PAM Library Functions pam_sm(3PAM)
pam_sm - PAM Service Module APIs
cc [ flag ...] file ... -lpam [ library ...]
PAM gives system administrators the flexibility of choosingany authentication service available on the system to per-
form authentication. The framework also allows new authenti-
cation service modules to be plugged in and made available without modifying the applications. The PAM framework, libpam, consists of an interface libraryand multiple authentication service modules. The PAM inter-
face library is the layer that implements the Application Programming Interface ( API ). The authentication service modules are a set of dynamically loadable objects invoked bythe PAM API to provide a particular type of user authentica-
tion. This manual page gives an overview of the PAM APIs for the service modules, also called the Service Provider Interface(PAM-SPI).
Interface Overview The PAM service module interface consists of functions which can be grouped into four categories. The names for all theauthentication library functions start with pam_sm. The only
difference between the pam_*() interfaces and their
corresponding pam_sm_*() interfaces is that all the
pam_sm_*() interfaces require extra parameters to pass
service-specific options to the shared modules. They are
otherwise identical. The first category contains functions to authenticate anindividual user, pam_sm_authenticate(3PAM), and to set the
credentials of the user, pam_sm_setcred(3PAM). These back-
end functions implement the functionality ofpam_authenticate(3PAM) and pam_setcred(3PAM) respectively.
The second category contains the function to do accountmanagement: pam_sm_acct_mgmt(3PAM). This includes checking
for password aging and access-hour restrictions. This back-
end function implements the functionality ofSunOS 5.11 Last change: 16 Mar 2005 1
PAM Library Functions pam_sm(3PAM)
The third category contains the functionspam_sm_open_session(3PAM) and pam_sm_close_session(3PAM) to
perform session management after access to the system hasbeen granted. These back-end functions implement the func-
tionality of pam_open_session(3PAM) and
pam_close_session(3PAM), respectively.
The fourth category consists a function to change authenti-
cation tokens pam_sm_chauthtok(3PAM). This back-end function
implements the functionality of pam_chauthtok(3PAM).
Stateful InterfaceA sequence of calls sharing a common set of state informa-
tion is referred to as an authentication transaction. An authentication transaction begins with a call topam_start(). pam_start() allocates space, performs various
initialization activities, and assigns an authentication handle to be used for subsequent calls to the library. Note that the service modules do not get called or initializedwhen pam_start() is called. The modules are loaded and the
symbols resolved upon first use of that function.The PAM handle keeps certain information about the transac-
tion that can be accessed through the pam_get_item() API.
Though the modules can also use pam_set_item() to change any
of the item information, it is recommended that nothing bechanged except PAM_AUTHTOK and PAM_OLDAUTHTOK.
If the modules want to store any module specific stateinformation then they can use the pam_set_data(3PAM) func-
tion to store that information with the PAM handle. The data should be stored with a name which is unique across all modules and module types. For example,SUNW_PAM_UNIX_AUTH_userid can be used as a name by the UNIX
module to store information about the state of user's authentication. Some modules use this technique to share data across two different module types.Also, during the call to pam_authenticate(), the UNIX module
may store the authentication status (success or reason for failure) in the handle, using a unique name such asSUNW_SECURE_RPC_DATA. This information is intended for use
by pam_setcred().
SunOS 5.11 Last change: 16 Mar 2005 2
PAM Library Functions pam_sm(3PAM)
During the call to pam_acct_mgmt(), the account modules may
store data in the handle to indicate which passwords have aged. This information is intended for use bypam_chauthtok().
The module can also store a cleanup function associated with the data. The PAM framework calls this cleanup function,when the application calls pam_end() to close the transac-
tion. Interaction with the User The PAM service modules do not communicate directly with the user; instead they rely on the application to perform all such interactions. The application passes a pointer to the function, conv(), along with any associated application datapointers, through the pam_conv structure when it initiates
an authentication transaction (by means of a call topam_start(). The service module will then use the function,
conv(), to prompt the user for data, output error messages,and display text information. Refer to pam_start(3PAM) for
more information. The modules are responsible for the local-
ization of all messages to the user. Conventions By convention, applications that need to prompt for a username should call pam_set_item() and set the value of
PAM_USER_PROMPT before calling pam_authenticate(). The ser-
vice module's pam_sm_authenticate() function will then call
pam_get_user() to prompt for the user name. Note that cer-
tain PAM service modules (such as a smart card module) mayoverride the value of PAM_USER_PROMPT and pass in their own
prompt. Though the PAM framework enforces no rules about themodule's names, location, options and such, there are cer-
tain conventions that all module providers are expected to follow. By convention, the modules should be located in the /usr/lib/security directory. Additional modules may be located in /opt//lib. Architecture specific libraries (for example, sparcv9 or amd64) are located in their respec-
tive subdirectories. For every such module, there should be a corresponding manual page in section 5 which should describe themodule_type it supports, the functionality of the module,
along with the options it supports. The dependencies shouldSunOS 5.11 Last change: 16 Mar 2005 3
PAM Library Functions pam_sm(3PAM)
be clearly identified to the system administrator. For exam-
ple, it should be made clear whether this module is astand-alone module or depends upon the presence of some
other module. One should also specify whether this module should come before or after some other module in the stack. By convention, the modules should support the following options:debug Syslog debugging information at LOG_DEBUG level.
Be careful as to not log any sensitive information such as passwords. nowarn Turn off warning messages such as "password is about to expire." If an unsupported option is passed to the modules, it shouldsyslog the error at LOG_ERR level.
The permission bits on the service module should be set such that it is not writable by either "group" or "other." Theservice module should also be owned by root. The PAM frame-
work will not load the module if the above permission rules are not followed.ERRORS
If there are any errors, the modules should log them usingsyslog(3C) at the LOG_ERR level.
The PAM service module functions may return any of the PAM error numbers specified in the specific man pages. It canalso return a PAM_IGNORE error number to mean that the PAM
framework should ignore this module regardless of whether it is required, optional or sufficient. This error number is normally returned when the module does not contribute to the decision being made by the PAM framework.ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for description of the following attri-
butes:SunOS 5.11 Last change: 16 Mar 2005 4
PAM Library Functions pam_sm(3PAM)
| Interface Stability | Committed ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
| MT-Level | MT-Safe with exceptions |
pam(3PAM), pam_authenticate(3PAM), pam_chauthtok(3PAM),
pam_get_user(3PAM), pam_open_session(3PAM),
pam_setcred(3PAM), pam_set_item(3PAM),
pam_sm_authenticate(3PAM), pam_sm_chauthtok(3PAM),
pam_sm_open_session(3PAM), pam_sm_setcred(3PAM),
pam_start(3PAM), pam_strerror(3PAM), syslog(3C),
pam.conf(4), attributes(5), pam_authtok_check(5),
pam_authtok_get(5), pam_authtok_store(5), pam_dhkeys(5),
pam_passwd_auth(5), pam_unix_account(5), pam_unix_auth(5),
NOTESThe interfaces in libpam are MT-Safe only if each thread
within the multithreaded application uses its own PAM han-
dle.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 16 Mar 2005 5