User Commands mysql_50(1)
MySQL 5.0 - MySQL RDBMS version 5.0 for Solaris
MySQL version 5.0 for Solaris is delivered as part of Entire Distribution Software Group (SUNWCall), in the following 3 packages:____________________________________________________
| Package | Contents ||________________________|___________________________|_
| database/mysql-50 | MySQL 5.0 Server package|
| database/mysql-50/tests| MySQL 5.0 test package |
| | ||________________________|__________________________|
The MySQL 5.0 software for Solaris is installed into anumber of sub-directories of /usr/mysql/5.0. Symbolic links
are created from all directories under /usr/mysql/5.0 to
/usr/mysql directories. This enables the latest version of
MySQL to be accessed from /usr/mysql.
The database/mysql-50 package installs the following direc-
tories: SunOS 5.10 Last change: 1User Commands mysql_50(1)
| Directory | Contents ||________________________|___________________________________|_
| /usr/mysql/5.0/bin | Binaries and Scripts |
| /usr/mysql/5.0/lib | Libraries for client API |
| /usr/mysql/5.0/include | Development header files |
| /usr/mysql/5.0/lib | Shared libraries |
| /usr/mysql/5.0/man/man1| Manual pages for client programs|
| /usr/mysql/5.0/man/man8| Manual pages for server programs|
| /usr/mysql/5.0/share | Shared data:locale,timezone |
| /usr/mysql/5.0/docs | HTML documentation |
| | ||________________________|__________________________________|
The database/mysql-50 package also installs the following
64-bit directories
o /usr/mysql/5.0/bin/64 - 64-bit Binaries and scripts
o /usr/mysql/5.0/lib/64 - 64-bit libraries for client API
and shared libraries The following directories are additionally created bydatabase/mysql-50 package
| Directory | Contents ||____________________|__________________________________|_
| /var/mysql/5.0/data| Default database data directory|
| /etc/mysql/5.0 | Configuration file location |
| | ||____________________|_________________________________|
The database/mysql-50 package also installs the following
SMF files to facilitate automatic service management (refer to smf(5) and the SMF section below):/var/svc/manifest/application/database/mysql.xml
The database/mysql-50/tests package creates the following
directories: SunOS 5.10 Last change: 2User Commands mysql_50(1)
| Directory | Contents ||__________________________|______________________|_
| /usr/mysql/5.0/mysql-test| MySQL test programs|
| /usr/mysql/5.0/sql-bench | SQL Benchmark test |
| | ||__________________________|_____________________|
AUTOMATIC SERVICE MANAGEMENT (SMF) MySQL 5.0 for Solaris includes files necessary to register with the service management facility described in smf(5).After installation of the database/mysql-50 package, regis-
ter the MySQL service as under:example%svccfg import
The mysql:version_50 service is disabled by default. You can
check the status of the service by issuing the following command :example% svcs mysql
STATE STIME FMRIdisabled 14:27:09 svc:/application/database/mysql:version_50
Enable the mysql:version_50 service by issuing the following
command :example%svcadm enable mysql:version_50
The state of the service instance should change to "online", and the database server should be started :example% svcs mysql
STATE STIME FMRIonline 14:30:08 svc:/application/database/mysql:version_50
The 32-bit MySQL daemon runs by default. To start the 64-bit
server, execute the following commands:%svccfg
svc>select mysql:version_50
SunOS 5.10 Last change: 3User Commands mysql_50(1)
mysql/enable_64bit boolean false
mysql/enable_64bit boolean true
%svcadm refresh mysql:version_50
%svcadm enable mysql:version_50
The 64-bit server is initiated.
STATE STIME FMRIonline 15:00:08 svc:/application/database/mysql:version_50
Note -
By default, the mysql/enable_64bit property is set to
False. Set it True to start the 64-bit server.
To shutdown the database instance and prevent automatic res-
tart (for example during scheduled downtime for mainte-
nance), disable the SMF service by running:example% svcadm disable mysql:version_50
example% svcs mysql
STATE STIME FMRIdisabled 14:30:08 svc:/application/database/mysql:version_50
SunOS 5.10 Last change: 4User Commands mysql_50(1)
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-
| Availability | database/mysql-50, database/mysql-50/tests|
| Interface Stability| Uncommitted. ||____________________|____________________________________________|
smf(5), svcs(1), svcprop(1), svccfg(1), svcadm(1), mysql(1)
NOTES Source for MySQL 5.0 is available on REFERENCES
SunOS 5.10 Last change: 5