Windows PowerShell command on Get-command netdir_getbyname

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man netdir_getbyname

Networking Services Library Functions netdir(3NSL)


netdir, netdir_getbyname, netdir_getbyaddr, netdir_free,

netdir_options, taddr2uaddr, uaddr2taddr, netdir_perror,

netdir_sperror, netdir_mergeaddr - generic transport name-

to-address translation


cc [ flag... ] file... -lnsl [ library...]


int netdir_getbyname(struct netconfig *config,

struct nd_hostserv *service, struct nd_addrlist **addrs);

int netdir_getbyaddr(struct netconfig *config,

struct nd_hostservlist **service, struct netbuf *netaddr);

void netdir_free(void *ptr, int struct_type);

int netdir_options(struct netconfig *config, int option, int fildes,

char *point_to_args);

char *taddr2uaddr(struct netconfig *config, struct netbuf *addr); struct netbuf *uaddr2taddr(struct netconfig *config, char *uaddr);

void netdir_perror(char *s);

char *netdir_sperror(void);


The netdir functions provide a generic interface for name-

to-address mapping that will work with all transport proto-

cols. This interface provides a generic way for programs to convert transport specific addresses into common structures and back again. The netconfig structure, described on the netconfig(4) manual page, identifies the transport.

The netdir_getbyname() function maps the machine name and

service name in the nd_hostserv structure to a collection of

addresses of the type understood by the transport identified in the netconfig structure. This function returns all addresses that are valid for that transport in the

nd_addrlist structure. The nd_hostserv structure contains

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 28 Jan 2005 1

Networking Services Library Functions netdir(3NSL) the following members:

char *h_host; /* host name */

char *h_serv; /* service name */

The nd_addrlist structure contains the following members:

int n_cnt; /* number of addresses */

struct netbuf *n_addrs;

The netdir_getbyname() function accepts some special-case

host names. The host names are defined in . The currently defined host names are:

HOST_SELF Represents the address to which local

programs will bind their endpoints.

HOST_SELF differs from the host name

provided by gethostname(3C), which represents the address to which remote programs will bind their endpoints.

HOST_ANY Represents any host accessible by this

transport provider. HOST_ANY allows

applications to specify a required ser-

vice without specifying a particular host name.

HOST_SELF_CONNECT Represents the host address that can be

used to connect to the local host.

HOST_BROADCAST Represents the address for all hosts

accessible by this transport provider. Network requests to this address are received by all machines.

All fields of the nd_hostserv structure must be initialized.

To find the address of a given host and service on all

available transports, call the netdir_getbyname() function

with each struct netconfig structure returned by getnetconfig(3NSL).

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Networking Services Library Functions netdir(3NSL)

The netdir_getbyaddr() function maps addresses to service

names. The function returns service, a list of host and ser-

vice pairs that yield these addresses. If more than one tuple of host and service name is returned, the first tuple contains the preferred host and service names:

struct nd_hostservlist {

int *h_cnt; /* number of hostservs found */

struct hostserv *h_hostservs;


The netdir_free() structure is used to free the structures

allocated by the name to address translation functions. The ptr parameter points to the structure that has to be freed.

The parameter struct_type identifies the structure:

struct netbuf ND_ADDR

struct nd_addrlist ND_ADDRLIST

struct hostserv ND_HOSTSERV

struct nd_hostservlist ND_HOSTSERVLIST

The free() function is used to free the universal address returned by the taddr2uaddr() function.

The netdir_options() function is used to do all transport-

specific setups and option management. fildes is the associ-

ated file descriptor. option, fildes, and pointer_to_args

are passed to the netdir_options() function for the tran-

sport specified in config. Currently four values are defined for option:





The taddr2uaddr() and uaddr2taddr() functions support trans-

lation between universal addresses and TLI type netbufs. The taddr2uaddr() function takes a struct netbuf data structure

and returns a pointer to a string that contains the univer-

sal address. It returns NULL if the conversion is not possi-

ble. This is not a fatal condition as some transports do not support a universal address form. The uaddr2taddr() function is the reverse of the taddr2uaddr() function. It returns the struct netbuf data

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 28 Jan 2005 3

Networking Services Library Functions netdir(3NSL) structure for the given universal address. If a transport provider does not support an option,

netdir_options returns -1 and the error message can be

printed through netdir_perror() or netdir_sperror().

The specific actions of each option follow.

ND_SET_BROADCAST Sets the transport provider up to

allow broadcast if the transport supports broadcast. fildes is a file descriptor into the transport,

that is, the result of a t_open of

/dev/udp. pointer_to_args is not

used. If this completes, broadcast operations can be performed on file descriptor fildes.

ND_SET_RESERVEDPORT Allows the application to bind to a

reserved port if that concept exists for the transport provider.

fildes is an unbound file descrip-

tor into the transport. If

pointer_to_args is NULL, fildes is

bound to a reserved port. If

pointer_to_args is a pointer to a

netbuf structure, an attempt is made to bind to any reserved port on the specified address.

ND_CHECK_RESERVEDPORT Used to verify that the address

corresponds to a reserved port if

that concept exists for the tran-

sport provider. fildes is not used.

pointer_to_args is a pointer to a

netbuf structure that contains the address. This option returns 0 only if the address specified in

pointer_to_args is reserved.

ND_MERGEADDR Used to take a ``local address''

such as a TCP address and return a ``real address'' to which client machines can connect. fildes

is not used. pointer_to_args is a

pointer to a struct nd_mergearg

which has the following members:

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Networking Services Library Functions netdir(3NSL)

char s_uaddr; /* server's universal address */

char c_uaddr; /* client's universal address */

char m_uaddr; /* the result */

If s_uaddr is an address such as, and the call is suc-

cessful m_uaddr is set to an

address such as

For most transports, m_uaddr is

identical to s_uaddr.


The netdir_perror() function prints an error message in

standard output that states the cause of a name-to-address

mapping failure. The error message is preceded by the string given as an argument.

The netdir_sperror() function returns a string with an error

message that states the cause of a name-to-address mapping


The netdir_sperror() function returns a pointer to a buffer

which contains the error message string. The buffer is overwritten on each call. In multithreaded applications,

thise buffer is implemented as thread-specific data.

The netdir_getbyaddr() function returns 0 on success and a

non-zero value on failure.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| MT-Level | Safe |



gethostname(3C), getnetconfig(3NSL), getnetpath(3NSL), netconfig(4), attributes(5)

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