System Administration Commands monitor(1M)
monitor - SPARC system PROM monitor
BREAKinitial system power-on
exit from a client program, e.g., the Operating SystemDESCRIPTION
The CPU board of a workstation contains one or more EPROMs or EEPROMs. The program which executes from the PROMs isreferred to as "the monitor". Among other things, the moni-
tor performs system initialization at power-on and provides
a user interface. Monitor PromptThe monitor of earlier workstations was known as the SunMON
monitor and displayed the > for its prompt. See the SunMON
MONITOR USAGE section for further details.
Existing workstations use a monitor which is known as the
OpenBoot monitor. The OpenBoot monitor typically displays
ok as its prompt, but it may also display the > prompt under certain circumstances.If the 'auto-boot?' NVRAM parameter is set to 'false' when
the workstation is powered on, the system does not attemptto boot and the monitor issues its prompt. If 'auto-boot' is
set to 'true', the system initiates the boot sequence. The boot sequence can be aborted by simultaneously pressing twokeys on the system's keyboard: L1 and A (on older key-
boards), or Stop and A (on newer keyboards). Either a lower case a or an upper case A works for the keyboard abort sequence. If a console has been attached by way of one of the system's serial ports then the abort sequence can be accomplished by sending a BREAK. See tip(1).When the NVRAM 'security-mode' parameter has been turned on,
or when the value of the 'sunmon-compat?' parameter is true,
then the OpenBoot monitor displays the message: Type b
(boot), c (continue), or n (new command mode)SunOS 5.11 Last change: 24 Jul 2003 1
System Administration Commands monitor(1M)
and the > prompt appears.OPENBOOT PROM USAGE
Some of the more useful commands that can be issued from OpenBoot's ok prompt are described here. Refer to the book for a complete list of commands. HelpHelp for various functional areas of the OpenBoot monitor
can be obtained by typing help. The help listing provides a number of other key words which can then be used in the help command to provide further details. NVRAM Parameters Each workstation contains one or more NVRAM devices which contains unique system ID information, as well as a set ofuser-configurable parameters. The NVRAM parameters allow
the user a certain level of flexibility in configuring thesystem to act in a given manner under a specific set of cir-
cumstances. See eeprom(1M) for a description of the parameters and information regarding setting the parameters from the OS level.The following commands can be used at the OpenBoot monitor
to access the NVRAM parameters. printenv Used to list the NVRAM parameters, along with their default values and current values. setenv pn pv Used to set or modify a parameter. The pn represents the parameter name, and pv represents the parameter value.set-default pn Used to set an individual parameter back
to its default value.set-defaults Used to reset all parameters to their
default values. (Note that 'set-defaults'
only affects parameters that have assigned default values.) Security ParametersSunOS 5.11 Last change: 24 Jul 2003 2
System Administration Commands monitor(1M)
Newer OpenBoot monitors contain user interfaces that support
the storage and listing of keys for later use by client pro-
Lists the names of keys currently stored on a machine.set-security-key keyname [ keydata ]
Stores key data keydata in a key named keyname. Actual key data can be up to 32 bytes in length. The maximum length of keyname is 64 bytes, which allows for thehex-formatted ASCII used to present the key data. If
keydata is not present, keyname and its corresponding data is deleted. Hardware Checks and Diagnostics The following commands are available for testing or checkingthe system's hardware. If the 'diag-switch?' NVRAM parame-
ter is set to true when the system is powered on, then aPower-On Self Test (POST) diagnostic is run, if present,
sending its results messages to the system's serial port A.Not all of the commands shown are available on all worksta-
tions.test-all Run the diagnostic tests on each device
which has provided a self-test.
test floppy Run diagnostics on the system's floppy dev-
ice. test /memory Run the main memory tests. If the NVRAMparameter 'diag-switch?' is set to true,
then all of main memory is tested. If the parameter is false then only the amount ofmemory specified in the 'selftest-#megs'
NVRAM parameter is tested.test net Test the network connection for the on-
board network Monitor the network attached to the on-
board net controller.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 24 Jul 2003 3
System Administration Commands monitor(1M)
watch-net-all Monitor the network attached to the on-
board net controller, as well as the net-
work controllers installed in SBus Test the system's clock function.
System InformationThe following commands are available for displaying informa-
tion about the system. Not all commands are available on all workstations.banner Display the power-on banner.
.enet-addr Display the system's Ethernet address.
.idprom Display the formatted contents of the IDPROM.module-info Display information about the system's
processor(s).probe-scsi Identify the devices attached to the on-
board SCSI controller.probe-scsi-all Identify the devices attached to the on-
board SCSI controller as well as those devices which are attached to SBus SCSI Display a list of the device paths for
installed SCSI disk Display a list of the device paths for
installed display Display a list of the device paths for
installed Ethernet Display list of installed SBus devices.
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show-tapes Display a list of the device paths for
installed SCSI tape Display a list of the device paths for tty
devices. .traps Display a list of the SPARC trap types..version Display the version and date of the Open-
Boot PROM. Emergency Commands These commands must be typed from the keyboard, they do not work from a console which is attached by way of the serialports. With the exception of the Stop-A command, these com-
mands are issued by pressing and holding down the indicated keys on the keyboard immediately after the system has beenpowered on. The keys must be held down until the monitor
has checked their status. The Stop-A command can be issued
at any time after the console display begins, and the keys do not need to be held down once they've been pressed. TheStop-D, Stop-F and Stop-N commands are not allowed when one
of the security modes has been set. Not all commands are available on all workstations.Stop (L1) Bypass the Power-On Self Test (POST). This
is only effective if the system has been placed into the diagnostic mode.Stop-A (L1-A) Abort the current operation and return to
the monitor's default prompt.
Stop-D (L1-D) Set the system's 'diag-switch?' NVRAM
parameter to 'true', which places the sys-
tem in diagnostic mode. POST diagnostics, if present, are run, and the messages are displayed by way of the system's serial port A.Stop-F (L1-F) Enter the OpenBoot monitor before the moni-
tor has probed the system for devices. Issue the 'fexit' command to continue with system initialization.SunOS 5.11 Last change: 24 Jul 2003 5
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Stop-N (L1-N) Causes the NVRAM parameters to be reset to
their default values. Note that not all parameters have default values. Line Editor CommandsThe following commands can be used while the monitor is
displaying the ok prompt. Not all of these editing commands are available on all workstations.CTRL-A Place the cursor at the start of line.
CTRL-B Move the cursor backward one character.
ESC-B Move the cursor backward one word.
CTRL-D Erase the character that the cursor is currently
highlighting.ESC-D Erase the portion of word from the cursor's
present position to the end of the word.CTRL-E Place the cursor at the end of line.
CTRL-F Move the cursor forward one character.
ESC-F Move the cursor forward one word.
CTRL-H Erase the character preceding the cursor (also use
Delete or Back Space)ESC-H Erase the portion of the word which precedes the
cursor (use also CTRL-W)
CTRL-K Erase from the cursor's present position to the
end of the line.CTRL-L Show the command history list.
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CTRL-N Recall the next command from the command history
listCTRL-P Recall a previous command from the command history
list.CTRL-Q Quote the next character (used to type a control
character).CTRL-R Retype the current line.
CTRL-U Erase from the cursor's present position to the
beginning of the line.CTRL-Y Insert the contents of the memory buffer into the
line, in front (to the left) of the cursor. nvramrc The nvramrc is an area of the system's NVRAM where users may store Forth programs. The programs which are stored in the nvramrc are executed each time the system is reset, providedthat the 'use-nvramrc?' NVRAM parameter has been set to
'true'. Refer to the book for information on how to edit and use the nvramrc. Restricted MonitorThe command 'old-mode' is used to move OpenBoot into a res-
tricted monitor mode, causing the > prompt to be displayed.
Only three commands are allowed while in the restricted mon-
itor; the 'go' command (to resume a program which was inter-
rupted with the Stop-A command), the 'n' command (to return
to the normal OpenBoot monitor), and boot commands. The
restricted monitor's boot commands approximate the older
SunMON monitor's boot command syntax. If a 'security-mode'
has been turned on then the restricted monitor becomes the
default monitor environment. The restricted monitor may
also become the default environment if the 'sunmon-compat?'
NVRAM parameter is set to true. Not all workstations havethe 'sunmon-compat?' parameter.
The following commands are available systems with olderSunMON-based PROM:
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System Administration Commands monitor(1M)
Increment or decrement the current address and display the contents of the new location. ^C source destination n(caret-C) Copy, byte-by-byte, a block of length n from
the source address to the destination address. ^I program(caret-I) Display the compilation date and location of
program.^T virtual_address
(caret-T) Display the physical address to which
virtual_address is mapped.
b [ ! ] [ device [ (c,u,p) ] ] [ pathname ] [ arguments_list
] b[?] Reset appropriate parts of the system and bootstrap a program. A `!' (preceding the device argument) prevents the system reset from occurring. Programs can be loadedfrom various devices (such as a disk, tape, or Ether-
net). `b' with no arguments causes a default boot, either from a disk, or from an Ethernet controller. `b?' displays all boot devices and their devices. device one of le Lance Ethernet ie Intel Ethernet sd SCSI disk, CDROM st SCSI 1/4" or 1/2" tapeSunOS 5.11 Last change: 24 Jul 2003 8
System Administration Commands monitor(1M)
fd Diskette id IPI diskmt Tape Master 9-track 1/2" tape
xd Xylogics 7053 disk xt Xylogics 1/2" tape xy Xylogics 440/450 disk c A controller number (0 if only one controller), u A unit number (0 if only one driver), and p A partition. pathname A pathname for a program such as /stand/diag.arguments_list A list of up to seven arguments to
pass to the program being booted.c [virtual_address]
Resume execution of a program. When given,virtual_address is the address at which execution
resumes. The default is the current PC. Registers are restored to the values shown by the d, and r commands.d [window_number]
Display (dump) the state of the processor. The processor state is observable only after:SunOS 5.11 Last change: 24 Jul 2003 9
System Administration Commands monitor(1M)
o An unexpected trap was encountered.o A user program dropped into the monitor (by
calling abortent).o The user manually entered the monitor by typing
L1-A or BREAK.
The display consists of the following: o The special registers: PSR, PC, nPC, TBR, WIM, and Y o Eight global registers o 24 window registers (8 in, 8 local, and 8 out),corresponding to one of the 7 available win-
dows. If a Floating-Point Unit is on board,
its status register along with 32 floating-
point registers are also shown.window_number Display the indicated window_number,
which can be any value between 0 and 6, inclusive. If no window is specified and the PSR's current window pointercontains a valid window number, regis-
ters from the window that was activejust prior to entry into the monitor
are displayed. Otherwise, registers from window 0 are displayed.e [virtual_address][action] ...
Open the 16-bit word at virtual_address (default zero).
The address is interpreted in the address space defined by the s command. See the a command for a description of action.f virtual_address1 virtual_address2 pattern [size]
Fill the bytes, words, or long words fromvirtual_address1 (lower) to virtual_address2 (higher)
with the constant, pattern. The size argument can take one of the following values: b byte format (the default) w word formatSunOS 5.11 Last change: 24 Jul 2003 10
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l long word format For example, the following command fills the address block from 0x1000 to 0x2000 with the word pattern, 0xABCD: f 1000 2000 ABCD W g [vector] [argument]g [virtual_address] [argument]
Goto (jump to) a predetermined or default routine (firstform), or to a user-specified routine (second form).
The value of argument is passed to the routine. If thevector or virtual_address argument is omitted, the value
in the PC is used as the address to jump to. To set up a predetermined routine to jump to, a userprogram must, prior to executing the monitor's g com-
mand, set the variable *romp->v_vector_cmd to be equal
to the virtual address of the desired routine. Predeter-
mined routines need not necessarily return control tothe monitor.
The default routine, defined by the monitor, prints the
user-supplied vector according to the format supplied in
argument. This format can be one of:%x hexadecimal
%d decimal
g0Force a panic and produce a crash dump when the monitor
is running as a result of the system being interrupted, g4(Sun-4 systems only) Force a kernel stack trace when
the monitor is running as a result of the system being
interrupted, hDisplay the help menu for monitor commands and their
SunOS 5.11 Last change: 24 Jul 2003 11
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descriptions. To return to the monitor's basic command
level, press ESCAPE or q before pressing RETURN.i [cache_data_offset] [action]...
Modify cache data RAM command. Display and/or modifyone or more of the cache data addresses. See the a com-
mand for a description of action.j [cache_tag_offset] [action]...
Modify cache tag RAM command. Display and/or modify the contents of one or more of the cache tag addresses. See the a command for a description of action.k [reset_level]
Reset the system, where reset_level is:
0 Reset VMEbus, interrupt registers, video monitor
(Sun-4 systems). This is the default.
1 Software reset.2 Power-on reset. Resets and clears the memory. Runs
the EPROM-based diagnostic self test, which can
take several minutes, depending upon how much memory is being tested. kb Display the system banner.l [virtual_address][action]...
Open the long word (32 bit) at memory addressvirtual_address (default zero). The address is inter-
preted in the address space defined by the s command (below). See the a command for a description of action.m [virtual_address][action]...
Open the segment map entry that maps virtual_address
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(default zero). The address is interpreted in theaddress space defined by the s command. See the a com-
mand for a description of action. ne ni Disable, enable, or invalidate the cache, respectively.o [virtual_address][action]...
Open the byte location specified by virtual_address
(default zero). The address is interpreted in theaddress space defined by the s command. See the a com-
mand for a description of action.p [virtual_address][action]...
Open the page map entry that maps virtual_address
(default zero) in the address space defined by the s command. See the a command for a description of action.q [eeprom_offset][action]...
Open the EEPROM eeprom_offset (default zero) in the
EEPROM address space. All addresses are referenced from the beginning or base of the EEPROM in physical address space, and a limit check is performed to insure that no address beyond the EEPROM physical space is accessed. This command is used to display or modify configuration parameters, such as: the amount of memory to test during self test, whether to display a standard or custom banner, if a serial port (A or B) is to be the system console, etc. See the a command for a description of action.r [register_number]
r [register_type]
r [w window_number]
Display and/or modify one or more of the IU or FPUregisters. A hexadecimal register_number can be one of:
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0x00-0x0f window(0,i0)-window(0,i7),
0x16-0x1f window(1,i0)-window(1,i7),
0x20-0x2f window(2,i0)-window(2,i7),
0x30-0x3f window(3,i0)-window(3,i7),
0x40-0x4f window(4,i0)-window(4,i7),
0x50-0x5f window(5,i0)-window(5,i7),
0x60-0x6f window(6,i0)-window(6,i7),
0x70-0x77 g0, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7
0x78-0x7d PSR, PC, nPC, WIM, TBR, Y.
0x7e-0x9e FSR, f0-f31
Register numbers can only be displayed after an unex-
pected trap, a user program has entered the monitor
using the abortent function, or the user has entered themonitor by manually typing L1-A or BREAK.
If a register_type is given, the first register of the
indicated type is displayed. register_type can be one
of:f floating-point
g globalSunOS 5.11 Last change: 24 Jul 2003 14
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s specialIf w and a window_number (0-6) are given, the first in-
register within the indicated window is displayed. Ifwindow_number is omitted, the window that was active
just prior to entering the monitor is used. If the
PSR's current window pointer is invalid, window 0 is used. s [asi]) Set or display the Address Space Identifier. With noargument, s displays the current Address Space Identif-
ier. The asi value can be one of: 0x2 control space 0x3 segment table 0x4 Page table 0x8 user instruction 0x9 supervisor instruction 0xa user data 0xb supervisor data 0xc flush segment 0xd flush page 0xe flush context 0xf cache data u [ echo ]SunOS 5.11 Last change: 24 Jul 2003 15
System Administration Commands monitor(1M)
u [ port ] [ options ] [ baud_rate ]
u [ u ] [ virtual_address ]
With no arguments, display the current I/O device characteristics including: current input device, current output device, baud rates for serial ports A and B, an
input-to-output echo indicator, and virtual addresses of
mapped UART devices. With arguments, set or configurethe current I/O device. With the u argument (uu...),
set the I/O device to be the virtual_address of a UART
device currently mapped. echo Can be either e to enable input to be echoed to the output device, or ne, to indicate that input is not echoed. port Assign the indicated port to be the currentI/O device. port can be one of: a serial port A b serial port B k the workstation keyboard s the workstation screen
baud_rate Any legal baud rate.
options can be any combination of: i input o output u UARTSunOS 5.11 Last change: 24 Jul 2003 16
System Administration Commands monitor(1M)
e echo input to output ne do not echo input r reset indicated serial port (a and b ports only) If either a or b is supplied, and no options are given, the serial port is assigned for both input and output. If k is supplied with no options, it is assigned for input only. If s is supplied with no options, it is assigned for output only.v virtual_address1 virtual_address2 [size]
Display the contents of virtual_address1 (lower)
virtual_address2 (higher) in the format specified by
size: b byte format (the default) w word format l long word format Enter return to pause for viewing; enter another return character to resume the display. To terminate the display at any time, press the space bar. For example, the following command displays the contents of virtual address space from address 0x1000 to 0x2000 in word format: v 1000 2000 Ww [virtual_address][argument]
Set the execution vector to a predetermined or defaultroutine. Pass virtual_address and argument to that rou-
tine. To set up a predetermined routine to jump to, a userprogram must, prior to executing the monitor's w com-
mand, set the variable *romp->v_vector_cmd to be equal
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to the virtual address of the desired routine. Predeter-
mined routines need not necessarily return control tothe monitor.
The default routine, defined by the monitor, prints the
user-supplied vector according to the format supplied in
argument. This format can be one of:%x hexadecimal
%d decimal
xDisplay a menu of extended tests. These diagnostics per-
mit additional testing of such things as the I/O port
connectors, video memory, workstation memory and key-
board, and boot device paths.yc context_number
yp|s context_number virtual_address
Flush the indicated context, context page, or context segment.c flush context context_number
p flush the page beginning at virtual_address within
context context_number
s flush the segment beginning at virtual_address
within context context_number
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-
butes:SunOS 5.11 Last change: 24 Jul 2003 18
System Administration Commands monitor(1M)
| Architecture | SPARC ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
tip(1), boot(1M), eeprom(1M), attributes(5)SunOS 5.11 Last change: 24 Jul 2003 19