Windows PowerShell command on Get-command msgsnap

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man msgsnap

System Calls msgsnap(2)


msgsnap - message queue snapshot operation



msgsnap(int msqid, void *buf, size_t bufsz, long msgtyp);


The msgsnap() function reads all of the messages of type

msgtyp from the queue associated with the message queue

identifier specified by msqid and places them in the user-

defined buffer pointed to by buf.

The buf argument points to a user-defined buffer that on

return will contain first a buffer header structure:

struct msgsnap_head {

size_t msgsnap_size; /* bytes used/required in the buffer */

size_t msgsnap_nmsg; /* number of messages in the buffer */


followed by msgsnap_nmsg messages, each of which starts with

a message header:

struct msgsnap_mhead {

size_t msgsnap_mlen; /* number of bytes in the message */

long msgsnap_mtype; /* message type */


and followed by msgsnap_mlen bytes containing the message

contents. Each subsequent message header is located at the first byte following the previous message contents, rounded up to a

sizeof(size_t) boundary.

The bufsz argument specifies the size of buf in bytes. If

bufsz is less than sizeof(msgsnap_head), msgsnap() fails

with EINVAL. If bufsz is insufficient to contain all of the

requested messages, msgsnap() succeeds but returns with

msgsnap_nmsg set to 0 and with msgsnap_size set to the

required size of the buffer in bytes.

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System Calls msgsnap(2)

The msgtyp argument specifies the types of messages requested as follows: o If msgtyp is 0, all of the messages on the queue are read. o If msgtyp is greater than 0, all messages of type msgtyp are read. o If msgtyp is less than 0, all messages with type less than or equal to the absolute value of msgtyp are read.

The msgsnap() function is a non-destructive operation. Upon

completion, no changes are made to the data structures asso-

ciated with msqid.


Upon successful completion, msgsnap() returns 0. Otherwise,

-1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error.


The msgsnap() function will fail if:

EACCES Operation permission is denied to the calling pro-

cess. See Intro(2). EINVAL The msqid argument is not a valid message queue identifier or the value of bufsz is less than

sizeof(struct msgsnap_head).

EFAULT The buf argument points to an illegal address.


The msgsnap() function returns a snapshot of messages on a

message queue at one point in time. The queue contents can

change immediately following return from msgsnap().


Example 1 msgsnap() example

This is sample C code indicating how to use the msgsnap

function (see msgids(2)). void

process_msgid(int msqid)

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System Calls msgsnap(2)


size_t bufsize;

struct msgsnap_head *buf;

struct msgsnap_mhead *mhead;

int i;

/* allocate a minimum-size buffer */

buf = malloc(bufsize = sizeof(struct msgsnap_head));

/* read all of the messages from the queue */ for (;;) {

if (msgsnap(msqid, buf, bufsize, 0) != 0) {


free(buf); return; }

if (bufsize >= buf->msgsnap_size) /* we got them all */

break; /* we need a bigger buffer */

buf = realloc(buf, bufsize = buf->msgsnap_size);

} /* process each message in the queue (there may be none) */

mhead = (struct msgsnap_mhead *)(buf + 1); /* first message */

for (i = 0; i < buf->msgsnap_nmsg; i++) {

size_t mlen = mhead->msgsnap_mlen;

/* process the message contents */

process_message(mhead->msgsnap_mtype, (char *)(mhead+1), mlen);

/* advance to the next message header */

mhead = (struct msgsnap_mhead *)

((char *)mhead + sizeof(struct msgsnap_mhead) +

((mlen + sizeof(size_t) - 1) & ~(sizeof(size_t) - 1)));

} free(buf); }


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-


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System Calls msgsnap(2)




| MT-Level | Async-Signal-Safe |



ipcrm(1), ipcs(1), Intro(2), msgctl(2), msgget(2), msgids(2), msgrcv(2), msgsnd(2), attributes(5)

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