversion 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later ver-
sion.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be use-
ful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied war-
POSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the FreeSoftware Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Bos-
ton, MA 02110-1301, USA.
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-
| Availability | SUNWpilot-link |
| Interface stability | Volatile ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
libpisock(3), libpisync(3), attributes(5)0.12.4 Last change: Copyright 1996-2007 FSF 8