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System Administration Commands mount_hsfs(1M)


mount_hsfs - mount hsfs file systems


mount -F hsfs [generic_options]

[-o FSType-specific_options] [-O ] special | mount_point

mount -F hsfs [generic_options]

[-o FSType-specific_options] [-O] special mount_point


mount attaches an ISO 9660 filesystem (the High Sierra file system, hsfs, is a draft predecessor to ISO 9660, so the

name reflects the filesystem's history) to the file sys-

tem hierarchy at the mount_point, which is the pathname of

a directory. If mount_point has any contents prior to the

mount operation, these are hidden until the file system is unmounted.

If mount is invoked with special or mount_point as the

only arguments, mount will search /etc/vfstab to fill in

the missing arguments, including the FSType-

specific_options; see mount(1M) for more details.

The hsfs file system supports direct mounting of files con-

taining the file system as well as block devices. See mount(1M) and lofiadm(1M). A file system conforming to ISO 9660 can contain extensions that allow it to overcome limitations of the original ISO 9660:1988 (version 1) standard. The following types of extensions are supported by hsfs: Rock Ridge extensions This is the preferred type of extension as it allows file attributes, name length, and types equivalent to

those on other UNIX-style filesystems. Example of sup-

ported features are device special files, POSIX permis-

sions, symbolic links, and filenames of up to 255 bytes in length. Rock Ridge extensions also remove the ISO9660:1988 restriction on maximum nesting depth for directories (eight levels). hsfs automatically detects the presence of Rock Ridge extensions and uses them, unless mount options are specified to disable the use of Rock Ridge or to use a different extension.

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System Administration Commands mount_hsfs(1M)

ISO9660:1999 (version 2) extensions

The first version of ISO9660, released in 1988, sup-

ported only uppercase ASCII filenames of no more than 31 characters in length. ISO9660 version 2, released in 1999, provides an extension that allows filenames of at

least 207 bytes that can use UTF-8 characters and

removes the limitation on the nesting depth for direc-

tories. Unlike Rock Ridge, it does not provide support

for UNIX-style file types and file attributes. hsfs

automatically detects this extension and will use it for filename lookup if no Rock Ridge extensions are found on the media. Joliet extensions The Joliet extension was devised by Microsoft to allow

Unicode (UCS-2) long filenames with CDROM-based media.

It allows filename lengths of up to 110 Unicode charac-

ters and does not support UNIX-style file types and

attributes. hsfs falls back to using Joliet if such an extension is present and neither Rock Ridge nor ISO9660 version 2 extensions are found.

If filenames are longer than the 64 UCS-2 characters

officially allowed by Microsoft (that is, 110 Unicode

characters), they can translate to up to 330 UTF-8

octets. Filenames that translate to more than 255 UTF-8

octets will be truncated. OPTIONS


See mount(1M) for the list of supported options.


Specify hsfs file system specific options. If invalid options are specified, a warning message is printed and the invalid options are ignored. The following options are available: global | noglobal If global is specified and supported on the file system, and the system in question is part of a cluster, the file system will be globally visible on all nodes of the cluster. If noglobal is specified, the mount will not be globally visible. The default

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System Administration Commands mount_hsfs(1M)

behavior is noglobal. ro

Mount the file system read-only. This option is

required. rr | nrr Enable (rr) or disable (nrr) the use of Rock Ridge. rr is the default and need not be specified. If you use nrr and Rock Ridge extensions are present in the

file system, ignore them and search for other avail-

able extensions or fall back to plain ISO9660. vers2 | novers2 Enable or disable the use of ISO9660 version 2

extensions. If vers2 is specified and ISO9660 ver-

sion 2 extensions are available, hsfs will use ISO9660 version 2 even if the file system contains the preferred Rock Ridge extensions as well. If novers2 is specified, it will fall back to using either Joliet extensions or plain ISO9660 even if ISO9660 version 2 extensions are available. joliet | nojoliet Enable or disable the use of Joliet extensions. If

joliet is specified and Joliet extensions are avail-

able, hsfs will use them even if the file system contains the preferred Rock Ridge and/or ISO9660 version 2 extensions. If nojoliet is specified, it will fall back to using plain ISO9660. notraildot File names on High Sierra file systems consist of a proper name and an extension separated by a '.' (dot) character. By default, the separating dot is always considered part of the file's name for all

file access operations, even if there is no exten-

sion present. Specifying notraildot makes it optional to specify the trailing dot to access a file whose name lacks an extension. Exceptions: This option is effective only on file

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System Administration Commands mount_hsfs(1M)

systems for which Rock Ridge, ISO9660 version 2 or Joliet extensions are not active, either because

they are not present on the CD-ROM, or they have

been deliberately disabled via the nrr, novers2 and nojoliet option. If either extension is active, hsfs quietly ignores this option. nomaplcase

File names on High Sierra/ISO9660 CD-ROMs with no

extensions present should be uppercase characters only. By default, hsfs maps file names read from a

non-Rock Ridge disk to all lowercase characters.

nomaplcase turns off this mapping. The exceptions

for notraildot discussed above apply to noma-



Overlay mount. Allow the file system to be mounted over

an existing mount point, making the underlying file sys-

tem inaccessible. If a mount is attempted on a preex-

isting mount point without setting this flag, the mount will fail, producing the error: device busy.


Example 1 Mounting and Unmounting a DVD Image Directly The following commands mount and unmount a DVD image.

# mount -F hsfs /images/solaris.iso /mnt/solaris-image

# umount /mnt/solaris-image

FILES /etc/mnttab table of mounted file systems /etc/vfstab list of default parameters for each file system

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System Administration Commands mount_hsfs(1M)


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Availability | SUNWcs |



lofiadm(1M), mount(1M), mountall(1M), mount(2), mnttab(4), vfstab(4), attributes (5) NOTES If the directory on which a file system is to be mounted is a symbolic link, the file system is mounted on the directory to which the symbolic link refers, rather than on top of the symbolic link itself.

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