mediaLib Library Functions mlib_ImageZoomTranslateBlend(3MLIB)
mlib_ImageZoomTranslateBlend - image scaling with alpha
cc [ flag... ] file... -lmlib [ library... ]
mlib_status mlib_ImageZoomTranslateBlend(mlib_image *dst,
const mlib_image *src, mlib_d64 zoomx, mlib_d64 zoomy,
mlib_d64 tx, mlib_d64 ty, mlib_filter filter, mlib_edge edge,
mlib_blend blend, mlib_s32 alpha, mlib_s32 cmask);
The mlib_ImageZoomTranslateBlend() function will enlarge or
minify the source image by the X and Y zoom factors, with translation, and blend it with the destination image. It uses the following equation for coordinate mapping: xd = zoomx*xs + tx yd = zoomy*ys + ty where a point with coordinates (xs, ys) in the source imageis mapped to a point with coordinates (xd, yd) in the desti-
nation image.The center of the upper-left corner pixel of an image is
located at (0.5, 0.5).The alpha blending is closely combined with the interpola-
tion to achieve better performance. Part of alpha blendinghas to be performed before or together with the interpola-
tion if the source image has an alpha channel. In that case, the color components of each neighboring source pixel whichparticipates in the interpolation (src_r and etc.) have to
be pre-multiplied by the alpha component of the same source
pixel (src_a). After the interpolation, the overall alpha
(alpha), the interpolated source alpha (interp_a) and the
destination pixel's original alpha (dst_a, if any) are used
to blend the interpolated source pixel (with componentsinterp_r and etc.) with the destination pixel (with com-
ponents dst_r and etc.).
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mediaLib Library Functions mlib_ImageZoomTranslateBlend(3MLIB)
The MLIB_BLEND_GTK_SRC blending is similar to the SRC rule
of the Porter-Duff rules for image compositing. It is
defined by Cd = Cs Ad = As in general, and by the following formula for this function:if (interp_a != 0.0) {
if (dst_has_alpha) {
dst_r = interp_r/interp_a;
dst_g = interp_g/interp_a;
dst_b = interp_b/interp_a;
dst_a = interp_a;
} else {dst_r = interp_r;
dst_g = interp_g;
dst_b = interp_b;
dst_a = 1.0; // implied
} } else {dst_r = 0;
dst_g = 0;
dst_b = 0;
dst_a = 0;
blending is similar to the SRC_OVER rule of the Porter-Duff
rules for image compositing. It is defined byCd = Cs + Cd*(1 - As)
Ad = As + Ad*(1 - As)
in general, and by the following formula for this function:w = alpha*interp_a + (1 - alpha*interp_a)*dst_a;
if (w != 0.0) {dst_r = (alpha*interp_r +
(1 - alpha*interp_a)*dst_a*dst_r)/w;
dst_g = (alpha*interp_g +
(1 - alpha*interp_a)*dst_a*dst_g)/w;
dst_b = (alpha*interp_b +
(1 - alpha*interp_a)*dst_a*dst_b)/w;
dst_a = w;
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mediaLib Library Functions mlib_ImageZoomTranslateBlend(3MLIB)
dst_r = 0;
dst_g = 0;
dst_b = 0;
dst_a = 0;
}where alpha, src_a, interp_a and dst_a are assumed to be in
the range of [0.0, 1.0].For an image with 4 channels, the first or the fourth chan-
nel is considered the alpha channel if cmask equals 8 or 1, respectively. An image with 3 channels is considered to have no alpha channel, which is equivalent to having an alphachannel filled with all 1.0, or 0xff in case of MLIB_BYTE,
if the general formulas for blending shown above are used.Both src and dst must be of type MLIB_BYTE. They can have
either 3 or 4 channels. The src image cannot have width or height larger than 32767.PARAMETERS
The function takes the following arguments: dst Pointer to destination image. src Pointer to first source image. zoomx X zoom factor. zoomx > 0.0. zoomy Y zoom factor. zoomy > 0.0. tx X translation. ty Y translation. filter Type of resampling filter. It can be one of the following:MLIB_NEAREST
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mediaLib Library Functions mlib_ImageZoomTranslateBlend(3MLIB)
edge Type of edge condition. It can be one of the fol-
blend Type of alpha blending. It can be one of the fol-
alpha Overall alpha for blending. cmask Channel mask to indicate the alpha channel.RETURN VALUES
The function returns MLIB_SUCCESS if successful. Otherwise
it returns MLIB_FAILURE.
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-
butes:SunOS 5.11 Last change: 2 Mar 2007 4
mediaLib Library Functions mlib_ImageZoomTranslateBlend(3MLIB)
| Interface Stability | Committed ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
| MT-Level | MT-Safe |
mlib_ImageZoomTranslateTableBlend(3MLIB), attributes(5)
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