Data Structures for Drivers modldrv(9S)
modldrv - linkage structure for loadable drivers
Solaris DDI specific (Solaris DDI)DESCRIPTION
The modldrv structure is used by device drivers to export
driver specific information to the kernel. STRUCTURE MEMBERSstruct mod_ops *drv_modops;
char *drv_linkinfo;
struct dev_ops *drv_dev_ops;
drv_modops Must always be initialized to the address
of mod_driverops. This member identifies
the module as a loadable driver.drv_linkinfo Can be any string up to MODMAXNAMELEN char-
acters (including the terminating NULL character), and is used to describe themodule and its version number. This is usu-
ally the name of the driver and module ver-
sion information, but can contain other information as well.drv_dev_ops Pointer to the driver's dev_ops(9S) struc-
add_drv(1M), dev_ops(9S), modlinkage(9S)
Writing Device DriversSunOS 5.11 Last change: 5 Mar 2001 1