Windows PowerShell command on Get-command nlsrequest

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man nlsrequest

Networking Services Library Functions nlsrequest(3NSL)


nlsrequest - format and send listener service request mes-




int nlsrequest(int fildes, char *service_code);

extern int _nlslogt_errno;

extern char *_nlsrmsg;


Given a virtual circuit to a listener process (fildes) and a

service code of a server process, nlsrequest() formats and

sends a service request message to the remote listener pro-

cess requesting that it start the given service. nlsre-

quest() waits for the remote listener process to return a service request response message, which is made available

to the caller in the static, null-terminated data buffer

pointed to by _nlsrmsg. The service request response message

includes a success or failure code and a text message. The entire message is printable.


The success or failure code is the integer return code from

nlsrequest(). Zero indicates success, other negative values

indicate nlsrequest() failures as follows:

-1 Error encountered by nlsrequest(), see t_errno.

Positive values are error return codes from the listener process. Mnemonics for these codes are defined in . 2 Request message not interpretable. 3 Request service code unknown. 4 Service code known, but currently disabled.

If non-null, _nlsrmsg contains a pointer to a static, null-

terminated character buffer containing the service request

response message. Note that both _nlsrmsg and the data

buffer are overwritten by each call to nlsrequest().

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 14 Nov 2002 1

Networking Services Library Functions nlsrequest(3NSL)

If _nlslog is non-zero, nlsrequest() prints error messages

on stderr. Initially, _nlslog is zero.

FILES /usr/lib/ shared object


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| MT-Level | Unsafe |



nlsadmin(1M), t_error(3NSL), t_snd(3NSL), t_rcv(3NSL),

attributes(5) WARNINGS

nlsrequest() cannot always be certain that the remote server

process has been successfully started. In this case, nlsre-

quest() returns with no indication of an error and the caller will receive notification of a disconnect event by

way of a T_LOOK error before or during the first t_snd() or

t_rcv() call.

NOTES These interfaces are unsafe in multithreaded applications. Unsafe interfaces should be called only from the main thread.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 14 Nov 2002 2

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